I personally come from a former Tankie/Stalinist background and ended up a National Socialist almost easily because for many former tankies, if you can deny the Holodomor, you can end up denying the Holocaust too (of course, only the Holodomor actually happened). Plenty of communists joined the NSDAP aka “beefsteak Nazis”, so it can be done again. We’re at a juncture where voting was long ago rendered obsolete and the only thing we can do is fight back physically. I know a few Stalinists who would be on board.
Reds are pro-Jewry, pro-democracy, pro-women's rights, pro-internationalism, anti-religion, etc. They are not our friends.
Henry Harris
Not all of them are like that, specifically tankies and Stalinists.
Matthew Davis
Trips confirm.
Dominic Perez
Marxism is inseparable from pro-democratic, internationalism and egalitarian thought. Even Stalin was committed to communist internationalism and subversion still.
Liam Rivera
You're a disgusting human being and should be ashamed of yourself, leave the board now
Why are all of you christcucks? Convert to paganism and stop worshipping a dead kike, christianity makes no sense to follow if your a national socialist, it's essentially Judaism for goys.
Tyler Taylor
There would be no NSDAP-Commie alliance. It would be NSDAP and "people who already have all of the beliefs of the NSDAP but were raised around bolsheviks and now realize there are better ways". We don't need kike fetishists who are just as bad as capitalists despite being the opposite side of the same kike coin.
Andrew King
Dumb newfag with a complete lack of understanding of revisionism
Gavin Bennett
Carter Peterson
A lot of French communists ended up as French Nationalists/Fascists as well. I am far more concerned with actual ideas than ideology. I'm concerned with your beliefs, rather than what ism you attatch to yourself. Show me a communist who is pro-White and opposed to jewish domination of our race or at least is not anti-White and understands the great harm in these wealthy zionist shits controlling our nation and foreign policies, and I will see a potential friend. So long as he has no problem with the colour White, I have no problem with the colour red.
Lucas Anderson
There is no communist who is pro-white.
Communism is race blind, only workers.
Jacob Myers
Dylan Watson
So I have heard. However, recall that I said that I'm more concerned with actual ideas than political word-games. Put simply, there are many kinds of self proclaimed "communists" out there. Not all are a unanimous ideological bloc. Just like us. I don't have much faith that there will ever be a "communist" "National Socialist" alliance, but I don't waste my time hating wordisms.
Wyatt Perez
Christianity was the original Bolshevism. Enslave the goyim spiritually and then extinguish any belief with them at all. That was the purpose of Marx's doctrine.
Luke Johnson
No. Communsim has been created by the jew promoting materialism and putting it first before the people and the fact it doesn't work at all. Natsoc worked fantastically till it got removed and ever since that is been the last time it had been tried since the kikes are dead on suppressing it and destroying it and demonizing it. Mean while communism failed many times and yet there will always be excuses as to why it did not worm.
Levi Walker
how surprising that Zig Forums is behind much of the shilling
Michael Sullivan
Caleb Gutierrez
Hitler essentially wanted to form an alliance with the capitalist British empire and they refused, so he ended up fighting both commies and capitalists. If the National Socialist German Worker's Party went full Strasserist and allied with Commies, things would be very different.
Hopefully the end result of a Red-Brown alliance would be some kind of third position Nazbol thing like Juche in the DPRK. Ideally there would be largely state owned production and ethnonationalist and eugenics policies. The worst thing that could happen is if some Commie Jew gets into power and turns it into degenerate international Communism.
David Miller
Samuel Garcia
Things would be exactly the same, USSR was jewish you retard
Kevin Brooks
I have. I was convinced at least a month ago that libertarianism or any ideology leads to nowhere except national socialism.
Angel Cook
Commies are only our friends if they are dead.
Hudson Sanchez
Semi-likely depending on if both sides can ever completely get over their attachments to capitalism and the status quo. Because when you get right down to it there is more overlap between the two than there are differences.
Thing is I get the real hard core commies, not all of them but there are many who really are decent people who see the sham that is globalist capitalism and want to replace it with something better. What is a Nazi or a Communist true believer at their very core? What separates both from the Jew and the capitalist enabler? They both dream of a better world. They both know that change requires sacrifice. But primarily the differences boil down to just who do we want to include in our vision for the future? The reds want everyone to be included whether they are worthy or not. A noble goal but it simply does not reflect reality and unfortunately many otherwise good men have ended up paying the ultimate price when a subhuman has taken advantage of their kindness and turned on them. It recalls to mind a conversation I had with an user who went Natsoc after being a hardcore lefty with the occupy wall street movement before becoming disillusioned with women and non-whites co-opting the movement and subverting any productive actions with identity politics and non-issues.
