Cutdick kike slave commits suicide after realization he's a mutilated freak losing out on real sex

"Where I once had a sexual organ I have now been left with a numb, botched stick," he wrote. "My sexuality has been left in tatters."

>Having lived with an intact penis for 21 years, Alex believed men circumcised as babies or young children would "tragically never be able to fully comprehend what has been taken away". He estimated he had been stripped of 75% of the sensitivity of his penis.

A loss of 75% of sensitivity. Americans and Jews will defend this though because "muh aesthetics" and "muh dick cheese".

Other urls found in this thread:

Are we sure that's really the whole story here?

dafuq. lmao a guy killed himself because of his dick? pathetic. bad thread.

Well no shit, the foreskin has over 20.000 nerve endings. For comparison the clitoris only has 8.000.

Well of course those who got jewed as infants would never understand, they never got to know in the first place and are literally brain damaged.
They're also more likely to become autists lmao

I guess that explains the vaccine reason away. Kikedick=autismo.


This is why circumcision must be made illegal.

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He should not have killed himself. You have to bottle that rage and use it as fuel to murder kikes and doctors.

phimosis master race

I think you what you meant to say is: use it as fuel to learn juggling and acrobatics.

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You know, whoever is pushing this muh circumcision bullshit is probably some fat neckbeard who fucks 5 year old boys exclusively.

They obviously have an excessive interest in sex and knowing how many antifags end up as pederasts, it just speaks for itself. sage.

Sup, lowjew.

oy vey goy dont you know being against child mutilation is antisemitic? proud pedo rabbis need to suck baby dick to survive! -this post funded by a certain australian pedophile procircumcision activist who was found to be pedophile that gets off on child mutilation videos.

I won't circumcise my son,
my woman is already onboard.

how do you get a woman with a cut dick? there's no sexual pleasure for either partner, I don't think you can have a healthy relationship with a cut dick. I'm waiting for Foregen before I even bother and if the results are not to my satisfaction then I will join the guy from the OP that offed himself

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Guess because I will never no real sex, I should take dicks up the ass instead.

Go back to cuckchan with this shit thread

Uncut master race who's foreskin retracts like a boss when hard checking in.

I don't blame this guy at all for an-hero. Circumcised men are literally victims of kikes. Right now there's probably a kike out there somewhere either feasting on his foreskin or wearing it in some facial cream. You cut fags have my deep sympathy for what the kikes did to you. The only consolation I can offer is that you will never understand what it is that you have lost.

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more like CUTchan tbvh



circumcision causes SIDS

/thread, nothing of value was lost

I don't think so to be honest.

This psychologically tortured me for many years. Non NPCs who actually have internal monologues struggle with getting JUST’d by Jew doctors.

Get their dick cut as soon as they're born goy!
Quick goy, now give them vaccines through aluminum and lead injections!!

YoIt's not the vaccines, its not the cut dick,

Looks like some Soros-funded controlled opposition to me.

My Jewish gf is on board, too, her uncle didn’t have his kids mutilated and the family lost it’s mind.

This is Zig Forums take your penis fetish to /b/ you faggot.

There is this amazing attack vector called “ban genital mutilation for both genders”

Oy vey don't discuss kike schemes!

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Hello, faggo, this is how I am winning the race war. My gf calls me an anti Semite before she agrees.

Nice job throwing away your genes, but I don't think anyone here cares


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You're supposed to win it by getting them to mix with niggers, not mix yourself. Are you the kind of retard that buys the pizza themselves during raids?

Yes, sometimes Zig Forums really is this retarded

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The only jew I would have mixed with tbh. It was heartbreaking when I found my childhood crush was a jew.

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The thief cult and the death cult would lose hold if it is rightfully banned, along with religious slaughter.

Don't respond to obvious derail fags


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Are we still going to get cucks coming in the thread saying circumcision isn't that big a deal?

Are you all just Americans or one jew with a VPN?

Physical trauma at an early age, aka dick cutting, causes changes in the brain. Makes you more sociopathic.

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No, the real story is why her son has a different last name.


His name is Brian Morris and he runs a number of genital cutting propaganda mills, some of which are high on Alexa ratings.

