'Clearly a joke': White House explains away Trump's 'I love WikiLeaks' comments


The recent arrest of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange has put the White House in the awkward position of having to explain away US President Donald Trump previous praise for the whistleblowing website.
Trump was a fan of WikiLeaks' whistleblowing back in 2016, when the website released leaked documents from the Democratic National Committee, including the emails of the Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta. Delighting in the incriminating information that came to light thanks to Assange and his people, Trump declared he loved WikiLeaks, and called the documents a "treasure trove".

Now that Assange has been arrested and indicted in the US with conspiracy to hack a government computer network in 2010, Trump's affections are all gone. “I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing,” he said dismissively earlier this week, leaving others to do the awkward explaining.

American media could not help but jump on the opportunity to remind the White House about the president’s past statements – MSNBC even made a point of counting how many times Trump had mentioned WikiLeaks previously, and came up with an impressive 141 in just the final month of his campaign alone. Fox News took the opportunity to ask White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders about the sudden change of heart.

It turns out those were all jokes.

"Look, clearly the president was making a joke during the 2016 campaign," Sanderds said.

She also assured Fox News that the Trump administration “certainly” takes the issue “seriously” now, then quickly recovered and turned it into an attack on the Obama administration.

“In fact, our administration is the only one that’s done anything about it,” she said. “We’re the only ones that have taken this whole process seriously in actually doing something to solve the problem.”

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You mean like the wall?

he said it at half his fucking rallies, not one time, someone post the video of this lying kike

The only thing more embarrassing than this administration are the people still supporting it.

What difference, at this point, does it make? -Hillary Clinton

i hate this kike

Actually the wall was an esoteric metaphor, newfag


hahahajajajajaja I love /ourpresident/, what a madman!



Wew lad, now thats a shitpost

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Wow that line sounds very familiar. Every time ecelebs say something stupid

Just like all his campaign promises apparently

I feel a tremendous sense of guilt, for the self harm monitoring (for research purposes) T_D during 2016 has caused me.

it really wasn't that bad til the primaries were over then pretty sure trump campaign bought out the mods and turned it into civnat kosher town, I tried to go back to it to see what the party line was on JA and I got AIDS

The only thing he takes seriously is sucking kike cock.

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I can tell you're not Aryan like my wife. You see, only real Aryans know what is a metaphor… I won't bother explaining it to you as your genes won't allow you to understand

What was the joke? He said "I love wikileaks" in the context of Hillary and the DNC's exposed e-mails, so why the fuck would that be funny??

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The joke is all the people that believed him

It was an esoteric joke

"Hey Assange, thanks for the leaks during the election. Get ready to be found in a cell dead by three bullet holes in the back of your head, nothing personnel"

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He's been joking for a while now.

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his dumb fuck supporters still think hes being arrested and extradited to be given the medal of honor. He really is lucky in the sense people are so fucking desperate all he has to do is just wink while he fucks them over and they will beg for more

He just lies like every other goddamn politician. I can't believe the mods here tried to force consensus on this fuckhead. All those threads filled with muh dems and vote cuckery.

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If he did this I would take back everything negative I've ever said about him but he wont


Well aren't you a spineless faggot.

Fuck this orange kike and the goat he rode in on.

Attached: Trump Stab in the back.png (795x537, 503.26K)

It was sarcasm.

Damn, wrong file.
This is the official graphic depiction of Trump's stab in the back, which will be appearing in future history books.

Attached: Trump Stab in the back.png (795x537, 513.54K)

Funny enough I saw this and decided to check out T_D to see if they're talking about this blatant betrayal given there's no way to spin this. DEAD SILENT FOR THE PAST WEEK. They're right wing SJW's, they care not for principles but instead care for the man in charge. Just like how he has abandoned assange, they will shout not one word as he continuously abandons his base.

really ? Saying it 141 times in the month of the campaign was 'sarcasm'? Are you pretending to be this big a of nigger?

It is easily one of the moderated corners of the internet. Any time the slightest dissent arises, the posts are immediately deleted.

So you're telling me the users are willingly a part of a cult of personality? Yeah that makes it 10x better.

You realize T_D has literally just been an advertisement board for Trump since the election right? Any dissenting opinion is instantly censored with the user banned and it's been that way for years now. I would guess 80% of the traffic still on the site is bots and Israeli jews.

Yeah, it was. Go worship the ZOG emperor back on reddit. He says what jews tell him to say when jews tell him to say it. He lied about everything in his campaign.

No, I don't use reddit.

I heard his real base was the white immigrants coming here from Latin America

There are some white latin americans but these are few in number and many don't want to move because of their big businesses. I know a white PR who refuses to leave that shithole because his father owns one of the biggest medical companies on the entire island and makes several million a year. So even the smart whites from there don't want to leave because profits will be less if they move to Weimerica.

Then quit talking about it like you do turbonigger.

he is a joke. In fact Trump literally just copied Rodney Dangerfield's comedic brand with the large tie, charismatic body language, "unorthodox" sarcasm, and the classic "nobody respects me" gimmick.

Except I didn't do so, l2read nigger.

Trump is octoroon ashkenazi jew.

Attached: random ashkenazi jewess.jpg (634x898 89.27 KB, 173.83K)


Years of classifying people. I am talking about phenotype.
t. classifier


So no proof?


What proof do you need? Some sort of certificate or what?

Yes, jews looks kinda weird.

Anything from genetic study and yes your own cerificate.

There's a site you can use to track the hardcore moderation you'll see in a place like T_D. See here for instance (look at all the red):
Just type 'move' after 're' in the URL for any other thread.

