Yes. I will teach you an old Tibetan breathing exercise.
Look at pic related. You want to assume the same sitting position.
1. Breath in deeply in your lower belly. You should feel the area right above your groin expand, below your belly button. Visualize the energy going down the two tubes that are around the primary tube as in pic related. Breath in as deeply as you can.
2. You want to create a "lock", you squeeze your root aka sphincter, press the air in your belly DOWN, to the base of your pelvis, and press the tongue against the roof of your mouth. So you'll lock all three areas, your root, your gut, and your tongue. I like to tilt my head up slightly as it has a more pronounced effect, you can experiment. While doing this visualize the energy at your root amplifying.
3. Once you've held it in as long as you can, exhale. Visualize the energy going up the main tube, up your spine, into your brain and crown chakra area. Whether you believe in chakras or not you can use the anatomical area for reference.
4. Repeat.
You may find it hard to breath deeply into your lower belly. This is usually an indicator that your intestines have blockages in them preventing you from breathing fully.
When breathing in, go down the front of your body. When breathing out, go up your spine.
When you exhale, you can create a vacuum in your gut by sucking in and up. You'll be able to massage your intestines well like this and work on breaking up the gunk in there.
You may feel light headed and dizzy. This technique allows your blood to circulate well. Most people have stagnant blood in their lower lungs from not breathing correctly, so when this technique is done properly you will likely feel a warm in your back as well as other areas of your body the blood circulated to.
I hope this helps user. This technique will change your life if you implement it daily.
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