What have you done to end genital cutting this month?
Seriously, if you in any way care about this cause, ask yourself what you've done to contribute. Spreading the word online does not count. In all 50 states and the territories in America, this is considered legal. If I were a richfag I would try and get a legal case to the Supreme Court on the basis of the equal protection clause but there are other ways of ending this perverted ritual. In any case, the solution must rise from the bottom up, not forced from the top down.

I was stopped at one of my town's major four way intersections and I saw a billboard looking over the road. I would love to buy some billboard space for a very simple message: All Genital Cutting is Wrong or suchlike next to a cute baby boys face for max feels. There are other variations on this theme: He Won't Thank You When He's Older or Please Don't Molest My Genitals come to mind. If 100 billboards across the country popped up with variations on the same message (i.e. the definition of a meme) in one season/year, it would definitely make the press and provoke further conversation on the issue.

Pic related is another, more subversive, propaganda technique. Linking the negative emotions attached to female circumcision (call it that instead of female genital mutilation to make a stronger equivalence) with male genital cutting. I also prefer to call it genital cutting instead of mutilation, esp. at first because 1) it's annoying to get bogged down in the definition of mutilation, even though technically circumcision is clearly a form of mutilation, 2) it sets of a knee jerk reaction. Genital cutting is an objective and undeniable way of characterizing circumcision (Latin for cutting around) and it avoids the knee jerk reaction to mutilation. No one can deny that the genitals aren't cut.

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Clearly he had existing mental health problems

Maybe so. He clearly interpreted it as a form of castration psychologically. Some men can handle the tough shit life flings at you, some can't. I don't think it's appropriate to mock him though, and hopefully, if anything, his death will make people reading this story realize that this is no laughing matter, and that something as ostensibly benign as a doctor pushing circumcision on his patients can in fact lead to disastrous outcomes. Even in the best of circumstances, there is an objective loss of sexual pleasure potential.

Perhaps you should also consider that even if he was dissatisfied with the result and tried to sue, no court would accept his case. If a single court in a common law country accepted a male circumcision case that didn't involve a 'botched' circumcision, the whole house of cards would crumble because then every single neonatal urologist, gynecologist and neonate doctor/nurse that performed one could be held liable for damages in all common law countries.

What the Zionists have done to the children of the White Nation to protect Kikes is unforgivable. Hatred of circumcision will be a bedrock for revolutionary White Nationalism. What the Zionists have stolen from us, we will make their pay with their lives.
They did it all for two reasons: to prevent us from simply being able to pull down a European's pants to tell if they're a Kike or not, and to make us artificially religious. That was the ancient purpose of the ritual.

dick thread? sage

Yeah, the only sensitivity is in the glans after being cut. I didn't have the option, given I was born in an army hospital in the 80s, and I couldn't talk yet. Your title is bullshit, I wish you would find a high cliff and leap off. He wasn't a kike or a slave, he said he was lied to, and the doctor insisted stretching wouldn't work. Your gloating is jewish.

circumsises kikes absolutely assblasted itt

damn. i truly hate my parents for mutilating me like a kike.

they turn circumsised men into faggots since their penis isnt sensitive so they seek anal to fill the void


A little unrelated but your post made me start doing some research on finding what the Jews argue over circumcision being good and when I started reading about HPV virus I noticed something. (Pic related)

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The hexagram is a simple geometric symbol, hence why it recurs across human cultures as well as in nature. Regarding the HPV, it's just one in a long list of diseases claimed to be warded off by a naturally occurring tissue that all men are born with, i.e. the claim is that all men are born with a tissue that predisposes them to disease. It's pseudoscience, which is now clearer than ever, but what's truly sad is that it was known to be pseudoscientific a century ago when they started pushing it, the studies relating to syphilis being debunked about a year after they came out. Only in the last few decades have they put such weight on the medical side of things, as before the 50s they promoted it on the grounds that it would keep boys from playing with their willies. Truly sick minds can take whole societies for a spin if they let their guard down.

Grow the fuck up user. Your parents did not know any better. Jews are sneaky as fuck.

Women prefer cut dick. Cut dick lowers STD risk. Cut dick works just fine.