In a way I pity the good Reds because their heart is in the right place but their naivety blinds them from seeing that not all people are worthy of their respect, time, or effort.
Jaxson Davis
we agree on the problem, not on the solution, we should join together against the problem and then fight it out afterwards
Noah Wood
Shills sure are busy today. Must be trying to distract from the next kike war or something.
What would the good be of allying with people who want to take power in the same way you do? I would rather live in a communist country that valued it's own people and race over foreigners than America today, but I wouldn't want to compromise with my ideals, and neither would most others on /pol
Chase Campbell
(heil'd) Is good that there are reds that do feel like that and no I am not a communist sympathizer by any stretch of the imagination, the reason I say that this is good is because these are the type of people who are willing to listen to reason and convert or realize the truth. I started admiring the furher for what he did and tried to accomplish and I realized what national socialism for what it truly is. But despite my admiration we need people who are willing to die for their cause and for their people and someone who could potentially learn the mistakes from their predecessors. The thing about national socialists is that we are able to learn from our mistakes and become better and improve that is the advantage of natsoc and people who are willing to self sacrifice we don't hide behind the shit like "not muh rael gommunism".
Sebastian King
As uncle A laid out, the National Socialists have two principles. 1. We must have a worldview. 2. We must secure absolute power in our country. Any alliance with other political groups must only be a means to absolute power. We can only have any degree of peace or cooperation with Reds who live elsewhere or are willing to surrender.
Christopher Ortiz
Anyone who doesn't want whites to worship a Jew must be a Jew!
There is not much going on in the catalog if their is bump that specific thread.
Parker Carter
The fuck is this shit. This something out of Europe? I've never heard of this shit before and pretty much breath Zig Forums for years. Sounds like neo-nazi subversive shit from jews again. So before I write off op utterly as another shill thread, drop what the history of this shit is now.
Also, this isn't fucking metro the game, there are no factions or 'ism's' now. It is just jews, their good goy pets, normalfag sheep and us. You either become one of us utterly or you are allied with them, even the sheep are nothing but spoils of war now. There will be no meeting of the minds in the middle this time around. Nobody gives a fuck what you ever were, you become us. And we are more than caricatures.
This isn't from glow in the darks. this is what Zig Forums call them selves.
Jayden Myers
I am guessing you haven't been on Zig Forums those words came from them not here.
Thomas Gomez
8/pol/ was a very different place a few years back. Keep in mind half the posters here are only here to fuck up discussion. That said, if you want to make a difference here (but why would you), persistence is usually rewarded.
Jeremiah Martinez
Yeah. All the important work is being done elsewhere.
Asher Bell
It's retarded, but it's still more likely to succeed than the alliance with Kikebart neo-cohens that all the AmNat faggots push for.
Connor Rogers
We both know you're a jew so just be proud of it
Levi Reyes
Glad you came to the right side, OP. Is there anything in particular that made you switch over?
Ayden Barnes
Stalinist ARE NEOCohens. That is where the Trotskyites came from, they are all khazars/semites/turks who overthrew Russia after killing the Czar and ruled it through Bolshevism/communism, then they transferred 5 million of them to the USA installing a communism in the USA and used the US military to pinch the Europeans to death and occupy the entire European nation. It is only now that they have top NEOCohens in power in Europe through the EU's gibs me dat without ANY REPRESENTATION that they have decided to withdraw the US military now that they have their new 'turkish army' in place and they can rape, murder and pillage…including torture of the worst kind (like they always do) reserved for the most intelligent, beautiful and talented of European people.
Elijah Anderson
Fuck that bitch…what the fuck is wrong with you? THAT IS THE ENEMY
Carter Baker
You have it backwards. The neo-cohens were the Trotskyites who called themselves "anti-communists", but only opposed Stalinism.
Xavier Wilson
No noob, they are all kikes/turks/semties…you are going to die because you did not oppose them soon enough.
Benjamin Martin
If such a thing is possible it needs pursuing at all costs the only thing is that we need assurances of peaceful separation afterwards and to be honest with them as a red brown alliance is literally the only way for us to survive this shitshow.
If they are truly racially blind then anti white sentiment will be a significantly smaller issue which is still a major improvement.
