What have Marxists effectively done to counter anti-white idpol?

What have Marxists effectively done to counter anti-white idpol?

Seems like the majority of Marxists in the West either ignore the ethnocentrism of other races, or actively promote it (BLM, La Raza, CAIR, etc.); while focusing intently on destroying white nationalism.

I want to be part of #YangGang, but IDK if I'm going to be stabbed in the back for being a "FUCKING WHITE MALE!", as they say.

Attached: Yang anti-white.jpg (674x1200, 134.68K)

Well, it has very little to do with race when you're talking about something like 1k/month. To be fair, Yang isn't white, so no wonder he doesn't like alt-right. You should be aware that national bolshevism exists, though, so if you're looking for something that'll support or at least tolerate white nationalism, there's something for you.
Most of us don't care about race except when it's about science, though. if you're white and you're being screamed at for it, you're not in the right group, those are liberals. Just lurk a little and you'll notice anti-white hatred is actually more common among Zig Forumstards than it is among us. They're even the prime demographic of /interracial/, so take from that what you will.

Attached: nazbolposter.jpg (781x1024, 96.59K)

I'm a fan of Eric Striker. He's currently supporting Yang over Glumpft.


with me its a middle ground between science and theology. otherwise we're on the same page.


every time.

Where the FUCK in OPs post do you see anti-white racism?

Women not fucking you isnt anti-white.

This is why you lose the white working class,

I am the white working class, nazis are petit bourgeois failsons who can't even get pussy if they pay.