
link related Chad called Zachs mom Denise and she gave a great reaction

Shawn K Neustadter Sr. (Father)

D.O.B. 07/02/1966

25 Victoria Dr

Rowlett, TX 75088-6063


Associated Phones

(484) 678-9886 - Wireless

(610) 942-3526 - LandLine/Services

(484) 883-8383 - Wireless

(610) 698-6742 - Wireless

(610) 942-4573 - LandLine/Services

(610) 269-4500 - LandLine/Services

(610) 514-0201 - LandLine/Services

(610) 273-3510 - LandLine/Services

(610) 593-2438 - LandLine/Services


Associated Emails:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]



- 2008 Mitsubishi Highlander

VIN Number: JA4LT31W88Z011421

- 2008 Honda Civic

VIN Number: 2HGFA16998H501531



- "Miller's Insurance Agency Inc."

255 W Uwchlan Ave

Downingtown PA

Business Phone: 610-269-4500




Denise M Neustadter (Mother)

D.O.B. 04/04/1968

25 Victoria Dr

Rowlett, TX 75088-6063



[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


Associated Phones

(484) 883-8383 - Wireless

(610) 942-3526 - LandLine/Services

(610) 942-4573 - LandLine/Services

(610) 269-8242 - LandLine/Services

(610) 273-3510 - LandLine/Services


Marketing Data

- HOME OWNER SOURCE: Verified Home Owner

-INCOME - ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLD: $75,000 - $99,999

-ESTIMATED NET WORTH: $100,000 - $249,999


-RANGE OF NEW CREDIT: $501 - $1,000

-EDUCATION: Completed Graduate School



Attached: PoolClosedDuetoAIDS.jpg (576x588 259.12 KB, 77.55K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Swat call made in the /b/ thread fyi

Attached: 910b686c6f8a7140e76c2c97e860994fe68659282b609f86d14c62657d4450b9.mp4 (656x344, 531.79K)

It's cancer doxxing cancer

Nice. Be careful not to confuse Zach - the blonde neanderkike, with Galen - the chubby spic. Both are targets.

Want to know how I can tell your a faggot?

Umm so.. is there a raid on or not?

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (626x417, 348.36K)

The left is attacking our guy.
We are attacking theirs.

Let the games begin.

Holy shit guys you can ask him questions with no account via this website he has set up


oh yes 8ch.net/pol/res/13161696.html#13168167

this is just the new thread

As long as the lulz is in your soul, there is always a raid.

Also you can send random shit to the adresses if you just look up free samples online.

I called the trannys moms cell which also happens to be her business number


she has to pick up the calls due to loosing business

(484) 883-8383

Jere's a starting point for the newfags

Someone summarize the progress so far. I am a gay jewish nigger and can't be bothered reading the other thread.


We've got an user in Albuquerque. We need to zero in on the feathertranny's address.



Supprisingly good. Short but sweet. 7/10.




How do you know that's him?

its connected to ITs instagram account


I still say we call every service person in town tomorrow and have them all come early morning sometime next week like Wednesday so we know their schedules will be open.


I like you

Attached: 6259adae148ab44a61ac115aec31790d46b20a3b5a42aee70c6aff9e82b45f81.mp4 (2000x1080, 1.65M)

Yes I agree this is a really good idea, it will keep up a constant pressure. The Pizza's let them know we have their information. But the constant stream of business services showing up to the house will really stress the family ouy

i just got here is there anything left to do or has it already been done? no i'm not a newfag i just normally only browse smaller boards

You want to come up with some way to not double call people, or they will realize something is fishy.

But we'd have to do all kinds of diffrent places at diffrent times of day at diffrent days tnrougout the week, make some months after this is "over", the best raids are the ones that leave aftershocks.

The redskin tranny hasn't been fully doxxed yet. It's a work in progress. We have a couple anons looking for its address, someone fill him in on the details.



Attached: benzie 19.jpg (1024x675, 201.47K)

I was thinking the same thing.

What if we did just letters A-C next week and then wait a week or two and then keep going through the whole book?

Is there anything I could do to help without leaving the comfort of my home?

Call this number (484) 883-8383

Its Zach's mom Denise Neustadter personal & business cellphone so she has to pick it up for her clients.

Record it and post it here for meme value.


