Parenting is a stage in life all non-neets go through. 4chan/Zig Forums have been around for nearly 20 years, many anons here either have children, have a pregnant partner, planning to have children, or about to adopt a child. With the world outside becoming more insane, anti-white, and wanting to corrupt family values and your children to grow up into the perfect Goy/Marxist, it's our duty as parents to our children to combat this and raise our children to grow up to be free-thinking adults under our guidance away from the Judaeo-Marxist influence. Rather you want to raise your child religiously, secular, or atheist doesn't matter. As long as you as you raise them to be proud in their race, their people, have a good understanding of the world around them and the dangers that plague it, the evils of Marxism/Communism/Jewry/Islam/Socialism/Capitalism/Liberalism etc., have grand ambitions for themselves far beyond even you could comprehend and to ensure your relationship with your children are healthy and non-antagonistic.
I've found some decent videos on how to achieve this:
How to home school your children:
Due to the increasingly Marxist control over the educational system, it might be best to home school your children or find less liberal schools to send them:
Bedtime Stories and Folk/Fairytale Stories:
Anything from the Brother's Grimm
Adolf Hitler himself praised the Grimm Fairy Tales because they showed children with sound racial instincts seeking racially pure marriage partners and the Nazis encouraged every household to have at least one copy of the Grimm brothers' stories.
Other stories:
Here's a full list of fairy tales around the world:
It's important for you children to learn how to fire a gun and learn how to develop life skills. It's helps them get over timidness and build confidence and learn responsibility.
Nutrition and exercise:
Obesity is a rising problem in the United States, (((fast food))) places explicitly manipulate children to buy their products for toys and corporations push the (((food pyramid))) and unhealthy, fating products into school cafeterias. To combat this, try giving your children a healthy, balanced diet that's appropriate to them. Try to explain to your children that fast food is bad for their health and avoid bread, carbs, soda, or anything of the like. If you wouldn't eat it, your children shouldn't either. It's alright to give a child sweets but make sure it's sparse.
For exercise, it's a good idea to play sports with your children like football, baseball, basketball, soccer or anything that's good at burning calories. Don't exhaust them, as they grow up start to challenge them gradually so they can build up strength and teaches them to strategize more effectively.