A new story like this every week. Actually, its just the Washington Post story repeated. Look up the Washington post story. Then look at the other major news outlets who legitimately pasted the entire story word for word (almost like coordinated propaganda?)
These numbers are much higher. We all know it. This is a sign of weakness from them. They would never admit a problem unless it was serious. This tells me it is much more serious then they admit.
NEET Accelerationism is working my basement dwelling brethren. The situation is approaching critical mass. You see another one of these articles every day, and all you see on Zig Forums these days is a bunch of kike feminists shilling divorce rape being "TOTALLY ALPHAAA!!! All the way to the end they will pretend that the crisis is nonexistent. That is because the last hope for this artificial gynocracy is a massive social engineering campaign against men who have opted out. Where do you think the term incel came from? You think it materialized from thin air? "You are a incel !" "You lost!" "Getting a JOB is RADICAL!" The only way to beat the jews is to pay them taxes!" .
This is a war of attrition we have already won. By doing nothing. You have done more to destroy the system then Wagies could do in an entire lifetime. All they do is pay taxes to their overlord and complain about it on a message board while calling you a faggot for not being a slave to ZOG like them.
I don't see many articles about how they are "a threat to society" Enjoy the Neetbux boys.
Absolutley not. But would you want your son to grow up in this society? Cucked to women and ZOG? No you are a disgrace if you would allow that. What are you? 20 years old? You have 17 years untill you are 37…not only still viable to mate, but exceeding your current value…. That is 17 years to torch this and build the New Atlantis. Don't let the shills allow you to cuck out to the Whore of Babylon. Starve the beast. Now watch the Old World Order below try to convince you that NEET Accelerationism (Going Galt) is ineffective. The real solution is to acquire Fiat currency. The Fed was never a problem… It was your work ethic all along.