How much longer are we going to put up with this? I’m tired of seeing these videos on my social media and even some of the people on supporting it. I don’t know what’s worse, the feral niggers or the white people supporting them.
Feral nigger attacks white kid after saying America wasn’t great under Obama
Link please.
this is a kid raised by a single mother and told not to fight, violence doesn't solve anything
Good to see some pussy faggot not even bother fighting back, and retards actually wonder why niggers keep doing it. Grow a fucking pair and beat a nogs ass even if it's 10 to 1 to show the world you're not some pussy homo
My bad lol fixed it
She's all yours.
punch a big titted bitch square in the tits and that is painful as fuck, can't kick them in the balls of course, but a solid tit punch, bitch is gonna cry, not only that she'll have breast cancer by 26
what a good goy for not committing a hate crime
Where’s the skull logo?
Thank you user.
It was the black person who committed the hate crime. Can you imagine if a white kid beat a black kid in a classroom for his political beliefs?
Too horrible to imagine that.
Whites are good at war but we aren’t teaching our sons hand to hand combat like the shitskins do. I want to see more videos of niggers getting wrecked in a fist fight
it's anudda shoah if that happens
We need to teach them the dual machete chopping skills.
Is that at school, who is that pussy that's not fighting back
He's doing the right thing by being a passive victim. Children aren't supposed to fight, someone also got it all on camera.
I feel sad that I reached at the end of this thread, thank you all
It makes videos like this have impact, creates sympathy for the victim and outrage. While a fight could easily be spun as a racist youth attacking a black woman. Obviously it's not good for an adult to stand there and not defend themselves but for a child it's the right reaction.
Group up in your schools, self segregate, and whenever you see one of your own in action you back him the fuck up…all of you.
Wow that's a great poster.
I agree.
A boy never wins in a fight with a girl, even this girlrilla. The two outcomes: he wins and looks like a cad or he loses and looks like a wuss. Odds are she would have beat him to a pulp channeling hatred for her absent father.
He knew the incident was being witnessed by a classroom of kids. So losing the battle to win the war is a better strategy. She will be expelled and removed from his classroom.
Kids should learn the benefits of delayed gratification. Short term pain for long term gain. Ultimately she will be in a cage because she can't control her impulses. And he becomes stronger in his beliefs. Maybe he will find his way to these parts someday.
I agree.
A boy never wins in a fight with a girl, even this girlrilla. The two outcomes: he wins and looks like a cad or he loses and looks like a wuss. Odds are she would have beat him to a pulp channeling hatred for her absent father.
He knew the incident was being witnessed by a classroom of kids. So losing the battle to win the war is a better strategy. She will be expelled and removed from his classroom.
Kids should learn the benefits of delayed gratification. Short term pain for long term gain. Ultimately she will be in a cage because she can't control her impulses. And he becomes stronger in his beliefs. Maybe he will find his way to these parts someday.
Fucking nignog actually took the Obama comment personally, as if Obama climed to President all by himself as opposed to being installed there. Nignogs are so fucking stupid it boggles the mind, the difference between genius ans stupidity is that genius has limits.
I hate niggers
Do you really think he's going to suddenly start fighting back when he grows up, if he even lives that long? Go to South Africa and see how your optics work there.
All niggers must hang.
Watch the video here:
Leave a comment in the youtube comments section since it hasn't been deleted yet, maybe we can get the video to go viral?
But yeah, what we have here is a typical diabetic ghetto queen smashing an innocent white person because of "muh slavery" or "muh king Obama" or whatever.
He needs some boxing training, his guard should have been up immediately instead of relying on his skull to protect him.
Had he retaliated, he would have been jumped by a dozen niggers, then arrested and kicked out of school for being DAS RASISS N SHEEET. Not only was it a gorilla, but a 'female' one.
He should use this as an opportunity to start training physically, and studying twice as hard so in four years he'll be on ten times the pay of that ape which will likely die of aids.
Niggers hate themselves.
Im convinced its jealousy. A nigger in Africa can nig all he wants. American niggers are bred to be strong and docile. But low IQ makes for violent apes.
These posts are very good microcosms for why White people need to get the fuck away from conservatives and stay away. They have internalized victim propaganda from the Frankfurt School to such an extent that they believe it to be genuine reality.
Ask me how I know you're an out-of-touch boomer.
Opticscuckery doesn't work you irredeemable cocksucker.