A major wedge issue by which to get the communists and the juden would be the juden's own ethnic supremacy ideology. Call me a cuck all you like but I never was a supremacist and never will be, however ethnic self determination is a non-negotiable issue now. And jews are the greatest violators of ethnic self determination world wide.
Carter Gomez
It can only take place within an organization that actively seeks to recruit from both National Socialists and Marxist-Leninists. In the Third-World, this is already happens, which is why communism was so successful after WW2. For it to happen in the advanced capitalist countries, you need to do basically this: don't call it a communist party. Call it is a Workers' Party. The National part will come after the of: Workers' Party of the White Nation. This will be a hard sell wherever the real Nation is basically forbidden to even mention (the English-speaking European Nation: "America," "Canada," the UK, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc), but would be easier in many European countries. Such a party would have to be very, very explicit about the National Question, much more so than is normal for far-Left or far-Right parties. It would also need to simultaneously take hard lines against Israel. Recruitment would be basically done by leeching members from other far-Right and far-Left parties, so polemics would be need to be directed at both such groups simultaneously.
Luke James
Also a major problem I'm seeing is conflation of trotskyist ideology such as neocohenservativism with stalinist and other leftist ideology. There is more variance among them than it generally appears. And frankly what do we stand to lose through working with other ideologies towards mutual goals? Some arab guy's saying we shouldn't go to war for israel sure I'll side with him on that one issue. As it goes we have to play smarter now. C'ville killed our shot at doing this in a direct fashion. Now we have to play smart without losing our ethics and morality.
Brody Jones
Gung ho to die being stabbed in the back by the kikes, eh…
I was listening to someone lecture today on 'The Turing Machine' and it was SO FUCKING STUPID…he said that the Allies had won because they used the Turing Machine to crack the German codes… =BWAHAHAHAHAHA How much of a fucking retard would you have to be to not see that there were jew/semites/turks in Hitlers army and that they had stabbed him and ALL GERMANY in the back by being traitor and giving the enemy troop movements and secret information. THESE FUCKING CUNTS ARE NOTHING LIKE YOU NOTHING But you enjoy being starved to death by them while they stab you and stab you and stab you some more in the back and turn Sayanim on all your operations…it is 'easy to win a war' when you have traitors embedded in both sides and you are setting yourself up for a WORLD OF PAIN…
Jayden Taylor
Shitler killed 100 million Whites Stalin killed 100 million Whites
Stormtards kill 100 million brain cells every time they post.
Kevin Johnson
Slavs aren't white
Ethan Cooper
In what way? Marxists believe that class should abolished, the state should eventually wither away and that capitalism is the main problem today that needs to be overcome by a new economic system that will distribute stuff (in its highest stage) according to need. Fascists believe in the primacy of race and struggle in human history, that might makes right, discipline, the inequality of human beings, the importance of nation and tradition, etc. We share little to no goals
Benjamin Mitchell
The point of reaching out to people who are basically disaffected communists is because of Christfags. The "Right" wing of the ZOG is worse than trash; they are people who will say anything to keep the White Nation enslaved to Kikes, and to ensure forced integration with niggers lasts forever. Converting an "America" Marxist-Leninist to be a National Socialist is essentially getting them to realize the capitalists forced integration with niggers on the the White Nation 50 years ago, while they were simultaneously murdering a bunch of Nationalist gooks in Vietnam. It's getting them to realize the "American" government promotes itself around the world as a saintly regime because they forced integration with niggers on the White Nation and called it "Civil Rights." Getting a Marxist-Leninist to realize this obvious reality is much, much easier than to get a Christfag "Right" winger to take the Kike cock out of his mouth.
Jace Peterson
How can there be an alliance when Communists by their very nature demand world domination?
Connor Lewis
damn, ok
I can guess what stalanism is. Some form of commie cum stain. But any idea what tankie is? Mild curiosity on that, beyond such Zig Forums isn't on my radar. I prefer listening and watching the goodies our enemies leadership let out. At no time in history has ones enemies given such insite into their working mind and expectations on how the world works as is going on right now. For thousands of years generals have dreamed of having such insights into how their enemy operates and thinks so as to counter and dominate the battlefield, and ours are simply giving it to us on a silver platter while not even realizing it. Usually the words and works of these willful juden protectors are ignored by me in favor of more lucrative and promising sources in preparation for open war.
