Initial results of Poland's pro-family initiative promising



>(((Some))) critique Poland's "Family 500+" program, as well as other Visegrad group's pro-family policies, as socialistic measures to be shunned while others argue they are necessary ad hoc measures helping to stave off the extinction of a people and a culture. However successful the Family 500+ program may be, throughout their conflagrated history, the Poles have managed to keep their language, themselves and their faith in God alive.

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Not so "Pro" if you are one of the Brits or Germans paying for it at the expense of your own.
Polish mass invasion as a zogwork attack by "The Jewish paradise in Europe."
This is why Poland gets to reject refugees - it is a reward for their economic warfare part in White genocide.
Video, Poles and Jews discuss their special relationship and Poland's key role in the formation of Israel.
(already posted)

They need to keep this up. Maybe if they do all the left-wing Poles and uh, "Poles", will just go to the UK or some other Anglo shit hole. I heard some priests burned Harry Potter books too. 200,000 births is a decent number compared to the early 2000's, but those are rookie numbers. In the Eastern Bloc era I heard it was closer to 400,000 to 500,000 births a year just on average.

You're dumb. Poland gets to reject brown refugees because they already took in shit tons of Ukrainians, and also Eastern Europe gets to wave their 'we're poor' flag to Westerners. Poles overwhelmingly don't like Jews. And Brits don't even want kids, neither do Germans. I've spoken to all three, and overwhelmingly Germans are some of the most anti-natal, hedonistic people I've met in my life. They vote for it and encourage it. If the defenders of Europe are Poles then so be it, even if they are kind of stupid. Not much room to complain about when Africa has an average of fucking 7 kids a woman, that you're paying WAY more for. Also, if you're in an Anglo country, your conservative churches are paying for Africans.

Yeah, a brit and german should be happy that their taxes are being paid to raise white family.

Or brit and german work only to pay for brown families?

just sm,h

It's D&C at highest caliber.

In other threads, muh eternal anglos, you ain't white.

In Poland thread, muh baste white britlander who works his ass off to support pararistic poles subhumans.

The language changes immediately.

This is peak Anglo. You can only speak one language, yet you can barely speak it, as you call someone else subhuman. And yes, to be completely honest, Anglos are garbage now. The most right-wing policy you have is whining about Eastern Europeans while Pakistanis are ravaging the UK and getting awards for it. Oh and don't forget weird Israel worship that can make Americans blush. lurk plz

Slavs are not white. This is the promotion for the rampant breeding of Slav Mongol Untermenschen

Says the nigger

I'm just roleplaying the jews here really.

Apparently, feeding niggers is a-okay but feeding poles isn't.

I fucking hate these churches.

So Poland is breeding the next generation of treacherous kike lapdogs?
Already planning the next unprovoked attack against the German Volk on behalf of their anglosemitic masters?
only good thing in this context is that dysgenics is promoted by giving more to parents of disabled children.

INB4: kikes come kvetching about "Christcuck" D&C

This is good news.
So families were betting on it being good and taking the chance? So all odds are on the bump being much larger now that it's in effect.

As much as I hate playing the 'MUH NAWTZEES' card, the stupid Pole thing is propaganda from wartime Germany.

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Why do jews have those curls? They bug me bigly.

Oh, it's only because the few Poles I have spoken to are kind of boneheads, but that pales compared to some other brilliant individuals I've spoken to and observed in America and the UK, like , for example

Nice projection, ali

Literally the most kiked nation outside of the UK and US.

Jewish Agency launches partnership between US, Israel, Poland communities

“This process creates meaningful connections that support and uplift three or more communities at a time through their joint partnership activities, with Israel at the heart of it all,” said Andrea Arbel, the director of the partnership unit at the Jewish Agency.


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Remember all those news reporting low Japanese birthrates? Fertility rate in Japan is 1.45 while it's only 1.5 in Germany. Of course nobody talks about that because Germany takes lots of immigrants and they've been taking them for some time now which begs the question - how low is fertility rate amongst native Germans?
Judging by the fact there's around 4 - 6 milion muslims who tend to have 3 - 6 kids I'd say Germans have fertility rate of 1.2 - 1,3 tops.
Funny considering it's been the most fertile country in Europe for long time.

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This. Germans have one of the lowest TFRs in the entire world. But historically you're right. Millions upon millions of Germans used to come to United States and forged tons of the cities in the US with higher than average birth rates and rigor. Those days are gone, other than the Mennonites, who have about 10 kids on average, but they're so few as it is it won't make much of a dent.

