What is the best language for Europeans to speak? I mean what language has such deep roots in European culture that it should be the lingua franca of Europe? English? German? Latin? Spanish? What? Or at least what family of languages would be the best. Germanic? Romance? Slavic? I'm curious mainly because I am trying to rediscover my own European heritage (Germanic mostly with a bit of French) and will soon be traveling there to live.
What is the best language for Europeans to speak...
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Our own.
If you're German you should learn German.
Gleðileg jól
The most European language used to be French since it was spoken by most nobles. Over the long run I'd say the closest to a pan-European modern day language is Italian since it is a direct descendant of Latin and Latin is dead.
Personally I think that the more languages you know the better but to return to the question at hand it depends on your definition of Europe.
Think that German is a given even though for Europe as a whole if not only because of the pure beauty and the way you form sentences it is just has really nice aesthetics but every country should of course still keep their own language while the Scandinavian countries should of course have Swedish as main language of choice in internal discussion.
English could work as a cancerous kind of last resort if communicating with people outside of Europe that doesn't know anything else.
French is also a descendent of Latin. The most similar laguage to Latin spoken by real people today is Sardinian.
What are you talking about? English is the first choice with everyone speaking both outside and inside Europe.
It's the lingua-franca of the modern world. Like French used to be or like Greek once was.
Latin is to the west what Sanskrit is to India. It's by far THE language of the civilization of the west, of its liturgy and intellectual elite, and that every educated European was supposed to know at least to some degree and in which essentially all major works of the west were written in, from the works of the fathers of Catholicism to Newton/Leibniz and their calculus. And obviously, it was the language of the ancient Empire.
Uh, the one I speak.
Yes I agree with you that it is and have been for quite some time but that doesn't mean that it always has to be.
It's mostly based on personal preference seeing as there is nothing that works better as a moral booster as some good old german.
In order to provide some sort of argument, the way that you would form a sentence in german versus english while having a discussion makes it imperative that the other part actually listens because normally you start at the other end of a sentence compared to english if this makes any sence.
The positive consequence of this is that discussions can't really be interrupted and co'opted in the same way as you would be able to in english because you would more than often not get the point being made without the whole context providing a lot more nuanced debates and interviews as some examples.
Your own.
Study Greek and you will think the way God thinks.
There is no need for one until there's a successor to the Großdeutsches Reich. That will happen organically and our speculation will have zero effect on its trajectory. The future is barreling towards us and yet its nature is ever inscrutable.
It could be funny making spooks learn Hungarian in order to infiltrate us, though.
The best language hasn't been invented yet…but it is going to happen soon.
Please be patient while I kms
if it continues like that it's gonna be a fucking weird mix
in france young people are literally mixing french words,french grammar,english expression(wtf is widespread as much as lol),arabs expressions,africans expressions…
young people are really acting and being fucking niggers since they copy our arabs/africans wich copy your afro/latino-americans.
Agreed. Time too revive Latin.
How about you go fuck yourself jew
English because its lack of rules and words makes it ideal to express whatever you feel like.
Not really a serious concern, English is probably the most functional language from europe BUT we shouldn't be pursuing a unified language in the first place, english will consume elements from all of it's neighbors as it always has.
Language gives shape to thoughts, speaking different types of languages and being able to reason in multiple languages gives you new ways to shape thoughts, linguistic variety is useful and meaningful, most of the time at least.
In a few hundred years we're probably going to be down to just a small handful of major world languages left, English will dominate the west as it has and native languages will begin to decline like Gaelic has. With gene editing we'll see non white nations bloom a spontaneous white demographic and over time these people will very likely prioritize learning english as they abandon the shithole cultures their ancestors came into and out of; many will retain their latin origin language and I suspect as the gene editing raises IQs in latin origin nations they'll actually try to unify their languages for once, likely by creating a unified new latin bible, this will probably be a method used in new english unifying the latin and asian origin nation's variations with euopean and colonial english variations. China presently looks like it will become the dominant force and therefore it's language will grow in use but a great number of downfalls could beset china, their country is ripe for a fungal disease like candida auris, humid, polluted tight living quarters, it could burn through china and much of asia, other weaknesses come from the destruction of chinese culture during maoist reign, they having no real attachment to their culture, land and people could decline as the west has and be preyed upon by parasitic peoples of which they have had no experience with in the past, ultimately china's neighbors hate china and likely wont want to learn mandarin unless they need it to make a living.
Well Europe for most of its history, like 20,000 years or so, spoke a form of "Gaelic" and all Indo-Aryan languages can be formed into Gaelic so basically learn how to think in Gaelic and you'll be able to understand any language that is a derivative of Gaelic, including Latin or even Hebrew.
