Revolutionary right-wing Intersectonality
The time has come to develop what I call right-wing intersectionality against the Judeo-egalitarian tyranny.
It consists in triggering or exacerbating racial, ethnic, religious, sexual and religious tensions everywhere and all the time, thus making this degenerate society totally ungovernable by Jews and, more generally, all the enemies of the heterosexual white man.
This new approach offers almost unlimited possibilities.
Excite hijab supporters against faggots and feminists, Arab slave traders against niggers, black evangelists against afro-feminists, white leftists against brown males of the Caliphate, seculars against religious, etc…
The first goal is to strengthen inequality as a social foundation by fueling racism, anti-Semitism, male supremacy and any form of organic hierarchy.
Any hierarchy is based on the pure balance of power, that is, the ability to exercise domination through coercion by one's enemies. Since the racial potential of white men is by definition superior to that of our enemies, any paradigm shift based on the exercise of brute force and the thirst for domination works in our favor.
The egalitarian mentality, which is actually a thirst for subordination of the strong by the weak, must be destroyed to unleash the Aryan potential. Submitting the enemy is not only essential but must be consciously sought.
Then, it is a matter of strategically neutralizing the enemies by stirring up hatred between the most enemy sociological components by playing on all their differences and determinisms.
Finally, it is a question of forcing the white masses to withdraw into themselves by defensively adopting anti-egalitarian, anti-universalist and ethno-differentialists reflexes in their daily lives. In short, to extricate it from their egalitarian individualism that prevents them from thinking of themselves as a united racial group.
This cocktail will make it possible to collapse Judeo-individualist democracy by actively participating in the destruction of society for the benefit of irreducible socio-biological subentities.
The interest of right-wing intersectionality is that it is nourished by left-wing intersectionality, which is based on allogenic tribalism and sexual communitarianism instrumentalized by the Jews, but to make it more impossible to create a unified anti-white front under Jewish leadership.
It is a promising weapon in the arsenal of white racism. As we are seeing, for example, with the case of Ilhan Omar in the US.
This approach radically breaks with the reactionary approach of defending the current system at all costs on the pretext that it is at least the cultural product of Westerners to the detriment of non-natives.
It is an illusion: this system can only be maintained by devitalizing the white man. It is doomed to destruction.
The more open the balkanization is, the sooner the confrontation with our racial enemies will take place. And time, for us, is essential given the demographic imperative.
Keeping this Jewish system under artificial respiration on the grounds that old boomers want to be able to retire before the racial cataclysm is not an acceptable argument. Wanting to save yesterday's degeneration in order to try to delegitimize the one that is already in place today either.
Those who are afraid of confrontation are those who have something to lose. Only our enemies have anything to lose.
The white race, whose youth is eternal collectively, has everything to gain.
O my brothers, am I then cruel? But I say: What falls, that shall one also push!
Everything of today- it falls, it decays; who would preserve it! But I- I wish also to push it!
Know you the delight which rolls stones into precipitous depths?- Those men of today, see just how they roll into my depths!
A prelude am I to better players, O my brothers! An example! Do according to my example!
And him whom you do not teach to fly, teach I pray you- to fall faster!-
Thus Spake Zarathustra