If a card deck were to be made of our current, top (((enemies))) and (((threats))), and their respective dox (in Minecraft), what would it look like? It's often hard to keep them all 'marked and 'membered.
Which companies would print such a product? How and where would one distribute such a thing?
Even if the cards are never made, it sure would be nice to have a page of all of these imminent threats, and their personal information anyway (for reference in Minecraft).
Who is the deepest, darkest, HIDDEN, Ace of Spades in this deck?
It would be a real shame if SHTF, and a bunch of anons were left out in the dark and cold with nothing to do, or focus their new found free time and energy on (in Minecraft).
Kike Deck
Excellent idea!
Rothschild, Soros, Loeb, Kuhn, Schiff, and so an as Aces.
The jewish media moguls as Kings.
(((Jounros))) as Knights and so on.
Local politicians as numbers.
ADL & SPLC = Jokers?
Al Sharpton
I have a friend with a small family owned print shop. I could probably get them printed if there was enough interest.
Let's hit the first criteria by laying out all the players and their personal info into an archived thread first. *wink emoji*
Kike queen Elizabeth as Queen of Diamonds…
Salute Afrikaner bros for all your suffering under the kikes rulership.
Ace of Spades… Brenton Tarront
Trump Joker
King of Hearts
Brenton Tarrant
sharpton is a knave
there are two, so NuttyYaho is one
"Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away” -Netanyahu, 2002
Nah Brenton doesn't fit king of hearts. Is there some other hidden card?
Traditionally, representing the energy of a King, this card usually portrays a watery background, with a man seated on a throne, holding the Cup of Mystery in his hand. Occasionally, his cup is fulminating like the mouth of a volcano, emanating light, but never boiling over.
The man in this card doesn't need to speak to communicate strength, passion and commitment. Sometimes he is robed like a priest or shaman. Intense and intuitive, he is a force to be reckoned with.
In the Advice Position
Support others with your strength and wisdom.
The card in the Advice position suggests a course of action which will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible.
The King of Cups in this position advises that you closely examine your conscience and bring your personal mission into alignment with what is best for everyone. You can then step into your community or situation with integrity and an ability to communicate the highest wisdom.
As this sweetens the environment, others will be inspired to raise their own motives and intentions to match yours. You will be providing an important kind of leadership that uses strong reassurance to help everyone work together. The most persuasive thing about you is the example of generous behavior that you exhibit – much more powerful than preaching alone.
This is a deck of evil, not a deck of heroes
make it yourself, and don't forget to put your overlords on there wage cuck, it will boost their ego when you grovel with it to them like the good goy you are.
I suppose it doesn't matter that I point out how schizophrenic you are, huh?
Trump is the big joker
Seconded Tarrant
Sharpton at the 2 of spades position
…belongs to some porn kike not worthy of me looking up its name
Yeah. The rules card.
Anyway, heroes deck is a different thread; this one is a (((rogues gallery))).
7 billion cards would be needed. Fuck off.
Those aren't even close to the aces, those are like mid level kikes
Soros isn't shit on Tom Steyer or Sheldon Adelson you fucking idiot
Would buy deck of jew cards in bulk and pass them out.
Any local chinese shop, they won't even know what they print.
Implying that one deck would be enough. Seriously though, This can be done. Especially if you pretend to be a good goy. Soros can be labeled a philanthropist, journos as "repected" journalists, ect. Marking the cards with the name of the corporation/foundation that they work for/founded as part of the dox. Using a big lefty corp would probably be best. Just find a small branch somewhere. A branch run by wetbacks or something. People who don't give a shit. Order with a prepaid card. There may be better options. Nobody will protect us, so anonymity is our only shield.
you confuse truth for a mental illness and think I have a problem?
nice selfie.jpg btw
steganography is meant to be hidden faggot
How do you stupid cunts not know that soros is a rothschild agent
Hearts: Media bosses
Diamonds: Finance bosses
Clubs: Politicians, Advocacy group, think tank leaders
Spades: Terrorists, spies, assassins, mossadis, etc
STFU faggot
No, we need a tarot to include all the scum of the ones you mentioned, AND pornos, children's cartoon, fags and false opposition.
Be sure to include prominent shabbos goys like Churchill, Dick Cheney, etc
This is an amazing idea. I would contribute but i am phone posting. Make a kike deck with Larry Silverstein being the King of Hearts. Bump.
How the fuck is asking for discussion about an objectively good idea "fed".
Either you're a fucking shill who doesn't want this idea to get going, or you're a literal schitzo who is paralyzed by their psychosis.
Whatever you are though, you're a fucking "do nothing goy", which is a particularly special kind of faggot.
If we can keep different ones in a suit related to their masters, that'd be nice.
Like make Soros a jack of hearts, and make his master the king of hearts.
Maybe numbers can be linked to corporations rather than individuals? Just thinking out loud really.
The Pope is the king of hearts unless we aren't featuring crypto-kikes.
I am disappoint.
I love this.