The Kvetchening #1: "The only thing Hitler did wrong - Hitler didn't kill enough fucking jews!"

Irish pub anons let rip with anti-Semitic outburst
So a member of the (((tribe))) wanders into a bar and asks why there are Palestinian flags outside the pub…no, this is not the start of a fictional joke in this timeline - it actually happened. He received a Zig Forumsemic reply and the kvetching is just now getting started. (Only 422 views on video so far)
Location: Londonderry, Northern Ireland, U.K.
Video source
ffmpeg 2 pass encoded mp4 video embedded with post.
Pub scene at time 3:36.

In other news from the region:
-The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi (raised Catholic) is visiting both sides of the Irish border. Anons who are overtly paranoid, but often proven correct, say this (((coincidence))) is to set up a new IRA to cause trouble should the UK citizen eventually get the Brexit freedom they voted for.
-(((Coincidentally))) during Pelosi's visit, journalist Lyra McKee was killed during riots in the same city last night. Police say the incident was terrorism. Police also currently have no idea who did it, or what their reason for doing so was.
Political Weather Forecast for next few days: Anons should expect "Brexit causes terrorism" kvetching to be occurring throughout next weeks news cycle, with a light spattering of "Oy vey!" over anti-Semitic ground.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Kek. Pic from the article.

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Hey check this out: somebody is obsessed with a Jerry despite no salient context, so this Jerry must be someone important!

Yup. Every single time.

Links are honey to you people, ja? Upvote that comment forever. Pin it to the sky and make its poster feel something.

botnet link

that was fast

cool website

Come on guys… as long as you can agree on something the Wagon ain't broke yet.
Hatred of the jews is better than hatred of each other, lets make it a healing process.
Something we can all agree on.

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Innit? I’m unleashing you obediently self-destructive losers on it.

this thread initial archive:

Honestly, if you people cared about virtue OR fun, you wouldn’t be so trivially fucked with. But nah, gotta hate the juice, gotta break down, gotta shatter into little petty violences and lies… Such fun, right boo?


Go to loyalist areas where you will find around the 11th and12th of July. You will find swastikas and confederate flags in these areas. Then see what's what. Not just a couple guys in a bar.

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Jews are fine in general. Israel itself has a shitty government, but it’s like the asshat nationalists all went to their “homeland” leaving the whole Jewish diaspora composed of beautiful emotional and intellectual competency. Jews aren’t some stalker “fascist” slaves whining about how culturally incompetent they are like you broken wimps. Jews piss off imbeciles by stubbornly failing to be imbecilic on cue. That’s the best understanding that I’ve picked up so far. People tell hideous lies to Jews and then get pissed for getting caught. Try just not lying to honest people, savvy?

The confederate flag running near Ulster, pffthahaha! Okay! The slave thing is a running gag but maybe you people are LITERALLY that weak! You realize that if you’re tolerant of other people’s fetishes they’ll return that in kind, right?

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That as well.
But I was just pointing out how the highlighted comment unintentionally is an excellent comment about the ones above it.

God save Ulster

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Wait. This got me thinking.
What would trigger kikes more I'm a burger, in the US
- Flying a Nahtzee flag
- Flying a Palestinian flag
Serious question here.


The Nazi flag is gonna get you arrested.

They laugh at Palestinian flag.

There are many examples of people flying Nazi flags and the town/city they're in is complained too and the kikes just kvetch about how there is no law broken.

Where does hate for Jews come from?
No one can explain it, it's one of the great mysteries of the universe.

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You have NEVER been around a jew for a long period of time. That isn't a question. If you had you'd know why everyone, universally; ends up hating jews.
They're conniving, thieving, lying, manipulative, etc. etc. etc.

Look at this shittershattered heeb lmao

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That was obviously satirical. You're responding to a joke. You can tell because he posted a drawing of a jew bathing in the blood of his victims, asking why he's being persecuted. Goddamn I hate how we always have an idiot lying in wait to out themselves and act surprised when everyone calls them a retard. Congratulations, you made me mad.

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Most uncucked part of the UK for sure.

Image didn't load for me. So I guess I look like an idiot but yeah, no image. TY Zig Forums.

Damn, what the hell are they eating over there? Practically every single one of them were so fat that they're all round butterballs.

Fuck off Shlomo.
(((You))) mad that people aren't as cucked as (((you))) like to D&C over?
Is it the fact that le ebin boomers know the JQ?

Is there anyone who doesn't hate the jews? I mean that list has got to be either short or nonexistent.

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Zig Forums is always right. There are no exceptions

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They not only took the red pill, they wolfed down a bottle of lard pills.

Nazi flag would get you zerg-rushed by their golems.
Palestine is owned and operated as a money laundering scheme by the kikes. They wouldn't care.

