We know that theology is mostly bullshit. Adam and Eve are no different from Romulus and Remus or Izanagi and Izanami...

We know that theology is mostly bullshit. Adam and Eve are no different from Romulus and Remus or Izanagi and Izanami. Creation myths and the religions built upon them are not reliable depictions of universal construction.

Technology has rendered our gods obsolete. The intangible apparitions that we created to judge and govern are no longer needed because tangible machines have supplanted them. Everything that we do is recorded and contextualized.

Religion is evolving. What once was an expression of faith for the sake of mercy is now an expression of identity for the sake of status. Even atheists see value in going to church if it keeps their kids from turning into niggers.

Attached: which one.png (640x417, 13.13K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Esoteric Hitlerism, now fuck off and lurk two years.


Sage for slide thread, there are already ones in the catalog.

It'll never be mainstream enough.

Lighten up.

Checked for truth.

This. With a dash of Shinto-like ancestor worship.

Slide thread.

kek, no. You don't need to lie to people to preserve a culture unless the culture is built on lies. If people know right vs wrong and the reasons behind them, the burden is on them to behave.

Batman has arrived, ladies and gentlemen.

speaking of batman, how about marvelism, religion of soy

It gets harder to adopt this mantra when you are married with children. If I told my wife that our family is no longer going to church because "you don't need to lie to a people to preserve a culture," then things get ugly for me. If the only point of religion in the modern era is to keep degeneracy out of our individual lives and collective communities, then it has value.


Stay classy, bro.

Excuse me did you just assume their gender?

If your wife is a believer, then go ahead and keep going to church. Who cares? I'm not saying religion is bad. I'm saying it's not necessary to preserve a culture (unless, of course, that religion is inherently part of said culture. In which case, the obvious answer to your question is "whatever religion is part of the culture you wish to preserve").

Buddhism, the true ancient religion. For some reason I get the feeling that whites invented buddhism and spread it before being wiped out by a catacylsm. The swastika symbol appears everywhere and ancient depictions of buddhas had features found more commonly on whites rather than the shitskins that worship them.

This thread was made by the pagan schizo larper.

I like your argument, but it raises some questions.

Would religion make us, the Heritage Americans who are intimately aware of the Jewish Question, stronger?

If so, then what religion should we adopt, and can it be something as outlandish as "esoteric Hitlerism" in this modern era that families can follow it together?

Swing and a miss.

I'm a Christian and don't post much.


(((Alfred Rosenberg)))

Out of the choices listed in you graphic, Buddhism is the best one and the forth largest religious grouping in the world. There are many sects of Buddhism. If Constantine had converted the Roman Empire to Buddhism instead of Christianity, we would not be where we are with the mass cuckholdry. Look at Myanmar.

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Why exactly? I’m personally not a fan of it. I’m not that into the anatman philosophy and I think it takes the concept of desire too far. It claims to be the middle ground but then rejects all desire, instead of recognizing some level of desire is good.

Buddhism is to Hinduism as Christianity is to Judaism. Hinduism is much older.
Highly unlikely, although the Greeks in the region known as Greco-Bactria practiced it shortly after Alexander the Great died. This causes it to spread back to the mainland of Greece. So it has certainly had its influence on European antiquity.

I don’t think it matters. I’m personally exploring paganism but I really don’t think the anti degeneracy you seek is going to come solely from any religion. You got catholic priests raping little boys, Christian evangelicals are the biggest group of zionists in the US, tons of churches aid in immigration, most religions in general tend to be pozzed and push a “message of peace”. It’s more about the particular group/parish practicing and less about the specific religion itself

I don't think a common religion is as important as a common philosophy. Teachings and practices don't have to be packaged along with fairytales.

This is true. I prefer Orthodox Christianity over any other sect of that religion because of its undiluted traditions. Molding religion around a particular philosophy may be the best solution to the problem that we currently face.

