I'm making this thread as a gauge to see the interest of Zig Forums into something like this. We know jews infiltrate civilized societies and in doing so adopt names. We also know that in doing so they tend to use names that are similar so they can identify each other.
I hereby propose we get Zig Forums users from around the globe to create a database of stereotypical jewish names in their culture, country, and language. We all know bergs and steins. That's what they used to infiltrate Germany. But what names were used to infiltrate others?
judas.watch/ ^I like their approach. It's merit-based.
Evan James
easy to see d&c attempt. I guess it's a good idea if the shills don't want it done.
Dylan Martin
I like that. However that's for already identified jews. What I'm suggesting is a database that will allow to make it easier to identify the ones still in hiding.
Camden Long
A nice idea. The hardest part is finding people to spend time researching. I bet there are books on the subject - there are probably Hebrew resources, as well. They keep track of such things themselves. Maybe I'll poke around a little bit.
Mason Fisher
We have weaponized autism on our side. Those who don't have time to research can just think back. What names do you consider stereotypical of jews. For me. Anything with Berg, Stein, or anything with valuable metals in it. Silber (Silver) Gold. In the german language it's usually something along those lines. A luxury metal combined with something else.
^Here's the problem. They take legitimate surnames used families native to the host nation, so it's impossible to tell from names alone who's jewish and who isn't.
Brody Gray
used ***by families, typo
i hope my post made sense
Christian Carter
can't do much about that, but they also add their own shitflair to names such as (gold)berg, (silver)man or (zucker(sugar))berg.
Hudson Campbell
We can't get them all but that doesn't mean we shouldn't get those we can. To do so would be defeatist and play right into their hand. It's hard to do so just lie down and die it's easier.
Alexander Foster
Apparently Sephardic jews have been in Brazil since 1500..so Brazilbros might have a lot to contribute.
Grayson Martin
Interesting isn't it how in English so many jews have names containing precious metals which are common in Jewelry. Would be funny if there are a bunch of different goldmanns, like orohombre
Hunter Hill
That's what I'm thinking. We can only look locally right now. Like we have blinders on. If we combine knowledge we can remove the blinders and see the ones we didn't even know about.
Joshua Phillips
Carter Russell
Penney Penny Spencer Pound Diamond Diamen Sugar Spice Spicer Duke Baron King Queen McQueen Roth Rudd Green Green White Black Grey (add a man ham or hand to any of these for a multiplier)
That is like Dachshunds trying to beat Greyhounds at a race. Even if you can do it for one generation, how will you get the next generation to follow? And are you willing to pay the price of your posterity being put under the same selective pressures as the kikes? You would just be creating a new race of kikes, and that isn't desirable to me. No, you faggot nigger, you aren't going to get such a large portion of people to willfully change their deep inner nature, and then get the subsequent generations to follow to suit. Even for a single individual that is a Herculean task, willing and bending a nature like that. The only way I want to win is by standing tall as an Aryan.
Brayden Williams
Why not just make a database of all known jews period? Then you can query it for whatever stats/trends you want. Such a database would be tremendously useful, and has the added bonus that it will terrify the rats.
There are already databases. If you want to get a list of all Jewish surnames, you could start by getting every name from sites like this one. However doing it by hand would be stupid and time consuming, and I unfortunately don't know how to code. And of course, rare last names are a problem. I have a rare last name, there's only one other family in the world that has it. I would surely escape any list of Italian names, and I'd fly under the radar if someone were to round up all the Italians.
Bentley King
They also often use a nations most common names so Smith Jones Diaz Sanchez Cortez Singh Mohammmed Islam Khan
Hudson Garcia
What does your last name rhyme with?
Grayson Jackson
That's what we are trying to prevent.
Parker Nguyen
LOL you're going to laugh your ass off. It rhymes with 'spaghetti'
Justin Garcia
typical guinea
David Wood
Guinea? Never heard that one. A good comeback for 'wop' is, "that's the sound it makes when my dick hits your mother's face"
Benjamin Murphy
Yeah this is a good idea, but it also makes sense to have decentralized pockets of related intel.
Camden Lewis
I heard guinea is more offensive than wop but idk any real italians. Shit, that is a good comeback.
Jackson Barnes
You can't identify someone being Jewish from any particular characteristic
Isaiah Cooper
Consider yourself lucky
Sure you can. If they look like they belong in Seinfeld, they're Jewish
Not any one characteristic, but there are loads of tells, that's why jews are the number 1 clients (and "surgeons") for rhinoplasty, botox but only the top lip, hair replacement etc etc etc
Chase Gonzalez
You jew fucks always make the same play when you get defensive.