Except that isn't what /leftycuck/ golems do. They complain to the police they claim to hate. As is seen the many times this has happened in the states.
Also despite /leftycuck/'s insistence, I'm okay with being rushed. I know my state's laws on self defense, I know I'd be safe if I were to do such a thing.

Nothing of value lost.

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Not to D&C as I love my Scotsh-Irish brothers, but you'll also find a lot of Israeli flags too.

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About JQ.

Attached: Warren Chambers - The Jewish Question.webm (240x130, 14.58M)

Almost based. Hitler didn't kill any jews.

Hitler didn't kill Jews.

Jews, honest.

Get out Shylock.


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I know that Tenenbom yid well. His entire "work" amounts to driving around Germany, poking his misshapen nose into other people's businesses, getting a rise out of them, then going "Oy vey, I am a Jew, how dare you!" Then he makes movies about rampant antisemitism in Germany, all paid for by taxes from the same people he annoys. Apparently, he's run out of targets in Germany and is now looking to other countries for kvetching fuel.
Also, I legitimately laughed when the guy in the beginning says "any statement can be art" and the kike is flabbergasted. It's not like his filthy tribe has been pushing this same idea for decades. One rule for me and one for thee, goyim.

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he didn't kill any kikes on purpose though; they only starved to death when the allies bombed those supply lines to that one "concentration" camp

Which means, ipso facto, he didn't kill enough.

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Wow, I think you missed a turn back at /reddit/
It’s a great question, though it seems rather simple: if Jews are so fine, why do people hate them, and why has that hate been going on for millennia?
First of all, they know they’ll never get rid of anti-semitism. It’s just a money-laundering anti-white two-birds-with-one-stone shot. If you try to convert to Judaism, one of the ways they will try to push you away is by telling you you will be hated for being a Jew, and why would you want that?!?
They privately depend on anti-semitism, also, as a means of cultish cohesion, while publicly condemning it, and pretending they want it stamped out.

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being far too compassionate, forgiving, and generous is categorically only a white problem.

It will be the death of us if we don't get over it with FOREIGNERS. It is fine for dealings with out own people.

The guy in this video is the most disgusting stereotypical kike I’ve ever seen. He looks like something Streicher would draw

I can smell him from here.

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Based paddys. Show these hooked nosed rats what's what.

he managed to go undercover in Gaza as a jew hating German
19:45 into this documentary / interview
jewtube embed because using an invidio link makes no difference - content is delivered via (((jewgle))) servers anyway

He doesn't look 'German' to me. See this VERY REASON is why we need to have standards and exterminate even 1 drop…because they love to use their 'skin suit disguise' to stir up shit for people. This is why we MUST DNA test everyone and exterminate ALL who show even one drop of semitic/turk/kike blood. They will always side with kikery because having kike blood causes some horrible defect in you that makes you betray Life and HUMANITY.

i mostly agree with you, but going too easy on our own that seek to destroy us has lead us to many problems.
when the time comes, the compassion will all be suppressed, its almost all gone now. they'll learn about the monsters they created are capable of.

just look at tarrant. hes not a hardened soldier, hes not a born killer, hes just a pretty average guy. he killed 50 invaders including women and children while they were in a position where they couldnt defend themselves in a single day and injured many more while making jokes and memes.

imagine what a bunch of them would be capable of. imagine what they'd be like once they got used to the carnage. imagine what we'd all be capable of.
we excel as warriors while fighting useless wars for billionaires. imagine if the reason was revenge and fighting for their very existence, against people that have been exceedingly heartless towards us in exchange for us opening our homelands to them and lending an ear while relentlessly helping them financially.

it will be quite a sight to behold.

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Genetic bioweapons will be the salvation of the white race

what a very jewish suggestion
lets have the results of jewish-funded and promoted research decide what whites get to live and die.

Anti-semitism is only useful when used to incite masses to kill jews.
Pacifists and jews must be killed in order to fix the world.

Isn't one of those an American flag? Wouldn't it make more sense to hiss the flag of the British Union?
Those just look cringe worthy.

Nope bioweapons will decide the first round and we will decide who is parasitic after that. From that point on, anyone displaying parasitic nature in society MUST BE KILLED AS A CHILD OR AS SOON AS IT IS DISCOVERED.

Not only did Hitler not do anything wrong, but the Holocaust never happened. Although it should, and it will soon!

1/10 bait, you made it far too ridiculous and hence it was obvious.

I think we may have been through some sort of training for this or something similar. Certainly there's something to be done in this sort of environment, in this scenario, being next to a bog and all.

mfw I have know and met jews who would actually speak just like this UNIRONICALLY.

the research to determine genetic lines was jewish funded and intentionally inaccurate in an attempt to rewrite history.

youre proposing we kill people based on who jews defined as white/european.

Ah yes. The question remains, why did jewish filmmaker Tuvia Tenenbom leave Derry's Bogside area?