I agree, but the concept of god is never going to die, and neither are organized systems of belief. A socially acceptable fusion of religion and philosophy that is tailored to us would be very useful. If we cannot create something like that, then we should co-opt a religion with tenants that most closely adhere to ours.

If you're looking for something families can participate in together or a congregation of some sort: maybe instead of reading about invisible sky wizards, you could get together and teach/learn useful skills. Like minded individuals could bring their families together and work on cars. Maybe you could do some gardening. Teach them basic computer maintenance or how to sew. Maybe build stuff together. Instead of a place of worship, gather at a place of learning.

Yay. What is yours, user.
Oh, you are a materialist jew. Nevermind.

What a faggot you are. You children should not reproduce with europeans.

It still revolves around worshiping jews. Nothing is worse than that and believing a jew offers anything but poison.
Your separation of religion and philosophy is a healthy sign, but it requires knowing how that separation began. Abrahamic religions (all forms of christianity, judaism, and islam) are dogmas and require enforcement of suppression of certain behaviors and ideas. Philosophy requires logic, and logic requires evidence.

Here's a way to illustrate this best. Zig Forums has already become a religion in a non-abrahamic sense. Zig Forums requires evidence, the testing of logic, and adherence to 1488. How does that last part fit? Because logically it makes perfect sense to want to preserve your people by securing a future for white children.

The best way to handle this is to mold normalfags to Zig Forums's ideals and not a false "religion" such as those that are abrahamic. Jews have relied on their religions to control people. White religions extend as far as LARPs, and thus allow freedom, and yet have managed to be the most intelligent, healthiest of mind and body, and and accomplished people - because the religion was not a jewish-tier restrictive dogma. Make normalfags follow Zig Forums by proxy. It's that simple.

Fedora tipper detected.

I don't take my family to church because I wholeheartedly believe in kike fables. I take them to church because it is filled with clean-cut whites who support each other, practice discipline, and have a better sense of morality than what the poz'd Hollywood faggots are pushing on everyone these days.

All the activities that you mentioned are great, but none of them foster the sense of community that you get from going to church. That is why religion is so important, and it behooves us to acknowledge its value. When you start to date and eventually face the prospect of having kids, you will understand.

Historical ignorance gets tiresome to deal with.
Vedic religion including Buddhism is Aryan in origin, but over time the upper classes, the Brahmins mixed despite the caste system, with the lower castes. Buddha was a Brahmin and had blue eyes. Some early buddhists were redheads.

I agree with the no desire issue, but it can be managed. Think of Japan. Buddhism as the background of society works. Also, there are many sects of Buddhism as I said, and this issue of excessive asceticism can be worked around.

The point of the activities i mentioned isn't really the activities themselves. The learning of useful skills is a great bonus, but the real value is the congregation of like minds, precisely the same value you find in religion. The difference is, instead of the exchange of ideas coming in the form of a preacher shouting at you as you sit idly in a chair, the exchange occurs as chatter while you're sticking shovels in the ground.

I really don't agree with the idea that religion is bullshit. Every time somebody tries to discredit religion, religion shows itself as a powerful and useful tool for survival. It seems to be the only way to preserv our past history when REAL shit hits the great fan.

Something you probably never think about: our species have 120k years of existence in the present form. It's nonsense to believe that we were the same individuals all along and all we were able to do was paint cave walls and make stone arrows and then SUDDENLY we had the idea of finding a way to write oral tradition. Oh, hell no. We as a species have had civilization reset for numerous times in the past, and will have again soon. Just look for Graham Hancock and the recent finding of the Greenland crater.

And I must remember all of you guys that religion is the base for our very culture: science, law, philosophy (which is the underlying base of everything we know as technology and civilization) were impossible without religion.

Not everything is bullshit, not everything is kike and jewish and mudslime shit. We got to go out of the beginner's paranoia and learn to filter.

