I think I figured out a weakness of the jew that Zig Forums could weaponize, as this weakness is actually a quality that founds strength within Zig Forums.
I am not a scholar and not the sharpest tool in the shed so bear with me even if I sound retarded.
A theme that I keep hearing about the jews is that they are a race (religion?) without roots.
They go somewhere, infest the place but ultimately they have no loyalty to their people, to the land, the nation and so on.
However, when you see jews in modern media, being soap operas, cartoons, movies and comics (on top of other things), what is that they make a point of?
To show jewish traditions and culture.
Isn't that the very definition of contradiction?
How can you have a proper culture without having a proper history of the land, the people, the nation… a past.
If you just jump place to place you cannot say that jews even had a society of their own, you were always guests to the society of others, nothing of it was your own.
I feel they do this to make their biggest weakness seem like their biggest strength.
Jews as a matter of fact do not have a culture.
They have a religion but that's not the same thing.
They are not keen to a certain race because of their history, they are not keen to certain politics because they lived through them and they are not keen to certain food because… they did not have to face famine, only religion limitations.
The conclusion to my line of thought is that jews do not really exist as nothing else but a religion and that is their greatest weakness that can be exploited to destroy them.
Italy, France, Germany hell even America, they endure this invasion because they have an identity that is not only religious in nature but cultural and political, in other words the history of their people make their people strong.
As an example, to make the point strong, take an Italian and a Jew.
Remove the religion and all derivative qualities of that religion.
What remains culturally?
The italian still has a culture, he likes specific types of food, he has kinship with the land, he tends to feel at home in hills and when he talks he gesticulates a lot.
A jew? He… has his language, probably? What else does modern media tell us of jewish practices except their religion?
One could argue that "well being jewish is a matter of religion and not of people" but that's not true in my opinion, being jewish is a matter of race, of clan, of family.
It's not like christians, two christians can have different cultures while having the same religion, not so for the jew.
In my opinion this is the jew's greatest weakness: they have no culture and no history.
If we used their weapons against them they would not be able to endure the blow like we did and would be erased as a people, as their lack of roots make them versatile when invading others but defenseless when being invaded in turn.
Meaning that the best way to get rid of the jews is to push for their "cultural" dilution.