Shit like this only proves that a race war in America is inevitable. I see some people arguing that the boy did the right thing by not fighting back, and others saying that this kind of passive behavior will only get worse as he gets older. The truth is that both sides of the discussion are right since this is basically a lose-lose situation and these were the only options and outcomes:
He would have a fighting chance if other whites fought alongside him, but that is unlikely since most whites don't have a sense of racial identity.
If this incident din't redpilled him on niggers, he might become a passive cuck for the rest of his life.
As a shitskin, I was never taught how to fight by my parents, I learned to fight and to defend myself from bullies on my own. In fact, I actually had a friend whose father was white that taught him some basic wristlocks and armlocks.
I doubt that, given that the aggressor is a black female. If the school administration is also black, its pretty much guaranteed that absolutely fucking nothing is going to be done about this incident.
If I was him, I would go full Tarrant on the nigger students in this school as retaliation.
I wonder how much that white kid hates niggers now after that attack?
This shit needs to be shared and go viral. Our sons are becoming too passive and weak because “violence is wrong and never the answer” while the niggs are street fighting and being taught to hate us more and more. We could win a war with weapons because we are armed and organized, but we need to be winning one on one conflicts as well. At least let it be known that you’re not one to fuck with. I’m being tired and disgusted in seeing shit like this
huh, my webm wasn't uploaded, probably because of the forward slashes in the filename. Polite sage for double posting.
No, it proves it will never happen.
This is a cogent take on the situation. It's worth looking at the example of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, who when they swept into power started targeting pretty much every non-Cambodian they could find [this is in part what motivated Vietnam's invasion] and also went about specifically targeting police, teachers, journalists, urban dwellers in general. Anyone who had been a part of keeping the previous shit show running and anyone who was tangentially related to it.
Now they were taken down and the regime regime nominally dissolved, but to this day foreign efforts to subvert Cambodia go pretty much nowhere because on a genetic level they cleansed the kind of people who will turn coat and subjugate themselves and their own people.
More like get a 15 minutes stern talk from the dean and a call to the parents
Guy who posted this video on his channel, Uncle Sams Misguided Children, told me that the leftists took it down after I sent him a message asking where it was. He posted this shortly after. The length people are willing to go to hide black on white violence never surprises
weird. my dad died when i was 8yo and my mom taught me not to take shit from anyone, and to always fight back.
Do you mongrels know how to upload a fucken webm?
you newfaggots are fucking pathetic.
Well you’re fortunate. I knew many kids in school who wouldn’t do shit when you fucked with them and many came from broken homes with no father.
Actually no lmao
Sorry man I’m still learning here
Lel, niggers are shit at everything.
its not difficult. for videos that short just do the laziest thing possible. load it in invidious and download the webm or mp4 file.
just paste the URL from the youtube link into a browser and replace with and load it. bottom left has a link to download various files. make sure you scroll down and grab the mp4/webms with sound.
you can always download both and keep whichever is a smaller file.
You have to pick the troop leader though. Beat them the fuck into the ground and then you can be the new king of the chimpanzees when all the others scatter. SELECT APPROPRIATE TARGETS.
I don’t Zig Forums very much but I hate niggers so this is what you get
I can’t see how having a father in the house would make a difference. White males are the ones who are not standing up for our people.
i just never want to be bothered to have to do that again.
You are fine user. Don’t let people sweat you.
not shooting up the school the next day
what the fuck happened to white american kids
Good point. We need a change in white culture. A combination of white kids seeing these videos on social media and memes that are a call to action to get training/physically fit to fight off shit like this. Also showing them why racial identity is important because other whites will step in to protect them when surrounded by a wild herd of apes.
Man or woman, it doesn't matter, you don't get smacked in the head like that and do nothing.
Imagine if a white person did this to a black person though. The MSM would be running the news story 24/7, interviewing everyone under the sun about race relations in the US and how they've crumbled, the kids life would be ruined because they would have doxxed him and would camp outside their house, etc.
Fuck niggers. Keep acting like the feral animals you are and you'll do nothing but wake up the sleeping spirit residing in all of us. Keep at it you fucking imbeciles.
White Men's Clubs. I've been trying to figure out the logistics and legal loopholes. I think you could establish such a club, provided you accepted applications from jews and other subhumans. I'm just having a hard time finding details about legal discrimination.
I think you could just keep your membership "standards" and "capacity" a secret… maybe.
brainwashing is strong, user. i grew up and was raised as a city dweller. while many of us quickly figure out the color of the problem, many refuse to see it and even when violence happens to them they brush it off as "it could have been anyone"
I thought this looked familiar. What are you sliding you wretched kike?