This was a tool that was necessary back in the days people thought urine was a great mouthwash & witches could hide by turning into cats.
Now, not so much. There's so many logical holes in established religions that trying to enforce conformity of thought with them just makes us collectively dumber. We need codes of morality enforceable by death that are based in the reality we can actually see & interact with.

why it's lie? I consider preserving the values that root our society as lie.

Better to worship trees and nature, than fucking sand in the desert shithole.

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there's no culture without a religion associated to it. Read some Jung and you'll get a more 'scientific'/empiric approach to religion, if you like.

Btw, Jungian theories explains MUCH of what we're seeing today in this SJW shit and the very existence of Zig Forums opposing it.

It will never make any fucking sense to me that worship of the fucking thing we actually know to keep us alive & be responsible for our existence, in reality, when no other planet we know of after hundreds of years of astronomy is anything like it, gets fucking laughed off in favor of shit we can not even prove exists.

Grow up, bro.

It's a little more complex than that. Yeshua was a reformer who tried to rebuke a kike nation that had already gone off the rails with its usury and xenophobia. I respect the star of Christianity because of what he represents, not because some claim he rose from the dead.

Nevertheless, Christianity is a Jewish religion, and I do see problems with that. In spite of those problems, I have not found a better alternative for Western families who want a safe bet for raising their kids in a community. Every other religion is full of degenerates.

I'm not saying that religion is true, because the majority of it is most certainly de facto bullshit. We can definitely call Zig Forums a religion, but I can't take my family to it because it isn't socially acceptable and has no physical presence. We need a church that represents us, though.

Which religions are you referring to?


We're in agreement, bro. You just have to read the rest of my post. It's all about picking the right religion for people like us.

What's best than rotting something that's useful and relevant, from a jewish point of view? Let's plague their religion, why not?

…Nah. SGI is like the Buddhist version of the Catholic church.

So gutting it of the semitic trash and only keeping the viable values?

I know, I read it. I'm just adding info.

Read Evola's Doctrine of Awakening.

This would be very useful. I would stand up and applaud if a modern male preacher with full credentials stood at the pulpit one Sunday and made the case for Paul being a full-of-shit usurper and Jesus being a symbol for something much greater than what is usually spoken of in sanctuaries. We could call it The Great Realignment.

are you unironically retarded?

And you guys quit this atheistic bullshit and believe something, ok? All this stuff of 'christianity is a bunch of fairy tales, science rocks' was planted by some jew scientists, like Sagan, who in every book I've read picture the church against science, christians against progress and so on. The spread of atheism is done by the jews, haven't anybody here read the protocols? Go look for how jews have shaped our society and who they are and clean yourselves of it.

Fairy tales didn't just become fairy tales for no reason user. Fairies are part of the traditional Celtic faith.

Yes. Just keeping most of what Jesus himself spoke, and removing everything else + a deistic national-socialism.


But it has been tried before. Buddhism is an actually living tradition, and originally Aryan, which is why it is the best. A Buddhist lineage from Japan might be what is needed.

Zen is a mix of Mahayana and Taoism. Theravada is closer to the original teachings. Just make sure to vet anyone you read from especially if they are western. Once a jew, always a jew, even if they wear the ochre robe.

As someone who’s brain as been shaped by our technological society, a STEM degree and well read man, this is what I’ve come to know in my 20 or so years of existence.

Civilization is against all that is natural
Civilization is uncontrollable and at best, those ((few)) with power to affect it aren’t capable of getting it right according to their plan everytime.
Technological advancement is innevitable in civilizations, so is the way individual freedom is more and more restricted, technological advancement introduces unforeseen changes in civilization, and these changes have other consequences and so on and so on… hence no one, can effectively have 100% control of the game.
Religion is a mechanism to control, and here I refer to mostly monotheistic religions, all religions from the Middle East are control and civilizational algorithms.
Science killed god, the algorithm doesn’t work anymore, not for me, and it won’t ever, I felt in my body and mind the affects of this realization, most sheep never get to feel that way, but those that feel it’s implications are in for a rabbit hole if their inteligence and character so allows it.
Everything is a cope against the tragedy of being conscious, most of our concerns are abstract and as real as “god”

Any religion that’s not based on BLOOD and SOIL and on these two very real and not abstract concepts is kike poison.

