I will speak in laymen's terms for the simpletons amongst us and not inflate a simple message. You, yes you, can and should be your own Hitler. Decentralized power structures are the way of the future; corporations, the Jewish cabal, democracy itself, tech firms, technological growth and even male to female sexual relationships will be highly isolated, containerized and relatively unique and domestic to their own issues. Meaning that Tindr will be responsible for a network of people who exclusively fuck with each other, political segment blocks will form that will only vote on way and power will be circled around highly separated people on different golf courses.
Hiel Hitler
I think with the recent Tarrant investigations and subsequent flapping of lips for, activity this board nor any of it's imaginary members should condone, is a scale towrads physical, brutish action. I for one, denounce any violent action of any sort. Hitler, Gandhi, MLK and yes, us as well, will gain power through only peaceful and pre-dominantly consciously awaking means. By elevating people and communities to stand up to Jewish nepotism and domination. Our enemies are far and wide; federal agents, WASPS, Old Potato Head Power grubbing Irish, Masons, Satanistics, Pedofiles, Old Blood Money Bankers, Conservative-cucks, Zogbots, anarchists, leftists, marxists, liberals, progressives, fags, sandniggers & muslims and last but not least, Jews in all their forms: Orthodox and secular, Ashkenazim and Sephardi and even crypto-jews…
Gentlemen, we cannot win this war. We are the strength of the West Boro Baptist Church but only taken slightly more seriously. Therefore we must perfect the art of war. In the day of nukes and total war, we must embrace the times and become shadows. We are and must be a collective. Let no one man lead, let no one man propose, let us all, delve into our respective fields and become united in our vestige secret society.