I'd like to take a swing at how I think a Right-Wing 'revolt' would play out in America. Please try to excuse me, as my thoughts on this are somewhat disorganized, and I am trying to tie things together.
I predict that there will be an inflection point of great economic instability and possible collapse sometime within the next 5-15 years. The signs of this have been in the tea leaves for quite a while now, but I cannot say for certain what specifically will precipitate this collapse. One likely possibility is a move by China and/or Russia to replace the U.S. Dollar on the global market, but this really is unimportant.
Preceding this I predict that racial tensions and inter-racial violence will accelerate over the same time period, with racial antagonism against whites making up the bulk of this increase. Knowledge of this will be suppressed if possible by the media and the public/private axis, and obfuscated and minimized where it cannot be ignored. People will still be able to learn of this, though non-approved methods of communication and information will be increasingly shut down, largely justified as fighting 'hate.'
Laws predilected on combating white supremacy will be instituted, likely only on the national level, but starting in Liberal states, as well as left-leaning cities and municipalities. Even where these laws are not instituted their strictures will be willingly enforced by non-state actors out of conformity to social norms or fear of sanction. Attempts to combat these laws on 1st amendment grounds will ultimately fail. Minor gun control legislation will be introduced along similar lines, expect national-level employers to start asking if you are a gun owner at interviews.
All of this will result in an increasing anxiety among whites, though the urban shitlib and soy-fed suburbanite type will deny reality throughout this period. Genuine right-wing types will be dismayed, terrified and subject to increasing scrutiny by the state. As always, any attempt to organize that is discovered will be subverted or suppressed. The government will compile great lists based on web traffic and surveilled communications.
When the economy begins collapsing the racial violence will explode, alongside other forms of chaos such as mass layoffs, bank runs etc… PoC and blacks will have largely become accustomed to being lightly policed, and will quickly become uncontrollable. Shitlibs and deracinated suburban whites, terrified and bewildered, will beg the government to restore order. This chaos will be used by the state to justify martial law, the public sector will acquiesce to all demands.
Any right-winger that is identified as a provocateur will be SWATed. All attempts by right-wingers to organize will be shut down electronically, with the disorganized remnants getting tracked down by the authorities. There will be much talk though approved channels about the terror of right-wing white violence, even as Blacks and other diversity tear cities and towns apart. All people will be allowed to hear about is violent rednecks and neo-nazi terror cells being exposed, the few scattered instances of real armed resistance will be overwhelmed and used as propaganda for further crackdowns. Urban shitlibs will smirk in satisfaction within their green-zones, suburban whites will be dismayed but will have no recourse, being too terrified to offer anything more than mild complaints.
There will be no intervention by the military. Any soldiers or officers to resist will be quickly and publicly outed as crypto-fascists and made to serve as examples, and in any case the government will largely be relying on domestic agencies and police forces for groundwork. Agents of ZOG will gleefully round up white's, this is what they've been waiting for. There will be significant resistance by local police departments after the scale of this operation become apparent, but the state will swiftly punish those who refuse, and have enough manpower to shuffle personnel across the country quickly enough to get the job done.