Someone said earlier that marxists are materialistic, they aren’t, truly read yourself in all the good thinkers of modernity and you’ll see how a Marxist is as materialistic as a cancerous rabbi.

A true materialist commits suicide, a conscious materialist copes the best he can (ubermensch, save the white race, ..) etc, anything to bring meaning to life and purpose to the mind, just look at how a Marxist will indulge himself in economics (problably the most useless and assanine field of study after gender studies) just so he can give “materialistic / logical” credibility to his abstract and made up ideology.

The best and only logical argument I see for redpilling someone like me would be to show evolutionary benefits to ethnic homogenous populations, extended tribe settings, and the dangers of being placed in an outgroup, a purely self interested materialist will find this position a lot more respectable than “hurrr save the white race”.

Any self proclaimed “materialist” who doesn’t recognize blood and soil as concrete biological realities and instead chooses an abstract mental ejaculation like “class war” is simply taking the easy way out and clinging on to ideology and his programming still.

Human children have been raised by shewolves in the past. So it is likely a true story.
I want to go to Tir na Og.

Original Taoism is actually close to what I understand personally in many ways. So I am more a Taoist than a Christian or Buddhist.

Good post.

The Book of Genesis was written with this fact in mind. Adam and Eve represent our evolutionary precursors, and the forbidden fruit represents consciousness. Original sin is a metaphor for basic awareness.

I agree, but we have no religions right now with mass appeal that endorse blood and soil. You could argue that Islam is about territory and lineage, but sand niggers are dogshit and no one likes them. We have a problem when it comes to pairing religion with our philosopy.

You can get there if you try, or so I've heard..

A really good/must read if you're interested in Celtic mythology.

Don't do it Oisín, its a trap.

Jews use atheism as a means of spreading moral decay. But remember: Jews love to play both sides.
Christianity stands at the forefront in the fight against homosexuality, promiscuity, and Muslim invasion. These are what the Jews hate about christianity. However, Christian prominence in this regard is a very useful tool. Christianity is now almost synonymous with the good fight so Jews can frame the debate as "Christians vs everyone else." If you're not a Christian, you support LGBTQIXYZ rights. If you're not a Christian, you support sex positivity. If you're not a Christian, you're okay with the Islamisation of your homeland. The Jew wants you to see christianity as the sole provider of such moral principles so that the death of christianity will be the death of the nation.

Sure thing.

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It is already becoming mainstream.

I wanted to mention the Jewish subversion going on within christianity but wasn't sure how to segway into that with my post:
That's more of "Jews playing both sides." Christianity is the perfect controlled opposition. The fundamental values are very much in line with what I said, but it also comes with the "god loves all" baggage which allows for the bolstering of pathological altruism.


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Yes, (((We))) indeed.

pic related

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The Buddha was from an area in the northern Indian subcontinent that was inhabited by Aryans. The Aryans set up a caste system they called Varna, a word that literally means "color", in order to keep the various groups separate. In addition the Buddha was commonly reputed to have blue eyes, as did a variety of other famous Buddhist figures such as the legendary Bodhidharma who spread Zen Buddhism into China. The Chinese called Bodhidharma "the Blue Eyed Barbarian", and he is often depicted with fiery red hair as well.

Even if the Buddha wasn't white per se, as a crown prince of the warrior caste in an Aryan kingdom, he was certainly Caucasian.

Buddha was Kshatriya, the warrior caste.

He created a cult centered around him and nothing more. He would accuse newfound followers of wanting to kill him, perfectly exemplifying jewish persecution delusions.

You're ignoring the obvious. You don't need a formal religion to guide people.

You should be the guide. Church services do nothing you can't already do. Again, stop relying on the model of abrahamic religions and their brainwashing.