Julian Richardson
Start making a list of the jews who are in power positions in countries. Build maps, links, visual data and information. That would be something with teeth.
Jews themselves have those lists - under lock 'n key.
Cameron Sanders
Could be a useful tool. Similar to photo comparison relationship probability algorithms. Ancestry documentation will have millions of clusters of known jew crypto-names as a data base. Also, there are 'sounds-like' programs for the many variations in spelling and syntax. Translating the major jew surname crypsis patterns in Occidental languages would be especially pragmatic; so that jew surnames in all our languages are recognizable to each.
That guy looks jewish. So do Eichmann, Goebbels, and Heydrich. Makes one wonder if NS Germany was one of the biggest psyops of all.
Mason Howard
In the age of social media it would be easier to create a database of faces, names, jobs and locations similar to Judas Watch. They can never hide their suppressed-kikery for long
Levi Davis
This already exists; they made it themselves! avotaynu.com/csi/csi-result.html Still, I applaud your efforts. I have been making LISTS of JEWS for years now, with similar intent, but the more people who do it, the better. You wouldn't believe how many world leaders (Sarkozy, Cameron, etc. to name just a couple) turn out to be at least part-Jewish that no one would have guessed.
Hudson Wood
Look at their bonestructure, their hair, their clothes. but most importantly listen to their words and what they are trying to make you think, emotive langauge, fallacies, buzzwords, hysteria, slang, etc are all sings of judaism.
look for their beliefs, they are all progressive, sexually liberating, and are for everything that destroys the nuclear family and the host nation.
What yoiu really need to lookout for are trators, the shabbos goyim that do their bidding. every jewish infiltration has shabbos goys talking positive of the jews and activley campaigns for jewish rights. once enough jewish support is gathered then the jews move in, without the initial shabbos goy infiltration phase, the jew cannot gain a foothold, getting banished from the land or killed. You cannot easily spot jews as they do not reveal themselves, they always hide in the darkness whilst their freemasons do their bidding, jews are in high positions like movie directors, charities, politics,etc because they can hide within the shadows as they cast lesser jews to fufill their roles.
So how do you suppose we make this kosher guide for the identification of the chosenites? a PDF with essential, must read infromation at the front with an index that goes more indepth?
SCHEER A cryptokike is literally leading the conservative party of Canada and could very well be our new prime minister by 2020. He cheated the position away from the true leader Maxime Bernier by having a bunch of dairy liberals signing up a bunch of fake conservatives to vote for him in the prelims. Scheer's father Jim immigrated to Canada illegally to infiltrate the Catholic church. Jim is still an American citizen, and Andrew Scheer is a dual citizen who has not only not renounced his American citizenship, but continues to hide it from the Canadian people. Being a Jew like his father and grandfather, he could also attain Israeli citizenship at the drop of a hat through the Law of Return, soon as he visits. He's keen to: globalnews.ca/news/4047530/andrew-scheer-jerusalem-israel-capital/
Benjamin Jackson
In England they often anglicize german words Stein (obviously) Stone Blum Bloom And add "man" to the end of some names Gold man Silver man They use colors a lot Green Black White Red These are more obscure but I have noticed them quite frequently Moore Booth
Look out for any words or names that contain the "oo" sound that rhymes with joo
Also old testament names in christian countries is often a giveaway. And surnames that don't sound at all English but either eastern european or middle eastern.
I dunno but this poster is up on capital hill in Seattle. Look at that kike fuck in the middle, looks just like the guy in your picture. Imagine, a city without Jews!!! There is so much anti-white bullshit everywhere here.
Also another thing had jews been using this tactic for a very long time?
Blake Brown
Adam Fisher
then stand tall by yourself. You're useless and unintelligent.
Benjamin Jackson
Gotta tear it down!
Nicholas Jones
Fein, Silver, Michel, Ramon, Hoyt, Driks, Rottner, Schottenstein. Just a few from my university I’m graduating from.
Jack Lee
How do you get a girl Jew to suck your dick. Give her a penny, and slap her around. She earned it.
Jason Cox
AltRight 101
Carson Davis
Ryder Evans
Jose Campbell
Use AI for this, it's a good task for it. Also use first names as well as last names, I've seen jews talking about naming their kid and sometimes they really care about the first name being jewish.
