Be a man fucking faggots!

We will support you to the very end if you does
you think we like being close to this non euro trash , do you think 90% of girls like to be around muslims niggers and other animals?
Be a man and we will be yours

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Please be my girlfriend!

white boys dont try, they expect us to come to them.

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No until you dont behave like real men

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open bobs
show vajeen

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Saged, fuck off



thats not even you, attention whore

That's a lie.

you got the right idea, m8. White men need to man up, but white women need to stop acting like nigger bitches and start being a model for their daughters and a support for her husbands and sons. It takes 2 well adjusted adults to properly raise a child, m'dear, and wearing an anime tee shirt and acting like a smug bitch on Zig Forums shows me you ain't it.

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says the thot that expects men to come to her. Just keep doing it, you'll never get a real man since real men don't care for thots


Well, at least blacks and mexicans try. Sheesh.

If you make a patreon Zig Forums will support you. Make a youtube while youre at it.

And what have you done, besides posting pictures allegedly yourself on a Mongolian basket-weaving oriented imageboard that is now internationally known for 'hatespeech'? You murdered a thread that I have to archive now, by posting a shit OP showing you don't even know how to use punctuation marks. Bitch, did you even scrub your exifdata? You've got no fucking idea what we're doing, how much we had to leave behing in order to support the truth.
sage for this obvious larp

t. cuck

Wtf are you talking about Women do come after you if you're worth the time. I have never once had to ask a girl out in my life. The day that I have to is the day that my face falls off.

nice troll thread for 2 reasons, there are no women on the internet, and also if there is ever a right wing woman like this, she would be swarmed with real men. she would be too busy going to church, keeping herself safe, doing stuff with her husband or at least husband to be. the reason we never see women like this is because they are all taken and dont have time for stupid bullshit like posting on oriental image boards. Ive literally never talked to a girl even remotely right wing below the age of 40.
the best gf material are apolitical and just care about their man being happy and want children.

checks out

big lol

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I've talked to plenty, some who were even attractive physically but all of them seem to be basket cases. Because you hit the nail on the head with:

I dont give a shit about money

Funny how this thread is allowed hereā€¦ this is nothing but a feminist forum regardless of it's knowledge about jews. Hitler was a woman-worshiper and fierce women's rights activist who wanted "true equality"

There's no way men are going to even speak to women unless this oppression stops and women's evil nature changes. Of course that's never going to happen so we have to return to patriarchy which started being destroyed over 100 years ago

Dating relationships and marriages for love have to end.