Primarily any form of European paganism. It's plainly obvious that the most commonly used decry by Zig Forums interlopers against "pagans," to call them LARPers is pointless and demonstrates their inability to see the use of a LARP. By all accounts European paganism was a LARP, but it was a non-intrusive and benign LARP.

This in effect means that you don't need a religion to foster good morals, guidance, and positive attributes in people. That comes from other things such as proper breeding, lifestyle, and nutrition.

Conversely being a christian means engaging in a LARP that controls your life, requiring you to find justifications for everything right down to the small things.

Abrahamic control mechanisms:
< Find a rationalization that allows it.

No it doesn't. This is purely christian headcanon, and also in line with the rationalization process of abrahamic religions. The parts you're referring to respectively refer to jews condemning two things:
1. Being self-aware
2. Being proud of your body
3. Eternal Guilt

Abrahamic religions are about controlling everything down to your thoughts, hence jewish attempts at thought-policing. The OT is a series of stories about how jews disobeyed their God repeatedly but he always ended up giving them what they wanted in the end. The idea of him not wanting to give them self-awareness is in line with other things they disobeyed. The book of genesis is also mostly plagiarized off of the Enuma Elish.

Jews have awful physique, so they have strict clothing laws that are in each book. They are proud of how they spread body shame everywhere. There's an often posted quote by a rabbi boasting how christianity was used to get Europeans to cover up.

Finally, Original Sin = Guilt Complex. It's the template for jewish tricks to make you feel guilty for something you didn't do.
1. You're born with it.
2. You're paying for your ancestors' fault
3. Do X to make up for it or get rid of it

If there was a problem, there wouldn't be a single person on this board worshiping one's race. You possess a fallacy that requires religion as a catalyst to get people to follow our beliefs. Religion is not required, it's a form of doctrine; but, other things can be used to get what we want.

Our philosophy is easily transmutable to other people. The only issue in the way is censorship and stigma. Once those are circumvented, there will be nothing that can stop our ideas.

No. The children of God not possessing awareness by default? Delusional. A logical impossibility. The original sin is not about us accessing awareness, since we've always had it from the very beginning. It's about us stunting and subverting it, after being tempted towards it by the snake. It's about the eating of the apple. It's about how we discarded being in phase with the purpose of life and having access to limitless all-encompassing awareness, and instead chose to consume said life, for the sake of pleasure. We were servants of God, and life, we tended to the garden. Now we pursue pleasing ourselves, stuffing our guts full. This is why degeneracy is so prevalent and throughout time we have kept on rising then falling into it again, and again, over and over. Because we're addicted. Only once we break this addiction can we truly rise into grace once more.

Just so Zig Forums has another vote for you fags, who allow yourselves to be swayed by other minds….I too, take my family of White, blond haired and blue-eyed children, to church each week. Not bc I, like the other FamAnon, believe wholeheartedly in the entirety of the Bible - but for the same reason FamAnon stated: IT'S the only way I have to associated with other Whites who believe in rejecting degeneracy and raising strong children.

And honestly, the rare occasion that the sermon brings up anti-racism/accepting immigrants/turning the other cheek - then the ride home and subsequent family meal conversation is taken up with us talking about the actual logic in what was preached. My children see nature as sacred, a gift from a loving God. They know that Jews are the enemy of Christians - and that Jesus hated them for their evil (and these verses are made forfront of my teaching of christianity)

Christ behaved as a noble Aryan. He hated the evil Jewish leaders, just as we do today (at least here.) What other religion in history so specifically calls out the Jew? Not Buddhism or Hinduism (that I am aware of). His Aryan nature is also seen in his sympathy and kindness to those with good hearts. But he always called out those who were duplicitous and hypocrites.

I have a strong belief that the Israelites were not genetically related to what we know as the Modern Kikel. And you can go on and on about how evil you think they are in the Old Testament - but would any group of people in ancient times NOT have slaughtered enemies? Used captives as a workforce? Or whatever else you may take issue with….I certainly doubt most of you will attempt to signal your virtue with all the violence most here advocate.