This user had a great idea. Start calling local business near

25 Victoria Dr

Rowlett, TX 75088-6063

and schedule for them to show up at the house for whatever their service is. Cleaners, Roofers, Yard Crews, Clowns, Magicians, Strippers, anything and everything


order them some take out

also your confusing the two trannys we dont have an address for the one in Albuquerque

you want to use whitepages.com/yellow-pages/rowlett-tx


The reason I saw get them to show up at the same time is because it'll clog the streets and piss off the neighbors, bringing more unwanted attention to this retard.

What I meant is something I could do from my PC without spending any money. I'm pretty tech savvy.

Do the calls then and record it for the keks

(call info)

How's your autism? We still need an address for the redskin.

If you're too stupid to use a website or make a phone call then I don't think you should partake in the events.

%26 of your last post number +1 for the only letter you are allowed to look up services for?

Spoof nu,bers amd get the party shut down, I'm working on getting into accounts.

So do we have the address of where she lives or only her parents?

Crawl google maps looking for redskin's landmarks. See the previous thread and this thread:
ctrl+f "Galen" / "alex" in the last Zig Forums thread for some details

I'm downloading blue-stacks and am going to try to install an encrypted voip to make some calls.

Nice user I look forward to your progress

Also you can send random shit to the adresses if you just look up free samples online.
Can't believe nobody's posted this yet. Godspeed, you glorious niggers.

Attached: liferuin.png (1132x4640, 176.06K)

"Ruin Life Tactics"

Attached: 1555642331049.png (726x720, 230.02K)

Is zach's cell still up

For junk mail church newsletters, mosque newsletters and onion farm newsletters are good IMO.

Sending mens health products would be really lulzy and fuck with they're heads

I never got Zachs cell but his moms is hilarious to call (484) 883-8383 and frankly better as Zach cant respond or feel powerful in any way

Penis enlargement pills?

If there are any foot soldiers you can invite hobos to the pool party around town, say it's a curch easter funday. Feel free to spread that idea to cuckchan too.

Attached: 80ed9043f49bc82776352ee10ab55aa8a92082476a74fcfb55d74052a5b1194c.webm (480x320, 246.53K)

What we really need help with is narrowing down the location of the spic

Can anyone get on its twitter and get some confirmation for us?


i was blocked yesterday

When's the pool party?

Protected, it's afraid.


The spic is a secondary objective the pool party is today so its a prime time to lay on the pressure and embarrass Zach in front of his peers

Source on that clip?

Wonderful idea

How does one ruin the life of one who chops his own dick off?

Attached: EE5DA8A1-CA99-4763-8DF3-708422EAD85C.png (300x225, 83.67K)

Do we have the actual tranny's email?

Sonoc the Animated series

It's what I do. Also try niggers they'd bring weed amd the noise compmaints may trigger alot of arrested nogs as a bounus

Apologies for being clueless but I might do this, which address should I use?


Shawn K Neustadter Sr. (Father)

D.O.B. 07/02/1966

25 Victoria Dr

Rowlett, TX 75088-6063


Associated Phones

(484) 678-9886 - Wireless

(610) 942-3526 - LandLine/Services

(484) 883-8383 - Wireless

(610) 698-6742 - Wireless

(610) 942-4573 - LandLine/Services

(610) 269-4500 - LandLine/Services

(610) 514-0201 - LandLine/Services

(610) 273-3510 - LandLine/Services

(610) 593-2438 - LandLine/Services


Associated Emails:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]



- 2008 Mitsubishi Highlander

VIN Number: JA4LT31W88Z011421

- 2008 Honda Civic

VIN Number: 2HGFA16998H501531



- "Miller's Insurance Agency Inc."

255 W Uwchlan Ave

Downingtown PA

Business Phone: 610-269-4500




Denise M Neustadter (Mother)

