We cannot avoid a racist revolution, a racist party, a racist state!
On Saturday, we had the 22nd day of action of the Yellow Vests or, at least, it was announced in these terms.
I think that all our readers, all the people in our circles have understood over the months that the movement had gradually degenerated into bourgeois-urban unrest.
This is not surprising or even "damaging", since this movement was sooner or later to degenerate and die out, as is the case with all spontaneous revolts not organized in revolutionary action. We have seen the same phenomenon with the Bonnets Rouges previously, over a much shorter period of time.
However, between these two episodes, only 5 years passed and the intensity has, as we have seen, multiplied by 100, both in terms of violence and influence in the territory.
The more the movement moved towards the large metropolitan areas, the more socially urban, bourgeois, in short, "left-wing", and the less the indigenous people, the foundation of the middle class, peri-urban and even rural areas, mobilized.
However, let us be careful not to move too quickly in our judgment on this matter. The left-wing gentrification of the Yellow Vests movement is not the cause of its degeneration. This degeneration is only the consequence of the weakness of the political and organizational consciousness of the white middle class on the periphery. These white middle classes remain trapped in a reactionary posture, that is, prostrate in an attitude of simple reaction to a system that they do not contest in a revolutionary way.
In other words, these middle classes, although in the process of downgrading, still believe in the possibility or even the willingness of the system to evolve without fundamental disruption. An improved status quo of sorts. Change without revolution, without the cost of revolution, without the efforts of revolution.
Systemic crisis of confidence
Although presented in the media as a unified whole under the generic term "Yellow Vests", the opposition movement has not, in itself, developed a truly uniform political consciousness except to contest anarchically the legitimacy of the representativeness of certain ruling factions of the regime.
What has become clear from the action of this movement, however, for a significant part of the people, perhaps half of them, is the idea that elections under the current system offer no political opportunity, no response to the demands made, because it understands that the system is closely controlled by a coalition of parties, trade unions, the media and lobbies - and in particular the factious Jewish lobby -, first and foremost finance, which render such elections without any real effect.
All the structures integrated into the system are now affected by a deep crisis of public trust: parties, trade unions, the media. This crisis of confidence was already very advanced, but from November 2018 it became public. Mass consciousness has made significant progress in this regard.
That is why direct, popular action has regained credibility in the very minds of the masses in the face of the lies of this Judeo-Plutocratic regime and those who collaborate with it.
This is a major practical achievement of this movement.
The radical bourgeois left, isolated
What is also even clearer is that the so-called "radical" bourgeois left, concentrated in the big cities, no longer has any capacity to drive the masses in the national sense.
Its support is limited to large metropolitan areas and is mainly composed of civil servants and a few anarchistic students. These elements are the expression of the internal contradictions of the new geographical, economic and political configuration of the existing system. The inevitable waste of the internationalized bourgeoisie that controls these cities.
Finally, in accordance with what we think and say in the social-racist ranks, the famous ethnically third-world "suburbs" located in the immediate vicinity of these cities have demonstrated that they are passive towards the movement, totally incapable of any form of politicization for obvious reasons of lack of racial potential. Only the opportunity of the looting could have marginally attracted some Afro-Maghrebi people to the margins of the demonstrations.
This non-white mass is and will remain the racial sub-proletariat financed by the fruits of labour - and armed against them! - of workers of French origin who have been set up by this Judeo-Cosmopolitan regime and its system of "redistribution" for several decades.