*speaks out against kikes*

the nation that you kikes refer to as "Israel" can go burn in hell with the rest of the satanic world system.

The real Israel will be established by Christ Himself when He comes back to tread on the unrighteous mudslimes, talmudic retards, and other sodomites like a winepress

Attached: jews-shlomo_unmasked_by_makeapp.gif (800x445, 70.6K)

Other urls found in this thread:


did you accident make your reply a whole post? this is trash thread

We know what the Bible says about the real Israel being the Church and body of Christ.

But most Christians today have been fooled by the devil (ironically to Jesus' own prophesy). I'm not sure even Christ himself could save them because the Jews today deny and do not accept Jesus as the messiah, they insult him and they would defend the Jews before they defend Jesus Christ. It is clear they love the synagogue of Satan more than the Lord, it is clear only Hell is their future.


Attached: ClipboardImage.png (795x459, 354.49K)

Since this is a cuckchan tier thread anyway; name the differences between this post & the ranting that comes out of a schizo street shitter's mouth.

(see Matthew 7:13-14)

(see Philippians 1:6)

There have always been Jews who deny Jesus, yet there also will always be Jews who accept him. Those who accept them are often referred to as "Messianic Jews," and often suffer persecution from Talmudic retards

only the Christians who continue to love satan's talmudic synagogue more than Jesus Christ

Good digits, OP. Now check mine.

Attached: 1262074700461.jpg (430x320, 10.96K)

nice try m8

Israel has always been the enemy of the aryan race. Your israel and the kikes' israel are the same.

How do you define what "race" is? By what standard of truth do you come to such conclusions?

Israel means the Christian communities of the world, that state in the Middle East is an impostor. It will burn.

believe what you want just stop using the insult 'pagan' please thank you.

None. 'Aryan' means "Persian".

do you not remember where you are, pagan?


(checked user)
I am going to need you to get off your ass and fight for your people though user.

We aren't 'persian' user.


who the fuck do think you are? Colonel Crunch's cousin?

Jesus is my King, and in turn my general. He has commanded me to fight with the Truth. The only weapon we need is the Truth. (see Ephesians 6)

And by what standard of truth do you come to your conclusions?

Attached: aryans.jpg (1069x748 2.16 MB, 872.23K)

And what sources are you drawing all that information from?

Jew Jew CUM

christfag there's a gay hate thread up in the catalogue that deserves your attention more than this.

Attached: glomeme.png (376x253, 122K)

What a shit thread. Now check my dubs.

Uhhhhh jesus was a stinking jew you mong
Take your adamite bullshit elsewhere

lol abrahamic wasn't sticking so this is the new shill term you're going with, I wonder what it's gonna be next week


Fuck off back to reddit or kill yourself. Or both.

Attached: 4ae480c89ea365d79c85e9663788231b5534e8a134e1f053b5a19aa43f68ec79.png (500x481, 142.59K)

nice selfie bro

Oh, neat. It's one of these threads.


You know what race is.
I know what race is.
Everyone knows what race is.



Remember to sage WE WUZ DA TRUE JEWS Zionist threads

Jesus was the Antichrist

They are the ones pushing all this degeneracy and decay in order to make your accept to be slaves to their demonic god so rabbi Yehoshua could "save" you from himself (literally, since it's the very "boodline of Jesus" that's pushing for globohomo, the assorted monarchists, Judeo-christians and political Zionists)

Abrahamist filth is the enemy, there is no difference between Jews, Christians and Muslims, and this type of deception can be seen in all. OP is promoting the same thing as Talmud is.


t. CIA

Fuck off christcuck