Being Cymraeg myself.
I object to the idea of other nations speaking our language
Fuck off die in fire
Europe is named after the Semitic Goddess 'Europa' and is a jew-forced maymay found first in maps of the Early Middle Age.
The name of your homeland is Celtae.
Whatever language you like from the language group your people speak.
The Franks were a Germanic-speaking confederation of tribes.
how did Latin die?
Pic related.
I sorta like this answer, although I think naming Europe Celtae sounds like if it belonged to the Celts.
Do they even exist anymore?
If Europe or the World needs a lingua franca, then Latin would be the best choice, but of course, it'd be better if this was sparingly used and every culture kept to its own language mainly.
It didn't. See
They and their derivatives were the dominant culture throughout much of western and central Europe.
All of "Europe" is Celtic.
Yes. Croats and others in Dalmatia, mostly, but all the "Balkan" peninsula is Illyria even though most speak Slavic languages now.
Pic unrelated.
As Romans expanded it began being spoken by non Latins, thus vulgar Latin was born, which began even early to diverge into the ancestors of Romance languages. But in the meantime, in Rome at least the elites had their own essentially standardized version of it which remained relatively stable until the empire bit the dust(though even late Republican/Imperial Latin was different from so called archaic Latin, the Latin of the kingdom; some like Cicero and others lament how some ritual formulas going back all the way to the Kingdom were barely understood even by the priests). Latin here officially died* in a sense, but at the same time became immortal as the few elites and scholars left, particularly after the Carolingian Renaissance, made a concerted effort to restore fluency in it, at least of the intellectuals, and to achieve again late Republican/Ciceronian fluency. And indeed they essentially did, as Medieval Latin is more or less the same as Ciceronian Latin, at least if you are reading important authors, bar of course the new words introduced(particularly biblically important ones), a bit more "regular" syntax by our standards and some small grammatical innovations/changes.
*Language death is usually declared when some language stops being spoken continuously, though in the case of Latin there wasn't as much a lack of "native" speakers as a lack of a central authority ensuring the masses didn't completely butcher it into something quite different as modern Romance languages, so different that you just can't call it Latin anymore. Greek in that regard, while definitely different from ancient Greek, was definitely able to stay closer.
I guess the biggest lesson here is that the masses will butcher languages if you leave them to it without some central authority making sure a proper standard is kept, at least for important matters. For this reason in particular I wouldn't want Latin to be resurrected as a mass communication tool, I just know people would butcher it.
I listen to Danzig in Latin.
>>shut it down the gintlí know
They are very related, though it might have been just larping by Christian Celts, to be the real "jews" or something but going through all the written records you'll see both the Gaels claim it as well as others who study it both come to the same conclusion. See the book, there are many other books on the same topic.
Celtic + Germanic tribe spread. Excludes Slavic/Illyric-, Italic-, Hispanic-, and Norse-speaking tribes.
I think it's more likely to be a coincidence.
Considering our innate xenophobia
Hispanic (Celt-iberian)
Italic (Latino-celtic)
The Founding Fathers of America did the same. They thought of themselves as israelites or some shit. Dumbfucks.
Italian and Greek.
Nordaboos need to fuck off.
Conlangs are jewlangs
>The name of your homeland is Celtae.
That doesn't seem to be the case now. Slavs, Nords, Meds, Germanics, Dinarics, etc. aren't Celtic. Ireland and perhaps Iberia are celtic, but not the rest of it.
The four primary super ethnicities in the above IE family tree include:-
1. Anatolian- (Extinct)
2. Celto-Italo- Tocharian (The last named is extinct)
3. Balto- Slavo- Germanic. 4. Aryano- Greco- Armenic.
See also Handbook of Formal Languages: Volume 1. Word, Language, Grammar
By by Grzegorz Rozenberg (Editor), Arto Salomaa (Editor)
The expansion of R1b people into Old Europe was slower, but proved inevitable
Traditionally, all Indo-European languages were divided into "centum" and "satem" languages, after the Latin and Avestan words for "100," respectively. Most importantly, the Indo-Iranian (Sanskrit, Persian, etc.) and Slavic languages are "satem" languages. However, this particular isogloss is now no longer taken to reflect a fundamental division in descent. In the chart above, Russian, the principal Slavic language, will be seen to be more closely related to German and to Latin than to Sanskrit; and Greek, a "centum" language, is more closely related to Sanskrit than to the others. What has happened is that more features have been taken into account and the overall greater similarities between Greek and Sanskrit outweigh a lesser point that Sanskrit seems to share with Slavic languages.
