Jews Sacrifice a Donkey in Israel

Hasidic Jews in IsraHell performed a sacrificial Donkey slaughter, the first to have occurred in Israel since the second temple was destroyed.

Third Temple when?

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Other urls found in this thread: Pirenne - Mohammed and Charlemagne-ACLS Humanities E-Book (2008).pdf

Kikes related

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Nigs gonna nig.


Good fucking god how do evangelicals find excuses to defend these kikes?
How can one look at these jews and think they dindu nuffin, despite killing an animal in cold blood like some cult would do in the public.

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You mean some satanic cult? Even the satanic cults make their animal sacrifices private.

The donkey is gifted to Cohens or beheaded. In this instance, it was gifted, so no sacrifice took place.

nu/pol/, I swear…

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This is nine nights from Walpurgisnacht which is the night Odin woke up from hanging himself on Yydgrisil, the tree of life. Also April 30th, Walpurgisnacht, is when it is said Adolf Hitler killed himself in the bunker. What are the jews trying to get at? Is this just a dig at Hitler for not triumphing?

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That's a fate worse than death for that poor donkey.

Press F to respect the donkey


What a bunch of lies. The donkey was redeemed, no sacrifice was done or needed.

If I'm reading that correctly, they did NOT sacrifice a donkey. They redeemed it so it didn't have to have it's head removed.

Nice try Schlomo!
The eternal merchants have been trying to breed into the European people since they witnessed Alexander curb stomp the "civilized" world! They used a psuedo-roman historian (read Josephus) to lie about ties with Alexander who the Romans idolized in order to gain a footing in their economy and then their govt and then subverted Rome into becoming a Christian nation. Then took over Rome after many attempts (66 AD) and moved the Holy Roman Empire east splitting European power in two just to be closer to Jerusalem! The eternal merchant is literally the cause of millions of white European deaths in wars and crusades over the last 2000y! AND, the eternal merchant does all of this so they can manifest their sick end of days prophecy when east becomes west and west becomes east!

The modern equivalent would be a truck.

Trucks don't secret Adrenachrome when you sacrifice them.

How is senseless slaughter of a donkey a good deed? Community service is a good deed. This is just lazy jewish pagan magic to avoid doing any actual work.

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le jew iq

The bible says that there's no need to do sacrifices any more.

Further proof that Jews are Larping atheists who can't actually do magick

lol, they getting ready to go in for the kill shot. fuck, baton down the hatches boys shits about to get real….if you haven't already double your ammo and food stores.

There is a part of me that just wishes they'd build their temple already. But I realise there is conveniently no specified time between their temple being built and their mashiach/messiah.
I'm so fucking tired of Abrahamism.

Don't worry, user. The only people that will actually die will be the Christian Zionists, who will all go skipping into the gas chambers.

I'm not against sacrifice per se, but these kikes make everything about themselves, everything is a transaction.

Jesus was the Ultimate Sacrifice but this is a blasphemy.

One donkey has been deposited into your account.

what do they do with the body?

Report it to PETA, Animal rights and other vegetarian radical groups.

dude they busted their ass

You have to be an absolute asshole to kill a donkey or a horse unless it's for burial ritual and the horse/donkey was raised by the owner

Donkeys can live for 30 to 40 years and are smarter than 70 percent of large dogs and smarter than 90 percent of goyim humans.

They're also far more useful than both dogs and goyim humans.

Donkeys are master race of barn animals

Their magic has been working for 2000 years

But your political and religious leaders still practice human sacrifices

I don't get it, why do some religions insist on doing sacrifices (animal or human)?

Why did christains make the goyim they conquered stop practicing ritual sacrifice of animals like cattle and hogs?

Because why waste cattle and hogs?

When monotheism merged with Hellenic philosophy it didn't take long to determine that sacrificing animals to an omnipotent unmoved mover is dumb. Jews and Muslims havn't figured that out yet and will continue being shitty people with a shitty culture and shitty customs. Also consider non-Jews and non-Muslims are regarded as animals or sometimes less than animals to these people so its pay to be wary of their bullshit.

From a purely relgious dogmatic perspective, supposedly Jesus dying on the cross as "The Lamb of God," negates the need for any further animal or human sacrifices.
"Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world."

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Jewish donkey magic is best magic bro!