I am proposing that we KILL FOREIGNERS in our nation user…that means anyone without a historic blood/kin tie. The jews HAVE THEIR OWN FUCKING SHITHOLE THEY CAN GO BACK TO IN THE MIDDLE OF THEIR GOAT FUCKING PARADISE. 1 drop is too much it will contaminate HUMAN blood with parasitism for the rest of its time here on Earth. When you are killing an infection you don't want to kill all but 1% that will grow back stronger and more resistance to antibiotics, YOU KILL THEM ALL…that is the purpose of exterminating what is diseased or parasitic.

what a surprice
it's good to know those drunken ginger know who's hand is pulling the reains of their good goy neighbourgs

They amnesia was pretty funny, they are a perfect example of how to handle kike media.

calm down, retard. im telling you that the basis of the testing was intentionally false, so using it as a metric is just going to cause you to kill your own.

what youre actually proposing is impossible. stop larping and think for a minute.

He doesn’t look German, and he doesn’t string words along as a normal person, a normal person with no agenda.
The explanations he’s given for the Palestinian flags aren’t satisfactory to him. Therein is the ordinary deception of the jew. He has an answer in mind for the reason for the flags, and will keep trying to make it possible for you to admit to that one reason. As soon as that reason is given, all other reasons are immediately less important if not invalidated completely.

Did future Milo jump in a time machine?
Watch and learn, this is the reason Jews control the west. Nothing to do with intelligence, just loud and obnoxious.
It's stupid to have Palestinian flags flying all over the place, but no more stupid than the false equivalences his channel is based off of.
I'm sure he'll be going to meet the orange order and asking why they fly the Israeli flag, a flag for a country whose people committed terrorist attacks against the British army.
The only good thing about the Irish is that they are European.
p.s. the British isle should be united and the Irish can lick my boots

It is highly possible and extremely probable, only someone with a lack of imagination would ever think that it was not completely doable to reboot the 'sentient' information of the Matrix to exclude kikes/parasitism forever from the material reality.

that was good bants as they say over there

I thought so as well…I thought about all the bullshit 'modern art' that the kikes have passed off on the planet as 'something of value' and I laughed when he said that.

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Why do Jews always wear those ugly glasses?
Do they realise it just accentuates their hooked noses?

youre talking about fantasy. and in your fantasy, you use jewish research to murder whites.
good job.


Goddamn look at that ugly fuckin mug. This bitch was shot dead in Northern Ireland today and I can't help but think the worlds a better place because this monstrosity is no longer in it.

Irish Anons: Is the type of attitude exhibited by these based potato niggers in the pub common in Ireland or is the muh six gorillion, Hitler was EVULLLLLL narrative the common way of thinking?

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I agree, he'd set off my jewdar even with eyes closed, but was somehow able to operate like Yamas in Gaza and go undiscovered.
Maybe the accent throws them

Northern Irish are very good at thinking on their feet and working out a ruse fast. It probably comes from finding themselves in Catholic or Protestant areas, one of which is the wrong area to be in, while growing up


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Jew into bestiality, what a surprise.

Let's see…
Foot fetishism
Scat fetishism
And now zoophilia

What other sexual degeneracies are jews into, anons?

To be Jewish is to be part of a nationality.
They cut their kids dicks and organise the biggest lobbies for their own foreign nation. You've failed to articulate cogent argument.

Side note of interest.
It may be possible to work out who is in this thread from the recommended videos by jewtube for the video source ( )
I've refreshed since first finding it and after nearly 5 hours it has an extra 50 views. The recommended videos suggest other anons:
-are looking into zionism and other videos by Tuvia Tenenbom
-have a US military background
-are Christian
-are muslim or researching Islam lately
-are Australian
-are Filipino
-are nigger

Instead you could have written

I didn't rewrite the greentext since it was a quote from the article. It would defeat the point of it being in greentext really.

no one wants your word filter, turkroach

Fair enough, then add the

Im begging you guys to stop this, its not making anything better.
Ulster is the most historically important part of Ireland, the fact that so much of it belongs to invaders is a huge problem, you guys are literally doing the "based israelis taking mudslime soil" bit, but instead of Israel its anglo, and instead of mudslime its the founding genetics of western europe.

I dont care that there are some "Ulstermen" that support the confederacy and natsoc, because they are actively participating in the same things those causes fought against.
Were not fucking communist, padraig pearse wasnt a communist, stop attributing these views to us after the jewish seizure.

Tiocfaidh ár lá

A familiar face

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This unironically gives me hope.

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Irish are niggers and are completely fucking worthless to human civilization, none of this changes that fact

Hitler didnt even exist. BUT HE SHOULD HAVE.

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Lad, all your points are accurate, which is why we need a untied Ireland*cough* British
