Passing Thought for an Ops

Just drinking too much tonight. Ops consists of this.
1.Anons go to nigger-spic-bugman areas of their town, purchase burner phone and cheapest prepaid sims with cash.
2. Inundate the conservative talk shows dropping redpills, or go full retard on them.
3. Do this all the way until the election

Go a head a shit all over this idea.

Attached: jewphone.jpg (1020x560, 166.51K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Go shoot up a Synagogue and then kill yourself. Dress like a Muslim and swear allegiance to ISIS.

i have 3 gopro stickers
dubs decide their placements

My dick

Dress up as a Nazi, go to DC, stand in front of Congress with a protest sign with "Gas the Kikes, Race war now!". Tell them you're from the Natsoc board /pol.

I have a plan
t. penultimate kikery

Get out newfag

Lel. mee too.
Too much even for germanic.

There is no "nazi".

For the record. This is what you should have been doing since you realized trump is a jew and isnotreal comes first.

Wow, an ideas guy! Hey, that's great.

Attached: 5d9e7112bbfd22e83a6f284f6ccfc690bc982d03b1f8694aaa0b36591267369d.jpg (685x474, 86.89K)

nice trips
1. your car
2. your laptop
3. your local mosque

A synagog near you

Put that shit on a synagogue

your bollocks

Glad you posted here, faggot.

Basically this, but on a larger scale.

Attached: OP Should An Hero.jpg (500x327, 50.86K)

In theory you can just buy sim cards and spoof IMEI again and again and be untraceable.

muh dick wyte boi

Got you OP

Attached: 1a19ddd09fba36fa96b32689b9bd21efca0fb1569abcd96e2a028bcdfbbc9bbb.mp4 (320x240, 109.51K)

your bow, your diamond helmet, and the minecraft house you're entering.

also sage for shit thread

This is the level or retardation I come to Zig Forums to escape.