If you cut fags knew what it was like being uncut you would neck yourselves just like the guy in OP. Cut fags are mutilated by jews. Jews literally destroyed your entire sexual lives because you'll NEVER know what sex is really like. Women don't give a shit if a guy is cut or uncut because they're only worried about their own pleasure.

What would really fuck up the cutfags is if there was some kind of research or something indicating that circumcised men have less interest in and enjoyment of sex. Obviously getting your shit sliced as an adult is a different question.

I don't know if it impacts sex drive. I mean they will never know the pleasure of being uncut, so maybe that makes sex less fulfilling for them and decreases it. Or maybe it increases sex drive because they can never really be satisfied being all mutilated. Could go either way, but yea would be interesting to study the difference.

I honestly feel sorry for them. Jews fucked them up royally. It's for the best that they will always be ignorant of the uncut supremacy.


Bullshit. In fact even just stretching is enough.
The problem soys/millennials have is that they believe any pain is bad. They try to retract or stretch to work up to it, feel pain and conclude:
Or they wrongly believe that the skin is in danger of tearing.
This is a psychological issue and lowered tolerance to pain issue.
I can show you exactly proof of this.
On UK medical show embarrassing bodies, a man "has" to get circumcision for a tight foreskin which is "impossible" to retract.
The surgeon reveals the truth however, while the guy is under anaesthetic, the doctor simple pulls firmly and pops the foreskin fully back, proving that should the man have tolerated the temporary discomfort of incremental stretching, he would have had a normal foreskin in a few months (about how long it takes to loosen up) or less if he didn't mind the sting.
Video proof. Weakness. Probably raised with no father figure.

The circumcision epidemic in the Americas is pretty tragic. Victims deserve compassion, not being called freak or kike slave. They didn't choose to be mutilated. I can't imagine mocking an innocent victim like this.

I have pretty much zero drive. Chronic depression, and once in a while, I'll spend time on >>>/suicide/ giving people advice and information so they don't fuck up and become a perma-potato. Tips like KNOW WHERE YOUR BRAINSTEM IS and DON'T DO IT ANYWHERE NEAR PEOPLE TEND TO GO.
The only pleasure I feel is satisfaction when some fuckhead in need of a long-range trepanation gets it. Reminds me, I need to re-DL the Merrie Melodies version of the recent Kebab Removal, as it made me giggle when I saw it earlier.

If they actually cared they'd take up juggling, or tiger taming.


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This is only true for adult circumcision, because the neurons connected to the removed foreskin were fully developed, leaving the victim with a gaping perceptory void. Paedocircumcision is done before the neurons have fully developed; those synaptic pathways of the excised foreskin were never engaged, and are thus never grown. Therefore, the brain of a paedocircumcized adult has virtually all of their sexual neuronal development intact.

I'm not defending paedocircumcision, but it must be pointed out that its not nearly as bad as adult circumcision. Not even close!

Israeli Diaper Forces

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At least you didn't die for sand with shit in your pants.


Appendages will be lost in the conflict we find ourselves in, these injuries will continue to happen until there is victory. Had you lost a hand in battle, would that be enough to kill you?

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Well said user, defeatists should have no home here.

Normally ones family doesn't cut off your hand.

You're right, user.
Thank you.

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A numb dick is a better outcome than trauma induced brain damage.

It depends on the extend of the brain damage. Loss of nerves connected to fully developed neurons is in itself highly traumatic. TBI and paralysis patients lament the loss of penile sensation above the ability to walk.

Mutilating infant boys causes CNS damage.
Labeling young mutilation as less sever than old mutilation is no different than supporting it for infants.
It's completely unnecessary outside of eyelid replacements, and I'd rather go blind.

Fuck you and you're "nah brah it ain't that bad" attitude.

I'm not saying its harmless, but adult circumcision is objectively worse for the sexual life of a man than paedocircumcision. I already explained it here:

since i don't have a foreskin can i borrow yours?

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ill sacrifice mine to forgen

lol, they think cutting looks aesthetic when it actually looks like shit. It's fucking ugly. It looks like some barbarian sand nigger shit.

