Border militia cucks out, will leave after spic cops tell them to

"An armed militia group of private citizens has agreed to leave their encampment near the U.S.-Mexico border after officials expressed concerns about them brandishing weapons on public property.

"They decided it wasn't worth the fight," Sunland Park, New Mexico, Police Chief Javier Guerra told ABC News on Tuesday.

Members of the group, which calls itself the "United Constitutional Patriots," were seen using military-style attire and firearms to detain dozens of migrant families last week. Video of the encounter was shared widely on social media.

The group has remained camped out near the border in New Mexico and plans to leave the area Wednesday morning, Guerra said.

Federal officials also issued a warning to militia members over the weekend.

"Interference by civilians in law enforcement matters could have public safety and legal consequences for all parties involved," a U.S. Customs and Border Protection official said in a statement.

Private citizens have organized along the southern border for years in attempts to stop immigrants. A group known as the Minuteman Project coordinates volunteers looking to spot and report people that they believe to be crossing into the United States illegally.

"It's our job to support law enforcement, not to be law enforcement," said Howie Morgan, a Minuteman Project leader.

Despite public warnings from federal and local officials, Morgan said that their group only reports what they believe to be illegal activity."

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Oh and the militia leader that got arrested had his ribs broken in jail. (Probably by a spic)

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Fuck having a country and shit, too much work. Surely the government will do their jobs and respect muh constitution this time.
Yes, the law enforcement made up of mestizos letting their cousins in unimpeded.
Typical III%/Minuteman cuck. Pic related is the founder of Minuteman project.

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American militias talk big and cuck hard.
They speak loudly and carry no sticks.

Learn how to greentext, OP you fucking nigger-faggot

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Kill yourself faggot, go back to your esoteric goat sacrificing threads you dipshit.

They aren't cucking out, they are a legal militia not a street gang. Why is it so hard for people to understand this?
They are there to protect people and the law, not break it.

Militias are to protect the people not shoot cops you fucking retard. People like that should join the Mexican cartels.

The law doesn't work for us anymore, there is no law, they just gave up like pussies


The government is literally conducting population replacement aka genocide against the People. They are thus illegitimate and an enemy of any patriot.

True but operating this way lets the groups continue to grow. We need people to stand up and do the right thing. Violence should be a last resort, the US once again needs militias to protect its interests when the government cannot.

They are the enemy but they are fighting to protect them too.

Mouth breathing retard. Cops are paid mercenaries that sell theor bodies to the regime. They are heel clicking scum and traitors to their nation.

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They are a patriotic militia, not a rebel army. You are conflating your issues with what that group is actually intended for.

That doesn't matter, they are a militia not whatever you are saying they should be.

So when are you stormfags going to the border?

They just sit here and urge others to rebel, the people who are actually doing something right and good are decent people. It seems like now that guy's life is in danger in prison. Are people really going to say they aren't risking their lives?

The sheer amount of COPE from boomer cuckservative patriotards.

I'm okay with dying for what I believe in. If freedom dies then I'll die with it.

Then go fight, nigtard.

Right after we're done with the bolshevik scum and their boomer lolberg comrades.

At least they're doing something. You're the judas here speaking of overthrowing the democracy you were raised in.

Enjoy the death you've chosen for your race.


I thought the US was a constitutional republic?

They can't outlaw the group if they obey the law, so all they can do is hope that they make a stand. Do you really think the authorities would hesitate to make a second waco or ruby ridge?

a saying from the protestant paramilitaries in NI

The militia is doing God's work and you people are just shitting on them, aim at your enemies not your friends. I guess all Americans know how to do is friendly fire though.

Looks like they're about to.

Most of these countersignalers are paid shills, dude.


Reminder that 8gag is full of government deradicalization shills.
Be sure to filter but not report, because genuine anons are more likely to be banned than they are.

No they're probably just cynical assholes who hate everything. I am too but at least I know when to check myself.

Guess we'll find out, it's not like they're doing anything illegal by forming a militia. That's the literal wording of the 2nd Amendment.

Wouldn't that be catholic?

Anarchist shitposting?

They have allied with communists.

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LARPing boomers.

The enemy doesn't follow the law. Cuckservative boomers like you are the exact reason the world is in the shit state it's in. Kill yoruself.

Says the Nazifag who won't leave his house. He's out there in real life.

They exploit the law for their own gain, running a militia is doing just that but for the people's sake instead of the shitbirds running the world. I know how the world is, but I also know how I want it to be. I don't want lawless anarchy, it's against my belief since I think violence should be a last resort. I still believe that democracy can work, with some tweaks.

No it's nazifags larping for Jews which gives them endless power over Whites.

Gun ownership is the only practical (the other being societal or moral only) barriers keeping the constitutional amendments from being repealed and the US falling into tyranny. Whatever people do they have to keep their ability to resist, talk is meaningless if you have no ability to back it up with violence.

I told you fucked when push comes to shove these ppl would back down. Tarrant is a false idol.

He looks like a geriatric male stripper.

Kill yourself boomer

not a problem if they shoot on sight

It's either peaceful militias, law enforcement or RWDS. Pick one libshits.

Thread has civcucks raging, lmfao.

If these people have so much free time, why don’t they ((()))?

Nah, though. Nah. They’re being lawful. Disbanding after police requests proves it. Learn from this, Zig Forums. Patriots don’t act like fifth columnists. Ordinary strength is real strength. Being dickshit defiant forever is just manipulable.

If you don't ever back anything up with violence, your theoretical ability to do so isn't regarded with concern and you get knocked over.

It's a last resort, as it should be. What's important is retaining the capacity to go postal if you get pushed to the edge.

