the most possible racist that you can be. stop donig what they want everyone to do, nowadays
how? dont call niggers niggers, or african-americans. This is gonna burn the fuck out of them,.. good. how many Africans do you see in america that they call african-american? how many are called, black, or NIGGER?
how many are called like i just called it, African?!
remember this is what burns them is niggers were never freed, america is the land of the free, not slaves. You cant "free" slaves.
no you did not. they never were enslaved by america. You dont know how government works. The federal government can only make sure that trade keeps happening, like espeially between the statese, but what keeps us from going to war with other countries is, TRADE. we traded money, whatever, for their COMMODITY, SLAVES.
so all the freed slaves in america are not citizens, dont call them their made up name by union cocksuckers african-americans. or even black, or niggers even.
Call them what they are to make them want to go back more than anything else, African's.
PLUS the bonus to this is it destroys their globalist agenda. what happens when you call someone over here, their name then a -american after it? you destroy your own country. Let them know they are a person who has their OWN COUNTRY.
Africa. Call them africans.
do not call them anythign else, anybody who attcaks wyou will be seen as immediately racist. when the black asks anyting just calmly explain to them
that these racists want to destroy their country and take what is theirs from them. any nigger who would deny their country is a fuckign retard anyway. fi somebody claims they got citizenship, say no they didnt, you can free a slave. or we're not free.
oh my other idea is to start topics maybe thats not such as good an idea here but instead of any kind of muh white fuckign nationalism or something else, which is group think, show it by making topics saying FUCK KIKES. I HATE JEWS