Its paid by debt you idiot. Prime minister is a kike and with friends from Goldman Sachs, takes over everything for them.

used to be, but we were largely cleansed thanks to Adolf, plus Poles got semi-redpilled on the JQ and many more kikes left after the war. Now, it's probably one of the least jew-infested countries in Europe, plus it's basically socially acceptable to call out the jews and their lies.
To even compare that to the US or UK is so pathetic it barely deserves a response, you must be some kind of D&C shill.


Stop shilling Poland, Hungary and all that Visegrad bullcrap. They are just as kiked as the UK, USA and rest of EU.



Let me put it this way. My family are Polish immigrants. My parents were born near Krakow.

My father graduated from a good college(no names will be given) with a business degree and became a Lieutenant in a major city's police department. Got a nice desk job, retired after 30 years. Very intelligent man.

We had a vacation house, built by my grandfather, that he jointly owned with his brothers. Each family got a certain number of months, and we switched off every year so every family got to have the prime vacation months. Not really an important detail that, but whatever.

The lights broke one year, and my dad decided to go fix them. So he crawled into the attic and got to work - and fell through the ceiling messing with the lights. Next year, the light broke again after we had the ceiling repaired and he crawled up there again… and fell through the ceiling again in the same spot, messing with the lights.

The ceiling fan also broke once, and he decided to fix it. He fixed it easily… and then turned it on to test it while he was still on the ladder.

I also scored an 85 on my ASVAB, so I'm definitely not stupid - but I do the same dumbass shit my dad does.

I have no idea why we're like this.

gtfo I'm not even from an English speaking country you idiot


Poland is a kike-enclave, so it makes sense.


Well German Americans behave like Germans in many ways (types to call the cops for minor infractions, loves cats and instagram). But their cities are generally nice. Anglo Americans behave like Anglos (business and Israel worshipers, typical boomers whining about their imaginary freedoms). Their cities are usually hubs of decay, Wal-Mart, and evangelicalism. And I think Polish Americans are just teetering between weirdly smart and weirdly stupid, just like regular Poles. Poles didn't immigrate early enough to have cities other than Chicago that defines them, as far as I'm aware.

lejon går fram i krut dam, I KRUT OCH DAAAAAAM

gustavus adolphus

they go the eagles death(that is russia) meine kameraten meine changenossen, changenosserin

No worries polskakike2, they're talking about purging the last whites.

and this song… it's like norwegian black metal, when the song finally unwinds, then they go PÅ ET SLAG FELT

Oy Vey remember the 6 Million Goy, also nazis are bad

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without context your post is meaningless.

t-this is just like the holocaust all over again

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they are user, but if you know the context is valuable

Odin's soldierr marches on? did I hear this?

who the fuck cares, boomer

All your tax money is going to kikes and mud people, be happy at least one small good thing is coming out of it.


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spotted the stupid svenske

with the lord as my prodector, shee carolian might

that's right screw you fucking parasite pedo chatolics

Lay off the drugs swedecuck

And yet there's no shitskins compared to the west

don't you EVER call me swedish you son of a bitch

yes I know it's a big switch….

You have posted multiple songs by the swedish band Sabacuck about swedish national heroes and now act like "swede" is an insult. Why are slavs so retarded? Is it racial inferiority or just the alcohol?

maybe forr the low tier scum that don't care which dick they take as long as they can make money off of it and "ellivate" consequences.
How the fuck puping 599 bucks into a family while taking around 800 from it in exchange is good for them? This makes people government dependant on gibs. It doesn't increase fertility as sucssfully as it promotes. People only earn a good money when they are on (((international))) payroll and gibs-dependant when on gibs money, this is anti-white and anti-culture.

How can you support a family in a fucked up economy by a government that is a populist backwards jewish sellout? Well if you don't earn enough just take the 30 silver coins goy "no strings attached", right? What can go wrong?

this pretty much should send any sane bong to the hills. scotts not so much I think they are me people. just looking at dankula all the time he is like thor incarnate and he also lookds just like my cousin

he even has thor's humor

500+ is a bit like UBI, but only for parents. It obviously started as vote-getting corruption, but all in all it's much better than any other social programs. It's grown on me

> People only earn a good money when they are on (((international))) payroll and gibs-dependant when on gibs money, this is anti-white and anti-culture.
forgot to write that i mean as in creates a fucked up mindset of either a slave or a "internationalist" with no cravings for the country of slaves, ending up being a slave.

