Pride Flag should be a symbol of White Pride

Need I explain why? White people are the only people where diversity exists. Everyone else is just a different shade of shit.

Attached: PrideMeme-min.PNG (2272x1368, 733.77K)

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I heard the rainbow flag was a sign of white supremacy

Attached: 4A7CF61B-73EA-4864-B1A3-3FBBC2A0677D.jpeg (960x593 47.69 KB, 107.47K)

We must take our symbols back. Please spread this important information.

Attached: rfiswhite.JPEG (2896x2896, 1.89M)

That’s really nice user , saved

If you flip the pride flag upside down so that red is on the bottom and violet is on the top, it corresponds with the traditional order of the ascending chakras.
You can also use this as a talking point of how (((corporate america))) is coopting the spirituality of oppressed brown Hindus to peddle a cheap knockoff made with slave labor.


Did you miss the previous thread?

Is the swastika too obvious?

Are we trying to destroy & taint their rainbow symbol or covertly take it over, what's the plan on this?

Attached: nazi rainbow.jpg (808x500, 91.71K)

Attached: 1a1a1a.jpg (1000x1420, 297.18K)

Make the colors go the other way. Purple comes after blue which is the end of the eye spectrum. Only White is after blue. Like Shannon Bream.

Eye Color

Hair Color
gold (red)
orange (red)
red (red)
brown (light)
brown (dark)

Checked and Heiled
Saved that one too


this is really really good propaganda. It takes a second before you see the swastika.
Use celebrate diversity as much as you can. co-opt it because they will lower their defenses when they first see this term, allowing the subtle red pills to take see in their minds

'Swastika' and 'Sauvastika' are Hindu/Buddhist and not European or Celtic or whatever.


And so on…

The focus on values is appropriate.

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which comes from ancient aryans you tard. aryan invasion of india brought this stuff. go youtube robert sephyr


There are nationalities based on modern states.
There are mationalities based on linguistic evolution.
There are nationalities based on genetics.
All of these require more thoughtful consideration.
I use the linguistic groups which exclude non-genetic pairs (africans, asians, arabs, and injuns (poos, mayanos, etc…).

Stoopid jew. Out of Africa theory is bullshit. Only migration that matters is out Aryan brothers and sisters from Anatolia as they fled the insuing Turkics that now populate their mountainous homelands.

Also some of the people from Anatolia moved south to mix with Africans and become Arabs or mix with Asians and become modern streetshitters. Only Bashar Assad and co. are examples of actual Aryans (Persians becaue Darius said so).

Could add the pertinent symbols here. How about
nordic.. valknut
celtic.. triskelion
slavic.. kolovrat
germanic.. hakenkreutz
mediterranean.. meander
latin .. laurels

Attached: hjlui.jpg (1215x752, 218.55K)

Checked. My ancestors were in caves in Germany more than forty thousand years ago utilizing fire and tools and making lasting art and artifacts. The invaders from the northern African lands were merely less than 18,000 years ago. They can fuck back off and be ridden of when the earth is cleaned to 100,000,000 white families total and zero mudshit remains

In fact. You are so fucking stoopid that you think skin gets lighter and not darker. You think Africans existed before "Europeans". You think that 12+ thousand years in the snow and Mongolians are magical creatures. The reality is that they get enought vitamin D from their seafood diet. To suggest that Europeans became lighter whenr theit main diet from Iberia to Scandanavia to Italia to Slavia is fish and shellfish but yet they still needed to have thjeir skin evolve to protect from the sun. Bull fucking shit. The reality is that all apes, spearated by contonental shifts, lost their hair and were light skinned underneath. Over time those apes exposed to more uv radiation developed darker skin. While lighter eyes are an evolutionary trait akin to other albinism conditions like blondism and evolved in Nothern "Europe" over the 40k year of glaciation.

I said nothing of the out of africa theory. I don't believe in it. you're of your rocker. sanskrit is an aryan language because aryans invaded and brought it. youd agree with me if you werent too dumb to read torfag

A bit of music :^)

Attached: Adobe_20190410_022821.jpg (846x841, 62.15K)

Ancient (prehistoric) Celtics made music and art before anybody.


I said literally nothing like that. ARYANS invaded india and the natives evnetually out-bred them. thats it. Who are you arguing with?

This is not the thread to discuss about White history. Please keep it on topic and let's appropriate that rainbow flag.

I'm drunk but you are crazy to say Aryans (brown hair brown eyes anatolians) are same as paleo-europeans (blonde hair blue eyes scandanavians) even though when they mix they make Germanics (red hair green eyes).

Okay sorry jew I will make dank mayamays.

Thank you sir. Hate facts are my favorite kind of facts

Attached: yjkjkh.jpg (1217x754, 266.94K)

Very nice saved

The pride flag really is beautiful.
Each color remains strong and keeps its identity because it has its own place and it stays there.
Can you imagine what it would look like if all the colors mixed? A horrible homogeneous brown blob.


Post pics?


Also, Golden Dawn flag is based on it.

Attached: gr}hrav9.gif (324x216, 1.66K)

The swastika is an ancient european symbol, same as all the others you listed. Maybe even the oldest if you go by archaeological finds.

Attached: swastika_ancientpottery.jpg (300x252, 15.77K)

It hould be one for Hispanic. You could use Basque 'Lauburu' since they are Iberians although not hispanics.

Yeah but the names 'swastika and 'suvastika' are not. They are derivative.

After we genocide jews and kill all degenerates? Yes. Until then, focus on violent actions against all of them. Nothing else will ever work.

Is a knot not a sun symbol. There are knots for each cultural group, too.

Slavic (unites north (lith), east (rus), and south (ill) Slavics)

Spiritual violence, obviously. Like the peaceful muslims.

Hazel master race.

Attached: eyes3.jpg (537x480, 54.3K)

It's getting serious.

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LMAO this is why I love Zig Forums Godspeed anons continue doing good work.

The 4 Reeeeeeees:
卐 Recycle
卐 Reuse
卐 Reduce
卐 Reich

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This is good. Very good.

Remove Jews


Where should we start spreading this 'propaganda'?

I've been thinking about some reddit-tier normie platform or foreign image boards. (((The media))) is going to eventually pick up the story.

You need white light to make a rainbow, but all the colors togetter makes black. Idiots.