I like the idea of that. I would like to see a weight room and punching bags in a place like that. Only payment required is to get your ass in there and get stronger. Take your kids there too to be around like minded individuals
I would've tackled that boon straight to the floor, put a knee in its throat and have it beg to be released. No punches. But she'd damn well regret hitting me.
You do realize that most African families lash out because they lack discipline at home due to the fact that most of their fathers are not there to raise them. It's a lesson in morals, and rational. Something most Negros seem to lack, especially at a young age. She wants to impress her peers, but all she has done is she her incredible ignorance but the negros revel in ignorance, why do you think they're the same people who buy heroine from the Chinese, and crack cocaine from the Mexicans. Same ol' Low IQ 2D chess that has always existed in their culture, "To be killed, to not be killed" that is what most jiggaboos think in their natural environment. Until they are tested with discipline, and tempered in hard labor(education, sports, or something.) do they understand the fallacy of their uneducated actions
I’ve had many people I work with express similar things to me. I’ve been able to get 3 people to realize what the real problem is. It’s amazing what YouTube, memes, work experience and conversations can do to change someone’s mind. I’ve invested a lot of time in these guys to get them to see the truth. Now if they can go on and show the truth to 3 others, and then those people go on to do the same we are getting somewhere
lurk before post newfag
Explain why the niggers in Africa lash out and have no discipline. They don't have white people locking up the worst of them and removing the father from the equation.
Surely it's just the nigger's true nature to nog.
youve convinced 3 people to never relax around blacks, and they completely believed in egalitarianism before?
i dont believe you.
im not talking about your average bluepilled drone that can be redpilled and bluepilled again in the same day. im talking about white city-dwellers in cities that turned watched their neighborhood turn brown around them. they'll witness it, get jumped, get beaten, get robbed.. and they wont move or even take measures to protect themselves, or even see the color of the problem.
there are tons of city dwellers that fall into this category. most figure it out and leave, and im strictly talking about those that remain.
try convincing them. i have family members like this. they just refuse to see it.
in africa that is replaced with niggers killing eachother
pick both
I’d only consider one of those guys who was fringe left. Wouldn’t have given him the time of day if I didn’t have to be around him at work. But he is younger than me and relies on me to help him at work a lot, so I used those opportunities to make analogies about right wing ideology whenever possible. The other two I definitely would consider drones as you mentioned. Not nearly as hard but they are easily influenced depending on who they are around so I made sure to be that person
right. i do the same when i can and talk about this stuff quite openly… i increasingly have trouble hiding my power level, and i kinda stopped caring.
i was strictly referring to city dwellers that remain in ghettos (they dont think its a ghetto because the property value is insanely high, but walk outside and step on needles). these faggots will get robbed 10x and its never a white person, but still convince themselves that whites do it just as much.
Just register your club as a religion and you would have all kinds of control as to who you let in.
I was thinking about this the other day actually…set up a Pagan/Aryan religion and use it as a meeting place for white nationalists. You wouldn’t even need the religion to preach pro-white stuff per se it could just provide the meeting place and provide membership
nigs gonna nig. seriously though, whoever thought it was a good idea to start holding school lessons in the gorilla exhibit was fucking retarded.
Not enough people are redpilled on the simiae urbanus and we risk taking out the potentially useful bluepillers who will inevitably defend them and their actions.
Wow, he just took it like a little bitch. Typical Zion don supporter.
This video is like 8 years old. This is a slide thread.
The audio track on this should be made into some dubstep r something.
you wont do anything nigger
Let an earthquake crumble it; let the fires rage, let it burn to fucking ash and then let the waters rise and submerge this whole rat-infested place.
Thank you based user
Soon you'll be doing it more and more
Only in minecraft
Probably indefinitely because the rare times white people actually do anything they get called a shill
I bet Tarrant's friends said the same shit to him too
There's a reason for that. "Do it, faggot" and "You won't do anything, nigger" are both meant not so much to mock people who do nothing but to push people who might do something and are so fucking stupid that peer pressure means something to them. Such as your BT, apparently.
If anyone ever hit me like that I would snap and destroy them.
That is funny watching that punk get beat by a nigger sow.
Usually whites that live in ghetto are dumber than MAGA types.
I agree. Only an idiot would fight back.
Truff hurt? At least he'll have company with OP.
Yeah, just sit back and be genocided like a faggot, that'll work out so much better
Well getting white nationalists in NZ on the terrorist watch list and banning guns is indeed doing something, but that something isn't good
How that "freedom and democracy with Jewish characteristics" working out Amerigoys?