Propaganda uses of the Notre Dame fire

We cannot let Notre Dame die in vain. We must uses this tragedy as a sacrifice to resurrect White Identity. ITT we come up with ways to use this tragedy to reinvigorate French nationalism in particular and White nationalism in general.
If the Migrants/Antifa did it
If It Was an Accident
If the Media Doesn't Care
>See? The (((elites))) don't care about the french people and want us all dead
If the Media Does Care

Attached: NotreDameEsterno.jpg (2048x1365 139.18 KB, 130.16K)

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Christcuckolds deserve it for raping the aryan spirit for 2000 years.

Death to all jews!

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you're proud to be black? what kind of loser are you?

Kill yourself you peice of garbage. Christendom is our home. If you are anti Christian you are anti white

try again rabbi yashua

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I hope you get cancer you glow in the dark peice of filth

Add a Nasheed soundtrack to it.

what is needed is a new Reformation. One that puts more pagan elements into Christianity and replaces the Slave morality for a master one. There is no way to up root Christianity with out also destroying Europeans. This infighting is not helping.

Shut the fuck up, shill, this is about more than Christianity, this was an architectural marvel that belonged to the white race and its accomplishments. You fucking scumbag, I don’t care who you are, but Christianity has been part of white culture for hundreds of years and even soaked in precious pagan rituals of a more ancient time. God damn divide and conquer my ass you cunt.