The current communis opinio is best described as a reconciliation of the Schwund-Hypothese and revised PIE: Anatolian is considerably less archaic than previously thought, and the label PN IE is warranted for ‘classical’ IE languages.
Lel. Thats what you think.
Iron Age
Hallstatt 1200 - 500 BC
La Tène 500 BC - 1 AD
Which language would be most suitable for Europe?
Latin has always been used by people (until the 19th century almost exclusively europe) as a language for high positions.
Latin then of course.the administration and books were almost always Latin in europe.the government did not yet register, the church did, which did the registration of the church members.
For English, Latin was the absolute world language.as european language? No then German! English in that case certainly not, England is not on the European mainland.there are certainly more German-speaking Europeans than English-speaking Europeans.germany is also the heart of Europe.it is centrally located.
Although not necessarily the heart, it is still centrally located.
the English empire was very big.they have done so by stealing land from other European superpowers, rather than by conquering it themselves.in that respect, England is a pussy country.cancer england.
Well well they do it themselves.oh well.
and that's why English has become the world language.
But there is not really a language for all white breeds, (race) you know, no.
Each breed finds its own language more important.
They will never give in to the language of another white breed.
If all white breeds (white races) would unite, they should do the following four languages: Russian, Latin, German, and English.
It's that easy.
there is much to say about it,but it is so very easy,you now.
Long live racism!
sieg heil!
Bronze Age
Únětice 2300 - 1600 BC
Tumulus 1600 - 1200 BC
fuck england.
Kill all jews in america,not in europe.
If you are in europe and want to Kill not negro apes or women:Kill Americans!
Americans hi ha !!!!!!!
Kill cunt negro apes apes hojo hi ha ! ! !
Long live racism!!!!
Kill all traitors and negroes.
Those were centuries upon centuries now - they've became different ethnic groups than fucking celts, lad.
Same logic that someone is your ethnicity because they share half a haplotype with you. Are hapas fully white because they have white blood?
These two images and associated dates >>13132559 show ~3,000yrs of Celtic Europe. 1,000 years longer than whatever jew-divided shit people have now, and most European "nations" (states) are less than 500yrs old. And this is just agreed on history, not actual history, which is likely older given the Celtic masonry at Göbeklitepe and the dates of the Henges in the Isles, most of which go back another 1,000yrs, predating the Yamnaya and Corded pottery cultures.
Now you're switching from celts to corded ware, of which celts descended from, but not all white nationalities have came from.
*latinizes ur continent*
Not only do they share similar linguistic, art, pottery, and burrial types, they share similar dna going back as far as 7,000yrs ago and are almost identical to modern Europeans 5,000yrs ago at the beginning of the Bronze Age.
Pic very related.
And here is larger scope of dna.
cum!!!! lol cum!!!!!!!! im cumming oh oh oh oh WOWWWW omg !!!!
Here is a moe comparable world dna spread.
Corded ware ≠ Celtic
It's like saying all of europe is Nordic or Slavic because they too descended from the Corded Ware. Celts are just one people that came from them.
1. Your own
2. English
English is, or at least was, the most expressive and diverse language as it contained many influences from both the Germanic and Latin regions of Europe. It is considered by many to be the most poetic language because of its vast dictionary (being able to use a word derived from the French, Spanish, Germans or native British gives you much more options) and, assuming that it is properly mastered, allows the speaker to present their ideas in multiple different ways all with slight nuances which allow for a more full understanding.
English is the master language so long as one is well versed in it. What we see today is largely butchered or specialised English where speakers have a relatively low vocabulary, which completely nullifies all the benefits of it. The degradation of the language by jews has also contributed immeasurably to its weakening; with broad, vague, abstract and largely meaningless terms becoming the norm. Just at look how our enemies will disregard certain views in lazy ways, such as condemning us as 'nazis' or 'hateful'; for the moment we at least have several words being used, but both of them have no wider meaning beyond 'bad' or 'evil'. Think of all the words that the English language gives to present slightly nuanced portrayals of 'bad/evil'; draconian implies a hint of tyranny and over-bearing, wicked implies an inherent malice or spite, vengeful portrays that the perpetrator believes they are acting in retaliation, degenerate shows that they are becoming something lesser, then we have abominable, vile, cretinous, weasely, monstrous, barbaric, murderous, abhorrent, and so on, and so on, and a million metaphors and similes more as well. Its fair that some people will have some few favoured expressions, but by refusing to use anything beyond 'hateful/bigoted/racist/fascist/nazi', and with all of them losing their differentiating factors (for instance calling opponents of cultures or religions as racist, which makes the 'race' part of the word pointless for expressive purposes) we see the English language become no better than many others which provide limited methods of expression.