just saying, velkömmin tils noregi, sland eða f… how ever you spell it, I am sure they don't even know them selves at this point


u dont even know how poland is getting shit day by day
we literally chasing west in degeneration and we chasing you very, very fast

happily rides noway's mean
to the court of Hilde(it's a valkyrie, what they are singing is)
there rides norway's men to their death

That's really fucking depressing

and where are you, you socalled free nations?

this scottis endover though

I gresset må nordmannen bide

you see this russia, this "I would rather eat grass" shit, turns out you got that attitute from us after all. in english it's called balls and+ no I don't think they have this concept actually, you know it's from the siege of saint petersburg

Frerm, Frem I norske mænd
(it is a fight against the scotts on OUR turf)

I say toy ou scottishman, if you come here, you are never going to return home[they took the orkeneys and so] but this one sentence there completely demoralized them

it's called sinklar's visa , visa means like song or poem

and o I forgot it's as white as you can ever get

and it si ofc already blocked on youtube

it's a reference to the civil war and the christening.

okay so there has been some meme there, indians everywhere, I guess pewdiepie? anyways hold on


thats what you get for not accelerating …

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there.. now chatolics, evanglicans….

nah.. it was just the song kvervandi

charlemagne burns in hell I hope so he eneds to burn inhell for what he did those saxon sivilinas
over 4thousands… women, children pregnant women, massacared at the cross or mor preciely tha vanity of the french…. that, started responses, that got people really angry, while you whent in your courts hon hon hon… anger spread in norther europe

to site your great emperor

and the the viking age started
[i'm so sick of these fake youdentuben shit, this is real howver]

First chill thread I've seen awhile on this board

As someone from Poland I can confirm that 500+ and other programs of PiS are firstly aimed at getting votes. As far as I know 500+ had no major impact on birth rates. If anything it mostly benefited the disfunctional families(you know alcocholics, domestic abuse, unemployed by choice).
If anything 500+ is a socialist program that hurts budget and nothing more.
Before anyone asks Im on the right. If anyone wants some info or honest take on something ask away.

I like you guys, when the westmachten all aandoned us, you stated behind and fought with us isde by sise, till we all were killed, we have memorials for you

and if I have to state my nationality, I will be very offended, this is ofc norway


eternal anglos and nazi LARPers basically

I guarantee you, if something this good was done in Germany (which, at this point is almost impossible to believe but let's imagine), the thread would be nothing but praise and congratulations for Germans and Germany.
But if it happens in Poland, suddenly such policies are proof that Poles are jews and subhumans and niggers and should be spat upon and humiliated.

It boggles the mind.

You don’t need to give women money to get them to do their job. Take away their rights and they will become the baby factories they always were. The answer to the 14 words is to repeal the 19th.

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it's straight in the text merchant's came from far and near

Not possible in these times because of feminism and democratic countries empowering women in every way, shape or form.

Felt like it was necesary to mention it before I got accused of talking out of my ass

Im very glad you have a positive opinon on us

Nigger. Do you know where you are? Did I say legally and with due process? Did I say vote? Either we take their rights away or the white race will die.

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You won't do anything nigger.


click, click click. click click.oh I know watch that before they click me again…zuckerjewberg dorsey….

OMG NO… it was not approved from the ministry of correct farts, so lets try again

there is lit some indian here watching now trying to find out this is a fart yoke.POOP INDIA POOP! POOP YOU SET FIRE ON

lighter poop, india

btw if I ever go to india I will poop!

wpw 3rd timeout

me and cuckchan, not joking they just set it on repeat so I was never evena ble to post

I’m talking about white men collectively

Daily Reminder

poland is the israel of Europe.

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Pure pottery.

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The pole cries out as he strikes at you (with jewish backing and support).

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500+ is the worst thing that happened to this country in the last years
it's pandering to poor idiots to get votes and since stupid chavs are the majority it works well for the ruling party, many stacies don't even have to work now because it's easier to shit out stupid kids, that will grow to be another generation of alcoholics, than work and pay taxes
there is no money in budget for that shit so taxes rise and every educated person wants to run away from here
it's like sponsoring dumb niggers that just happened to be white

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wtf tyskland?

To be a kike enclave does not necessarily mean there are a ton of kikes there, to be fair…

… Not that poland is unfamiliar with there being a ton of jews around, mind you. Used to be the jew capital of Europe… Sort of like an israel in Europe, if you will.

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You showed up late kike

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