Well, jews for sure have his genome analysed. And they gave him certificate. Many times.

Attached: certificate.JPG (200x133, 8.48K)

So very Jewish of him, I truly suspect Trtump is the first crypto-kike to be elected Pwresident of the United Sates, however F.D.R may have been the very first Jew elected as a US President.

another words…..
Trump is a cocksucker

So much for Andrew Jackson boys and goys

So no proof?

You are wasting my time.

Do you have proof your mother is jewish? Certificate?

So again, no proof?

So much for "classifier". Call yourself bullshiter next time to save everyone's time.

So again. Show us proof, your mother is jewish. Genetic analyses. Something. If not, you are a liar. You are not a real jew.

raised 95,000 points, or whatever the fuck they are called prior to Trump being elected, a month latter they banned me because I said his wife "hot hot in that dress" at a rally. That was it, she looked HOT, banned from Reddit.

I live to see they day someone kills him as I watch CNN.

There's NO coming back from this. I was open to voting for Trump in 2020. Now I'm glad I didn't vote for him in the first place.

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I burned my "MAGA" account on the day he signed the military spending bill. I posted that he looked like an absolute cuck, and was banned in under 1 minute.

So I ask for proof on how Trump is "octoroon ashkenazi jew", and I got asked for proof back.

Real funny, bullshiter.

But it is a same thing. You are asking for proof Trump is a jew and I am asking for proof, your mother is a jew. Where is the difference?

Tell you what. Your mother IS a jew. Because I can smell her cunt up to here. And that is enougt of a proof.

yeah it was remarkable, she did look hot in her dress, I think it was at one of the very first rallies she ever publicly spoke at, I was a huge Trump fan, train with no brakes, reddit, 8ch, 4chan, posting shitposts to Facebook pissing off all of my normie friends, commented that she looked HOT……………… fucking banned in 3 minutes, 95,000 upvote points or whatever, have since deleted that Reddit shitbox account, and haven't been there since.

Trump is a god damn faggot and he will never win in 2020, if he does, everyone will know the election is rigged because his base no longer supports him, in fact, they oppose him

The difference is I'm asking for proof, you cannot respond to a question with a question.
Where is the proof though?

Any state that has "fair" elections will subverted by those who do not believe in "fair" elections.

Attached: assange_arrest_cartoon.jpg (1800x1276, 410.34K)

There is no difference. You are asking for proof about Trump and I am asking for proof about your jewish mom.
It is very specific how jewish cunts smell.

Attached: imagine that smell.jpg (758x948, 118.2K)

I see the difference, I ask for proof first, you still haven't answered my question.
Again, where is the proof?

I've never said elections are real in fact I think Mossad killed Kennedy in 1963. The subversion of the US has been taking place since before even then FDR was a NY Jewboy, but research "Sons of Liberty" "Sam Adams" "John Adams" etc…. Benjamin Franklin first brought the Jews into the US ashkenazi jews into the US seeking financial support for the revolutionary way of 1776. Many early US Presidents spoke openly about the dangers of the Jews. This is what those long dead men meant while they were alive.

Trump is a jew cocksucker suck jew dick, and fucking the goyim who voted for him, that is what jews do

Well, stick your schnortzl up of your mother cunt, there is all proof you need. Enjoy.

Attached: that smell.png (630x372, 218.4K)

Vile language, kike.

Me kike, lel?
Standard "whoisjew" test for you. Retype:
no jew is allowewd to type that sentence. Check mate, jew

I've been wondering about that, is the so called "Franklin Prophecy" a forgery?

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (474x592, 73.33K)

Nice kike religion, kike.

Now where is the proof?

Where is your retyping?

And soda is actually a juice, because it has 2% of it.

How dumb jews can get?

Where is your proof?

European ashkenazis are 1/4 to 1/8 jewish. Thats why thay can hide as crypto jews. But they are all sayanims.
Trump is crypto and sayanim.

In your jewish mother cunt. Told you before.

assange is a leftist. he can get fucked.

Yes yes. And he smeared his poop on the walls.
Nice damage control, jidf.

Have a sound argument instead of calling names.
Almost everyone on this board calling white ppl jews are muzzy scumbags.

There is your proof and certificate you are a jew.

jew, bye

Assange was a faggot not a leftist.
If he was a leftist he would not of turned over hillary's emails and made her lose the election.
Think before you speak.

Says a muzzy white hater infiltrating pol
Fuck a goat, nigger.

I still do not see any proof, yid.

What a blood bath. I'm surprised they still even have active users.

Pol has a Muzzy infestation. They think they can push our hate of jew Greed to make us not hate Islam. Watch the comments. It has become obvious. I hate greedy Jews and all of Islam.

True and I agree.

Muslims are trying to make whites do the jobs for them.

oh noes

We put up Nazi symbols to keep Jews out. What can we do to make Islam feel the same way?

The same thing, but neither jews and muslims fear symbols.

Do you have any ideas then?
I am all ears.

Only violence, user, sad to say.

I think brenton tarran saw this too.
I killed 3 Muzzies so far in war. I wished I killed more.

I hope Trump has a heart attack and dies. I really do

This. Israel's Cuck has proven himself time and time again to be a cuck… to Israel.
Anyone who still supports him after Assange's arrest is also a cuck by association.

I would be disappointed. Traitorous fuck deserves far worse.

Anyone who supported him for the last few years has been a cuck and mentally ill NPC quite honestly. This news doesn't even come as a surprise to me after living through this hellish nightmare of a jewish president.