Luke Davis
why not by biblical names lul. there is a social network. you will easily recognize the yids(=degenerates=criminals=sybhumans) by their preferences/friends/work.
William Campbell
It should he named something along the lines of World Talmudist Database. Keep track of ALL Jewish politicians AND LOBBYISTS across the globe in the major world powers. You could even have a key with footnotes as to what connections the individuals have to certain things, whether its international banking, human trafficking, drug trafficking, psychology foundations etc.
I wonder if it would be possible to create an automatically updated website that would search the internet for any recent news story's with the names in the database and post them in an organized fashion.
Colton Johnson
Depends user they are mostly doing it under the shadows.
Jack Davis
Most jewish surnames have to do with currency, economy, or politics in any shape or form. And many highly respected white last names most likely have a jewish relative due to their immoral craving to force their ways into power be it through marriage, force, or manipulation. Rockefeller, Habsburgs, these names were once shining figures of greats turned Rabbi. Its disgusting how low they will steep.
Cameron Morris
Jews infiltrate like anyone else. Somehow they get the cash and meet the requirements to emigrate somewhere. They get set up and as they get their shit together they help another family member come over. As the clan gets a stronger foot hold they participate in the local scene and maybe even politics.
Lincoln Gray
In latin-derived languages, any name ending with "EL" is jewish: Daniel, Rafael, Gabriel, Manuel, Raquel, Abravanel, and so on. There also the latin-based jewish names derived from their religious books or places or crafts, such as: João, José, Joaquim, Silva, Sílvio, Marcos, Davi, Moisés, Abraão, Lázaro.
Brayden Ward
When a surname is formed from 2 words from different languages then it's 99.9% a jew. Also These are the basic. The ones with exclamation marks are very likely to belong to a kike, especially in the lower half of the list. If these are combined with jewish names /words (or names with a language origin different from the part's, like German, because kikes love parasiting on that language) then release the gas In Slav languages -vich (and its analogies) is used for patronymics, so Aaronovich is basically Aaronson. Some are 100% jewish, made from combining words from one language the jews in question infiltrated (e.g. Gorelick, Gollancz (originated from a place where the kikes decided to settle in)), some are just jewish (Chapiro, Hebrew, Chelouche, (K/C)ohen, etc)
Basically, if in these: at least the one is correct, then you can safely assume it's a kike, until proven otherwise.
Juan Davis
Forget that, should be "until 19th century" because the kikes rooted in deeper than I expected. Since I'm making a new post I'll expand the list (consider every one marked with (!) here): Some other other 100% kike surnames as a bonus: Melnick, Shpilband, Winograd, Lombroso, Malkovitz, Niyazov, Slutsky, Spivak
Aiden Green
I'd rather Zig Forums just skip straight into reverse larping as fellow kikes. Their genestealing ways will be their undoing.
Lincoln Lopez
Like Paul Ryan?
Dylan Williams
It's like how the police know how to target bikers by cross referencing those with motorcycle licenses with a list of convicts.
You start by going through all the people with motorcycle licences WITHOUT criminal records.
Landon Butler
Try Pierre, SD
Easton Martinez
My suspicion of a local (here in leaf land) politician "Kathleen wynne" being a crypto-kike is confirmed.
Ones that I've known: hochman kredenzer green greenberg gurvey yakabovich yusim Lipman
Elijah Butler
This is useless, kikes like jewart play the name game.
Jaxson Reed
What the fuck? Bumping first and last time so that at least some more people will be aware which names are likely to be red flags.
Christian Cruz
First we have to make a list of all the men who have fucked your mom and multiply it by how many times your dad fucked you and we'll have the number of time you'll have to go fuck yourself.
Ian Taylor
eVErtOnE wAtCh ouT fOR jEwISH laSt nAmEs
Parker Perez
Keep it up, torpederast! It seems knowing your enemy is really harmful for your enemy.
Wyatt Campbell
Nowadays, they'll just pick any name out of the phone book.
Josiah Anderson
Adam Thompson
Bump to know how jewish infiltration works.
Kayden Kelly
Jews infiltrate non-Jewish society as "cryptokikes"
I propose we Goyim infiltrate Jewish society as "cryptogoys"
Jordan Gomez
how about we just post how many dicks you've sucked in your life and etrapolate that into how many more you'll be sucking per year before we send you off to join the Orion project as an MKUltra fucktoy?