Sorry I don't mean any offense. I am just angry from years of insults by pro-cutters.

I get mad too user. Thought I was a freak for a little while for not being mutilated.

It all makes sense now.

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Die in a GRIDS fire immediately faggot.

so I can get my foreskin back if I keep tugging?

If the doctors amputated my toes at birth, would I still have full neural development of my feet?

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There's nothing more American than circumcision. Don't forget to buy your masturbation license Eurofags.

Eh I'd believe it.
I had a horribly botched neonatal circumcision, I had two operations to fix my urethra as a kid because of it and my cock looks like Freddy Kruger. I was raised extremely catholic so I had no idea anything was wrong until I started high school.

I got some shit in the locker rooms but whatever bants are bants, but fuck the sex ed class sorta made me realize something was wrong. Finally tried to fap at age 16 and realized I had pretty much zero sensation in the last 3" of my penis. Didn't think about it much for almost 2 years before I started dating for the first time.

Got a girlfriend at 18 who after recoiling from my dick tried to get me off for the first time ever. Didn't happen. If things got around that I was effectively impotent in high school that could have pushed me over the edge with all the other shit going on.

I'm 34 now, never gotten off from any sort of sexual stimulation. Still enjoy cuddling and getting my girl off with my hands, but holy fuck my situation goes over very, very, poorly with women.

Granted my cope is making money and working out so I got that going for me which is nice

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Obviously yes, because there is no neuronal development of that which is removed. However feet:toes::penis:foreskin is poor analogy.

Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies,
Tell me lies, tell me, tell me lies….

It's hard to come up with one, the other I could've used were fingernails - > finger.

They're so, so desperate on the circumcision issue, that they'll literally saying anything, no matter how stupid it is.
We're gonna gas the Kikes for Alex Hardy, and put a bullet in the brains of every Zionist for what they did to the children of the White Nation.

There's a reason orgasm problems are seemingly exclusive only to American and Jewish women and why both are stereotyped as such sluts especially Jewish women who have been stereotyped as sluts for centuries and the real reason why Judaism is such a female religion. They have to seek out foreign men and men outside the tribe, they can't get off on their own mutant 'men' without that foreskin providing them the extra pleasure they did. Scientific studies , many even by women confirm this for example the Kristen O'hara study on circumcision in terms of female enjoyment found the following results:

Not only is a circumcised penis missing many nerves for sexual stimulation, but is also missing other important nerves that serve other sexual functions.

Plus, they have admitted it over and over.

…and (((they've))) known this for centuries
>The 1st-century Jewish author Philo Judaeus defended Jewish circumcision on several grounds. He thought that circumcision should be done as early as possible as it would not be as likely to be done by someone's own free will. He noted that circumcision should be performed as an effective means to reduce sexual pleasure'': "The legislators thought good to dock the organ which ministers to such intercourse thus making circumcision the symbol of excision of excessive and superfluous pleasure."
>13th-century French disciple of Maimonides, one of the most famous Jews in history, (((Isaac ben Yediah))) said that circumcision was an effective way of reducing a woman's sexual desire. With a non-circumcised man, he said, she always orgasms first and so her sexual appetite is never fulfilled, but with a circumcised man she receives no pleasure and hardly ever orgasms because of "the great heat and first burning in her."

Why are their women such sluts? Because of Jews, in more ways than one.

This is actually true, unfortunately.

And I know it might be fun to bully Americans for this especially because we hate them for exporting their overt San Francisco tier faggot and whore culture to the rest of the world but it's not their fault, they never had a chance. They were Jew'd before they could even have a choice, pitiful Americans. We might as well be bullying babies. So give them sympathy and we Europeans will avenge them by finishing the job on this troublesome tribe we've so long struggled against once and for all.

It's not worse because he had a choice even if he was misled by backwards barbaric kike subhumans I hope his family sues them trillions for. Infants have ZERO choice in the matter, it is morally evil moreso than as an adult. It's even worse in that addition to that because at one point as an adult he knew and those who have been since infancy don't and never will. They lost out FOREVER.

Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. Galatians 5:2-4

I guess cutdicks get turned away from the gates of Heaven. Was this the satanic jews goal for their slaves all along?