So? Do we?

Another jewish atheism thread so new and refreshing.


The thread was already over at this point.
Now it's (((anons) debating about gay ass semantics.
For any actually curious individuals let me boil it down: 99% of all "sacred" texts have been edited to fuck, religion as an established institute is about control of the individual not the freeing thereof, internal individual religous exploration is different from having a nigger priest scream about brimstone and fire.
If you can't figure out the origin of christianity and read the actual preserved texts from that and read about the (((gnostic))) hermes (better than the bible lel) and extract the grains of truth from those estoric texts you're better off fapping to scat porn on your samsung TV. either way

these pics confirm what I said. See the israel flag? This is jews poisoning christianity from inside out.

funny thing's that Christ himself called the jews sons of Satan, and it was mentioned in another post few days ago. You should lurk more often, user.

Do you guys know who started the idea that religion is a mechanism of control? marx.

>(((We))) know that theology is mostly bullshit

Hell is forever.

I don't see an alternative that can reconcile the myth with the science. Adam and Eve did not really exist because we came from apes, so we have to think about the Book of Genesis in a metaphorical sense. The only metaphor that really works in that context is the birth of consciousness in the developing human mind.

You could argue that the Garden of Eden came before the Big Bang, but that's silly and makes little sense when considering the rest of that creation myth. If you have a different interpretation, though, then I would like to know about it. Just don't fall back on tired old tropes like "the Garden of Eden was totally real!"

You and I are very much alike, bro. Many people in this thread have not married or had kids, so they don't understand how damaging it is to be a fedora-tipper father. The net gain that we as family men receive from taking our wives and children to church is greater than the net loss of exposing our offspring to certain kike tenants.

I would like nothing more than to have a church that is solely devoted to the white race and every ideal that we preach on this board, but we simply are not there yet. With that fact in mind, the only options available to us are to go the route of the fedora-tippers or pick a faith that most closely resembles our beliefs. I like the second option.

We already know that, bro. My original post clearly stated that theology is mostly bullshit, and you hammered that point home in a wonderfully blunt manner. I can't take my family to the Church of Esoteric Hitlerism, though.

We can beat the Hitler drum in an anti-social anonymous online echo chamber all day long, but the real world is less forgiving of our political ideations. If I was as blunt with my wife and kid as you are with others, I'd be divorced.

Enter religion as a socially acceptable way to distribute some of the things that we talk about to a wider audience while creating a positive environment for our families. To do anything less is to tip fedoras and be anti-social.

If all Christian denominations were so easily corrupted by kikes, that means Christianity completely worthless as far as whites survival is concerned.

Theology is the study of religion.

Natural Selection means use a dictionary brainlet.

if you consider 20 years in a 2000+ timeframe as 'easily', what can I tell you.

It always amazes me when someone mentions the Genesis creation myth and appears to forget the fact that the earth already existed in this myth.

This opinion is younger than the Industrial Revolution, and it kills every industrialized society rapidly. You are parroting antique weaponized memes devised by dead Jews, just stop.


Not only do we need the correct religion, we need a new religion. I would found one based upon the laws of nature and a central tenant of absolute truth above all else, which itself is technically a faith-based ideal to follow. Esoteric hitlerism could be integrated but not heavily in order to facilitate newcomers being curious rather than immediately knee-jerk hating towards anything related to the Reich. The primary herding call for new people would be the idea of sane and rational thinking in a clown world (^: and that's not including atheism to a fault, members who don't follow and understand the list of ideological fallacies and how to properly conduct critical analysis of information are kept in the lower portion of each congregation so as not to disrupt the higher tiers of members who are more readily knowledge to consider new ideas.
Not fleshed out yet please no bully

You do because you have no clue about Orthodox Christianity and be a rootless burger that is shopping for "spirituality".