Once, my friend asked me a very simple logical riddle:
Since I was young and stupid back then, it took me roughly 30 seconds to understand the riddle. When I did though, I proudly pronounced "Hey, a dog is not a cat!". Friend bowed her head in agreement. And that was my first lesson into understanding the concept of inequality.
Many people right now praise equality as a concept of universal goodness - when everyone will be equalized, there will be no sorrows in this world! And in their minds it might indeed be a very reasonable idea. The only problem with it is that dogs are not cats. And our societies consist of various canines and felines of all races and breeds, and in no world will you ever equalize two of them, not even talking about all of them. A dog is not a cat. A shepherd dog is not a chihuahua. A male poodle is not a female poodle. Even those two adorable dalmatian siblings are not the same - as they have different spots in different places, and their tempers are different too. Out of seemingly nowhere there are 3-4 abstraction levels between two tail-waggers, so it is absolutely impossible to compare them.
However, I am here to make a point, and not to discuss animals. One might use my own argument from the beginning of the article, "Humans are not animals, we're all equal, one race - human race!" - but this is false, different human beings are just as unequal as animals. Some withstand sun for longer periods of time, some can eat rotten meat without poisoning themselves, some can withstand great pains of childbirth, and some are just too young or too old. All attempts to equalize people are doomed to fail. People are born unequal. There is even an ancient, nearly three thousand year old tradition which has the only purpose - to determine who are the best people in the world, and it holds strong even in modern times - however I would not be surprised if it would soon be destroyed in a goal of equalizing everyone.
Let's ask ourselves, what is the point of equalizing everyone? Who wins in equalization? The weakest link. If there are two twin brothers working, one does a thing in an hour, and the other one does 2 things in an hour - but both are paid the same, who wins? The first one, as he puts in less effort for the same salary. There is no reason for him to work more, as he will not be paid more. The point of equalization is not finding a median, a compromise, a middle ground - instead, what happens is everyone is brought down to the lowest possible level.
A paraplegic man is not a good footsoldier, and must not be equalized with one. Mentally unstable person should not be equalized with a brain surgeon. Trying to equalize men and women just strips sexes of their respective dignities and produces inferior "women" from men, and inferior "men" from women. Women should never campaign for artificial wombs, as it would devalue women's natural child-bearing dignity. Men should never campaign for women to serve in military, as it would devalue men's natural protecting dignity. Trying to enforce any of those two equalizations will bear inferior, expensive and pointless male mothers, and inferior, weak and demoralizing female soldiers.
Most texts discussing equality that are worth their paper also mention equality of opportunity versus the equality of outcome. Those concepts have been discussed very thoroughly, and most people understand them. There is a reason why when people say "equality" everyone understands this as "equality of outcome" - because "equality of opportunity" implies there are natural inequalities between different people, and therefore implies some people are better than others - which we absolutely cannot have in the current sociopolitical climate.
Equality is a false goal. In the world of natural order, where people do what they must, and are not forced where they do not belong, just to equalize numbers in managerial graphs, unequal people should do whatever they do best, instead of trying to squeeze in where they do not fit - and this horribly unequal society would be much more efficient than the equal one.