Muzzy scumbags are already on chan claiming it was Jews as they laugh while it burns. Every-time a Muzzy kills or destroys something they blame Jews. I know Jews are greedy fucks but this is getting annoying. Islam is not peaceful and wants to destroy the white culture. We need to keep them out of America or this is coming to your home town.
Zachary Stewart
These are third world, inbred, monkeys. There are dogs that provide more to society.
Bentley Wood
You know, you’d have a lot more cultural success if you realized that part of why Islam spreads is the authentically unappealing nature of “leftists” like you. The simplistic fistulated tardbox that is Islamic culture doesn’t encourage people to undergo unpleasant cultural “enrichments” like nightclubs, hateful music, and celebrity worship. Islam protects the dignity of people in a way that upholds their happiness despite all adversity. The fact that Islam creates also an absurdly adverse world should make it ripe for disruption… Really, it should…
But no, western civilization must remember poo poo pee pee, because sacred narcissists must have their shit worshipped as they rule in dishonesty now, and the new dogma of lies and human misery must triumph instead. Nobody may have pleasure with dignity. Dignity is for the famous liars and the foreign abusers; it is a special pleasure commoners may only find by importing the tardbox and enslaving themselves to “peace”.
The dishonest and out of touch western leaders are being outhedonisted by regressive tribals humble enough to point out that the much-vaunted cultural achievements of the west are kind of all trashy stars beloved by trashy people. Humble enough to point out that this world kind of sucks.
Which it does. Integrity is the defense of modernity, and part of integrity is not abusing people in secret. Yet modern culture has been rotted by darkside loyalists who project their sins onto others and ruin the lives of anyone idealistic enough to potentially expose it.
Instead of defending a culture of drunken misery and abusive lameness that inspires mass defection to regressives (because basically nobody loves it in truth), why don’t we build a voluntarily kind society of dignity to better protect the pleasure of honest people? Instead of handing cultural direction to loyal liars who hate all the right people, lets exalt idealistic integrity.
Cooper Hernandez
Lucas Sullivan
Were many French pozzed university professors also gloating about this?
Charles Cruz
Of course they are laughing. Did you expect them to cry and hug a church lady? Wtf.
Isaac Ortiz
Cameron Barnes
People who think everything is a false flag are literally already dying from brain cancer