D.O.B. 04/04/1968

25 Victoria Dr

Rowlett, TX 75088-6063



[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


Associated Phones

(484) 883-8383 - Wireless

(610) 942-3526 - LandLine/Services

(610) 942-4573 - LandLine/Services

(610) 269-8242 - LandLine/Services

(610) 273-3510 - LandLine/Services


Marketing Data

- HOME OWNER SOURCE: Verified Home Owner

-INCOME - ESTIMATED HOUSEHOLD: $75,000 - $99,999

-ESTIMATED NET WORTH: $100,000 - $249,999


-RANGE OF NEW CREDIT: $501 - $1,000

-EDUCATION: Completed Graduate School






Betty Jane Neustadter

D.O.B. 06/13/1928

320 Hunters Run Rd

Honey Brook, PA 19344-9763

Associated Phones

(610) 942-4573 - LandLine/Services

(610) 942-3526 - LandLine/Services

(610) 873-6277 - LandLine/Services

(610) 932-3157 - LandLine/Services




Gerhard Neustadter JR

D.O.B 10/02/1922

502 Forge Rd

Oxford, PA 19363

(610) 932-3157 - LandLine/Services




Matthew Chester Arthu Neustadter

Age 28

300 N Akard St, APT 1719

Dallas, TX 75201-3460

(484) 639-3517 - Wireless

(610) 942-3526 - LandLine/Services




Charles F Hernandez

Age 73

237 Monacy Rd

Coatesville, PA 19320-1443

[email protected]

[email protected]

(610) 889-1315 - LandLine/Services

(610) 269-8242 - LandLine/Services

(610) 518-6662 - LandLine/Services




Breezy N Hensel

Age 25

35 S Shamokin St

Shamokin, PA 17872-6027

(610) 930-6544 - Wireless

(570) 648-1796 - LandLine/Services

(570) 648-0000 - LandLine/Services




Randy N Hensel

Age 46

35 S Shamokin St

Shamokin, PA 17872-6027

[email protected]

(610) 873-2124 - LandLine/Services

(610) 715-8619 - Wireless

(203) 915-4023 - Wireless

(570) 648-1796 - LandLine/Services

(610) 857-4653 - LandLine/Services

(610) 524-5709 - LandLine/Services

(610) 857-4654 - LandLine/Services




Garfield Stu Carr

Age 50

5457 S Hyde Park Blvd, APT 1

Chicago, IL 60615-5806

[email protected]

(917) 318-5811 - Wireless

(347) 789-9431 - LandLine/Services

(718) 953-5041 - LandLine/Services

(718) 485-9539 - LandLine/Services

(718) 485-3556 - LandLine/Services




Sonia H Carr SR

Age 79

18 Willoughby Ave

Coram, NY 11727-1743

[email protected]

(718) 485-3556 - LandLine/Services

(718) 498-4712 - LandLine/Services

(718) 953-5041 - LandLine/Services


Link it, google is being jewish.

Great work, fellas

Attached: d41e3fa540539c8812c375cda8edd6a6e2aac757324b0fbe87c06d78641ead38.jpg (396x640, 46.67K)


Lol. This

Please record your calls, etc for my personal lulz

So we only have his mum and dad? Anyone got the actual tranny?

Attached: Profit.JPG (550x490, 43.31K)

Someone call and say this poem

there is something i must say
legalize loli
boycott the U.N today

Attached: Protector of light - Nothing is beyond our reach.mp4 (640x360, 6.17M)

Post links to all related threads btw. I wanna be able to see what /b/ and /baph/ are doing.

He's a highschool tranny mate, where the fuck else would he live? The address was found on 4chan through an instagram image that was geotagged, it's legit.

8ch.net/pol/res/13161696.html archive 1st thread


B thread

someone find the balph thread

What do you think about this one? Do you think Avery would want to weave some homely baskets?

someone send condoms (get it because he's a guy)
Ii'll try to find some free samples

He can carry his sorrow in them great idea user!

I mean his email. We have the mom and dad's email, but not his email.

I might be the only baphole here atm, our board is pretty slow but hosting the dox there for the future is a good idea if anyone wants to do advanced shit.

Also sending a stripper to the house at around 6 and if the halfchan foot soilders are able to weaponize the homeless that party is going to be lit as fuck.

Ground troop requesting intel

Attached: Untitled.png (1081x75, 3.86K)

Anybody who wants to help me scour Albuquerque for Galen the Gelatinous Gayspic, message me on Telegram (unless you can suggest a more secure method) @ABQAnon

Want to know how I can tell you're a cuck?

Calm down, calm down, you sons of bitches.

Alright, I sent condom samples.

Attached: kek.PNG (1578x601, 165.83K)

A subscription to men's health?

Send it ANYTHING to do with the church.

Anything and everything user.

Signed up for as much spam magazines as I could. 6-8 weeks till it gets there.

What about Jehova's witnesses? Do they have some kind of "come visit me" list

Yep, it's a basic for any raid aswell. I haven't done it yet so feel free too.

Quiet Easter Sunday

Attached: 88's.png (742x174, 26.87K)

Mr YourUncle RapedYou will be getting my sample in 2-3 weeks as well :^)

Send mormon missionaries

It's actually better to do it under real names lmao.