Perhaps I've been a bit too focused not to even be aware of this kind of thing…. or are they still of no note do you think? Granted, that is up to them to fully decide.
I think tankies like trotsky, they have a bunch of gay factions. Who the fuck cares
Joseph Mitchell
Tankies are a term Zig Forums uses for people who worship Stalin and Soviet aesthetics
Caleb King
Blah blah blah blah blah…
You have fun now…enjoy being slaughtered.
Christian Lewis
Jayden Powell
And this right here is why the chans are the greatest intelligence service the world has ever known. The most obscure shit imaginable is instantly revealed. I truly wonder how much our enemies are really aware of how fucked they are, if for no other reason than to relish their either abject fear in such displays of power, or to laugh at their utter incompetence if they are not aware of it.
Of course, trannies, pedos boy fuckers, people who drink blood are all acceptable people to ally with, in a military situation…there is nothing like having POZZED UP blood sprayed all over you in your eyes and mouth during a war situation.
Dominic Powell
As if all the bunkers, boards on this site, and chans are all dead or hardly online, except like the other 3 like nein.
Ayden Ross
The ZOG told the masses of the White Nation 'communism' meant forced integration with niggers, and then they did it anyway to prove to the world how not 'collectivist' that thing called "America" is.
Caleb Anderson
You think that would make Marxists change their minds? Marxists support civil rights whether the capitalists did it or not. They see it as a good thing, just as today Marxists more often than not support the big capitalist corporations for censoring us and the media for shilling homosexual deviancy, mass-immigration, women’s rights, pro-Islam, you name it. They’re fundamentally useful idiots. The Jews have realized that they can rule just as easily through unbridled capitalism than they can with communism through destroying culture, virtue and tradition
Aiden Anderson
I actually believe that we could unite with the alt left to destroy the govt
Dylan Rodriguez
communists wouldn't ally nazi loosers they swiftly defeated
Mason Phillips
Browsing Zig Forums really makes it easy to detect communists in real life and especially here. They do not come here or read our works, they do not understand National Socialism beyond Jewish atrocity propaganda so they really stick out.
2/10 bait. The gommies needed help from other nations to even remotely stand a chance against a nation that was fighting the world all at once.
Jackson Davis
ah yes germany, austria, bulgaria, romania, slovenia, slovakia, hungary, latvia, estonia, netherlands, finland, italy, bosnia, vichy france, and croatia with material support from sweden, spain, and portugal versus starved peasants in the soviet union is such a one sided battle
Blake Morales
Of course the USSR itself received much greater support from the British and American empires.
Robert Kelly
I know it does. Get an "American" Marxist to realize the capitalists wanted to force integration with niggers on the White Nation, and you have a National Socialist. Marxists in "America" don't even know what a Labor Aristocracy is, and then the AFL-CIO and the SEIU represent workers. Most of them are simply liberals wearing communism as a fashion accessory, because they don't know any better. Their papers often get censored too. One in particular was the tiny Trot group SEP, who in fact does complain about censorship in general, because they know it also affects them. And the fag thing most groups only take a line on because they are controlled by liberals. Many people don't actually like it at all, especially once they realize basically all communist countries have been anti-faggot historically. The Marxists that actually get recruited into the ZOG's Labor Bureaucracy tend to actually be not pro-immigration, just because they know the white workers hate it. It takes a man and a woman to make a Nation. Complaining about women's rights is just a faggot thing to do. I like Hezbollah. I like people who kill Kikes. This is true; most of them are simply liberals going through a phase. Not all of them are like that, and the more serious ones are generally shunned by the established groups. The people that would be targeted for recruitment into a Workers' Party would be the types who can't get along in the normal shit groups. The types who eventually come to realize niggers are parasites, that the government is controlled by Kikes and Zionists, and that faggots are their servants. This type of person is infinitely preferable to the ZOG's "Right" wing: Kike-loving Christfags.
Gavin Morales
Owen Williams
The jew is terrified.
Andrew Sanders
Kikes/turks/semites are friends, not mortal enemies.
Anthony Long
Kill yourself, Kike.
Angel Harris
It’s a faggot thing to support women’s rights. Women’s rights is forcing the woman to become a man, something she is incapable and ill-equipped to do physically, intellectually or otherwise. Women are oversized children and should be treated as such. This isn’t “hateful”, it’s recognizing what was long regarded as truth. Women’s rights has lead to the further disintegration of society and the further degeneration of women and their growing unhappiness as they are forced into roles alien to their nature.