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It never fails to surprise me how jews can be so beguiling about their own religion, especially when it comes to explaining it to non-jews. A mitzvah is not a “good deed”. That’s a weird kind of Christian Zionist understanding which they are pandering to. A mitzvah is better translated as “religious obligation” or “religious commandment”. For instance “Baruch atah Adonai, eleheinu melech ha olam Asher kidishanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu likboa m’zuzah.” basically, this is a “blessing” thanking god for the commandment to put a mezuzah on their door posts. Commandment, not good deed. Fucking hebes

Worth recognizing here is that among jews, the donkey is used as an allegory for Christians, and the dog is the same for muslims.

This is another ritual mocking the killing of Christ.

Donkeys are considered LGA (Livestock Guardian Animals) in most parts of the USA. That means that if you put a donkey in with your sheep or other pasture animals, it will protect them to the best of its ability against predators.

Now they torch jesus' low rider? That cold holmes.

ffs you goyim, im not ready for the tribulation

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It's called subversion, with enough brainwashing anybody can be made to do anything. Lurk more.

Why though

The eternal merchants have been trying to breed into the European people since they witnessed Alexander curb stomp the "civilized" world! They used a psuedo-roman historian (read Josephus) to lie about ties with Alexander who the Romans idolized in order to gain a footing in their economy and then their govt and then subverted Rome into becoming a Christian nation. Then took over Rome after many attempts (66 AD) and moved the Holy Roman Empire east splitting European power in two just to be closer to Jerusalem! The eternal merchant is literally the cause of millions of white European deaths in wars and crusades over the last 2000y! AND, the eternal merchant does all of this so they can manifest their sick end of days prophecy when east becomes west and west becomes east!

Novel memes are good deeds
Uncreative slaughter is not

And, just think, we are cattle to them. Is that lower than a donkey in their hierarchy?


Trump is going to build the Third Temple, and then jews will sacrifice all day long.

The 'props' in sorcery have no intrinsic power. They're simply tools for convincing the chthonic mind to adopt some belief and thereby interact with the astral in some way. Placebo, for example, is a minor form of sorcery; look up the Pygmalion effect. The belief of the physician matters just as much as the belief of the patient.

Jews aren't backward savag-

I'm pretty sure mental illness originated with kikes.

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Kushner is the Antichrist


Barbaric satans cult.

I live in the south of France and work with a native sephardi Israeli, i asked about sex slave trade, he responded "You saw muslims slave markets, i am glad they don't talk about or show ours".
There's several "Jewish tribes" living in Israel and each occupy their own part of the land, they're more or less autonomous and some, practice slavery and slave trade.
I am not in position to prove or disprove what he said. So take it as it is.

What is old is new

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your mom must be mint then

You need to look into the deeper meaning of the donkey and Judaism, namely the fact that the Talmud says that

BT Berakoth 58a

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Even to this day the goy is nothing more than a donkey. Rabbi David Batzri said the following on the construction of Jerusalem’s only Jewish-Arab school:

English translation of that image's page in the original book

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what are they planning for this time?

Can we finally denounce evangelicals as heretics?

Here's the same Sanz clan's rabbi performing "apple tisch".

A tish (Yiddish: טיש‎, lit. 'table', pl. טישן‎, tishn) is a gathering of Hasidim around their Rebbe. … Such a gathering is staged around the blessing of Melchizedek-themed "setting of the table" and so is often referred to in Hebrew as Arichat HaShulchan ( עריכת השולחן).

The jews are an excitable race and so, not manly

They didn't kill the donkey.. they killed a lamb in it's place… some sort of legalistic mumbo-jumbo.. but they are sill ritually killing animals.

I think something very weird is going to happen in Israel very soon.

download PDF link Pirenne - Mohammed and Charlemagne-ACLS Humanities E-Book (2008).pdf

Henri Pirenne the great historian of the economy of the Middle ages spends some pages describing the export of white slaves from Europe to the Middle East in exchange for luxury goods. Jews were the traders, arabs the mariners of the slave ships.

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They need to seek Jesus as soon as possible.

They're going to false flag the shit out of Israel which gives them justification for Greater Israel and the Third Temple.

I suppose so, but they have been championing and fighting for the children of Satan for decades now.

But if jesus took the sin away from the world, then why is there sin everywhere? I'm calling scam. The new testament was written by 5 year olds.

If you want to know what motivates US foreign policy, study Messianic Judaism.