So if you're going to use the English language, please try to master it otherwise you are just contributing to its desecration.
If your language has aggluination its retarded.
>Implying that Tatars and other (((Turkic))) people are White
>Implying that Turkic (((Khazaria))) is White
Thanks Shlomo very cool!
That's like saying a German-american isn't the same as an ancient Germanic-celt even though they share the same dna groups because time has passed. Fuck time.
Celtae is eternal.
And so are the Germanic people.
I think that yellow is some sort of Asian Haplogroup, user.
So by your logic, a half asian half german is the same as a germanic celt because they both share the same DNA?
Good thing you don't believe in the "Out of Africa" theory, or else you'd say we're all niggers.
No, Celts are one of the peoples who descended from Corded Ware, and thus are seperate from the other euro-descended volk. I thought you liked having your cultures seperate and preserved instead of assimilating them all within one people's name.
are you fucking retarded
No, but you are, judging by that response.
Fuck me, you Americans are fucking insufferable. And I say this as a fellow new worlder.
Europe isn't a single country with a single people. We all have our own languages. There's no ideological reason (or otherwise) for why French people should know Russian, or why Ukrainians should speak German.
French for French, Russian for Russians, German for Germans.
Wait until you read "WE WUZ CELTZ"poster.
It didn't die. It evolved. It just evolved differently in each of the various countries that used to speak it.
No, that would actually be Lithuanian. Lithuanian is so conservative it actually has a significant number of strong cognates with Sanskrit.
If there is any language Lithuanians should learn, the is closest to proto indo European, it would be Lithuanian
adoughanjoufklkjhjhhujjjhj jhhjjkhggkgyghvghbj ihuihuiih hhuhuihuihiuihuhuihiuhiuhuihiuhuihiuhuihuhuhiuhuhiuhuhuhuuhuhuuhihuihuihihiuhiuh uuhuiui
Latin you fools
But also your country's language. Don't just go full anglo on it
Also every European language has been heavily influenced by Latin. At least every language spoken by Catholics.
its pretty pleb behaviour to be monolingual in 2020
here are some good aryan languages to expand your cultural knowledge arranged by amount of literature available, popularity and speakers worldwide
German should be the lingua franca for Germanic countries.
So if you are Swedish, Norwegian, etc best start learning it. And maybe move here. We'd like to incorporate your genetics into ours.
Why can't we just use Folkspraak as the lingua franca for every germanic country and use Icelandic for religious rituals and scriptures?
Hello to you too.
Are you fucking retarded?
lets you speak to the entire post soviet sphere
lets you read old byzantine and alexander era text
Is there a reason you would suggest not learning some languages Mr 1984?
Cymru am byth
t. Jones
It's nice that you're looking back at your heritage but English is superior. It's a German/Latin hybrid with loose enough rules to be able to say almost anything with complete distinction, something other languages don't offer.
We take it for granted, that we can say the same thing in many different ways. This is the nature of English' supremacy, and it's something other languages cannot do. Insofar as language dictates how we think, it's evermore important.
I learn as much as possible because every language is applicable in English, that doesn't mean it should be bastardized, it makes it neat as fuck.
That's because Israel is Aryan clay and the Turks pretending to be "God's chosen ones" are retarded shitskins who's only power is the syndicalism brought about by a religion they think they invented.
Rothschilds are full blooded Scottish Jews, for example; Scottish are one of the original tribes. Turks are not, and Israel is basically 98% Turkish. Most of the problem Jews in politics? Also Turkish. The Torah even speaks of false Jews living in a fake Israel.
Hi Hasbara, what's it like being fucking goyim? Must suck to know your entire life was spent sucking Aryan dick only to get thrown out of a country we lied to you about.
English, French, German, Spanish and Russian are all multiculturalist languages now.
You should at a minimum speak two or three of those (English + Russian is a good spread of access to content)
But if you want to do your bit for fighting against the invasion you really must learn a minority language - Norwegian, Welsh, Czech - Something unpopular with the jew and the nig.
The Jews in my part of the world are all Russians - there are literally zero Jews or muzzies who speak my language.
English if you're white, something else if you're not white. Closest relative to English is German but English is the only language a white man needs
Russian beats English in that regard.
what the fuck does that even mean
Imagine speaking like Shakespeare, that's the German language (at least for now).
It also has >23 million different words (not counting different forms of the same word).
Classical Greek. Even the Roman elite used it more than Latin and the original bible was Greek.
Balts are also genetically closest to proto-Indo-Europeans