Even if you don't agree on them backing down these guys are heroes. What good is flinging shit at them going to do? The leftists are already gunning for them are you really going to help them by criticizing them?

Public disobedience is the best form of resistance. It's the nail in your shoe you can never pull out. Also organized violence stems from organization, something to think about.

You're just spinning your wheels. It has already been deduced you aren't going to do anything and you are actively being pushed aside like the insignificant sidebar you are.

His latina wife is a qt though…

Wanna know how I know you're a shill

No. Filtered.

it comes from the loyalists during the 80s, most loyalist violence at the time was targeted against catholics, but it came increasingly clear by then that british goverment who was constantly fucking them over was a bigger enemy than the catholic community,

The mythical edge that keeps retreating every time it's approached. Right now we have traitors openly supporting an invasion.


If we're just spinning our wheels, then why are you panicking so much?
Why is the state media cracking down on this group so hard?

So much this! This is what makes the Aryan man so different from the shitskins, we are smart and are able to think LONGTERM. This is how we evolved and survived the winters.

This actually makes sense. Tactical retreats should not only be beneficial (as this is clearly the case) but also should take place on a precise time. We have nothing on the news on Wednesday, so now their Kampf will be on the news.

I love how only us white men can always think about safety, no matter the situation.


There are still ways to resist peacefully and lawfully like this militia. If this fails then we can consider the final solution.

play stupid games, win stupid prizes

To be honest if they make a stand the only result would be them dying at least this way they can continue to be a thorn in the side of our enemies. I wonder if it's possible to irritate someone to death.

I've made 3 posts in the thread.
They are making an example out of them.

It has already failed. Look at the country. You're just pretending reality is different than it is because you don't want to fight. And you know what? That's fine. Just be intellectually honest enough to admit it and stop LARPing.

His mistake was carrying around a gun when it was illegal for him to do so, not being a part of the militia. You know he's the victim right?

Maybe we should try to organize groups to find these illegals and give them weapons and promise them money if they cleanse out niggers neighborhoods for us and of course they then get to inhabit those neighborhoods. Might as well make the most out of a fucked situation and wipe out niggers (and a lot of spics since they will be dying fighting the niggers).

Actually, American militias are one of the strongest legal ones around the world. As I stated earlier, this is a tactical retreat and if you were an Aryan man, you would know that.

Why would I give up? I'm still breathing.

What is your purpose then? To call out all these larpers?

It's not even a retreat since it's their stated goal to work WITH law enforcement.

That's what he gets for not just gunning them down at the border and threatening to gun down the traitorous government if it has a problem with that.

Just stahp.

You have to be willing to risk your own life to join a militia. It's not a joke you really might die or get hurt.

They are there to round up and then assist the spics in coming into America so they can get free gibes and replace us.

That's even better… I was actually planning to say "tactical retreat" was an esoteric metaphor once someone debunked it.

The scars on my body and my history in the Order of Nine Angles are no joke either.

Militias are getting played by the jews.

What you seem to be missing is that many of the people here are not on your side. You are judged as failures and uncreative, whipped loyalists.

These militia guys deserve more respect than the police. They act to protect the people and put themselves at the same risk without any backing or legal protection from government power or authority.

Violence should be the first result when dealing with invaders, and torture and extreme humiliation followed by execution the last resort.

You have no hope of winning if you can't honestly assess the situation. The situation is that they're crushing any organized opposition.

Just answer me a question, do you think it's a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket?

As soon as I get American citizenship I guess which is impossible because I'm white and America does all in its power to keep whites out while welcoming the shitskin hoards in.

That's how mafia works.

You're not even making sense at this point.

They're risking their lives for fucking nothing. They capture these spics and they're just released and then walk over the border back into America again. You ever watched videos of the boarder hopper's perspective? They're just annoyed that a wall might raise the prices involved in trying to get over the border and that's it. They fucking laugh at your non-deterrents. They fear the cartels and other shit in their own country a thousand times more than a bunch of idiots that are going to feed them and give them water and house them.

Pure niggerspeak.


In Italy, yes. That's how they get rid of Africans and other scum trying to get into Europe.

Im going to pour some lighter fluid in my bleach, anybody want some?

Actually, these militias are bothering the work of Border Agents driving in unmarked vehicles.

This tbh

I'm saying it's good to have legal, peaceful groups that can continue to operate after the extremist nutjobs get arrested or killed. It makes us more permanent, and harder to ignore. It also makes what we're standing for more legitimate in the eyes of other people. You need to be able to talk to people to reach a compromise. If you don't want to compromise then the only outcome is violence. Violence should be a last resort and I think it's immoral, I admit it's necessary sometimes. But is your thinking really that different from a apocalyptic death cult? How exactly is it going to benefit the world if violence is your goal, not your means?

Not really they obviously carry ID and they are committed to working with law enforcement. Arresting the leader was actually a bad move since it makes it harder for them to communicate with the state police. More eyes is always better, they're all on the same side with the same goals. They deserve your respect.

The greatest refutation of your line of thinking is the present day United States. Nothing else needs to be said. You can save your (33) for someone else.

The leader was a criminal, also, having a lot of militias around unmarked vehicles endangers border patrol operations

I know how things are, but I know how I want them to be. I still believe that we can fix these problems without civil war. It just needs patriots who are willing to make a stand.

Larry Hopkins got the shit kicked out of him in jail, too. Thoughts and Prayers, y’all.

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It's true he had past convictions but what they are doing is neither illegal nor wrong. They are helping to protect the people and laws of the US from drugs and criminals. That should be recognized by everyone, at least here. Don't you think the cops can pull the plates and ID them right away? I would be surprised if they don't recognize these guys by first name by now.

yeah the 100+million niggers and spics are just going to agree to not vote away our rights anymore and leave peaceful, good one