Kike Mods Deleting Purple Threads Again

This guy rustles the mods harder than anyone I've ever seen which means everything he says is true. He just dropped that Kushner is behind Assange arrest.

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Other urls found in this thread:

original threads in here

Bit lame. We know Trump and Kushner are cunts. Why censor it?

They are on it just like in 2016 whenever anyone BTFO Trump and exposed his zionist scam.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-11 Jared Kushner is Behind Assange Arrest.png (1332x1894, 402.55K)

Warned ya faggot, shill elsewhere. Ya, even the hotpockets do something right every once in a while

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If he sees this I would like to know what he thinks of Tarrant and accelerationism.

It's a shitty LARP, that's followers are arguably worse than Qcumbers, who at least have the excuse of being retarded Trumpniggers.

but if JDIF shill here, nobody do anything about it

Go back to reddit and fucking stay there.

Attached: 1029012930198134.jpg (1280x720, 120.82K)

He said he think Tarrant was real deal.

Getting those talking points all lined up.

How do you even collect your $.05 per post?


I was right, you don't belong here and you should fuck.

Here is a not so secret secret; Zig Forums mods defend Qushner faggotry because they get paid to do so via kickbacks from the larger Q movement including pieces of youtube revenues and merchandise shilling the movement. That is how the jew has made good goys out of the mods here; that is why they host Qushner and defend it at all cost. $$$


Looks like you are one on payroll.

Mods have a point. He really doesn't need 3 threads.

Gas the kikes. Leave no semite genes unturned

Reported for Q-LARP spam.

No one here defends Q-LARP.

Thanks for outing yourself as a jew with your love of censorship Moishe.

Then where is /qresearch/ hosted and why do mods delete threads exposing it you fucking shill?

Is every single person in this thread a shill?

Cause I know I am