Shooting another human is the kind of thing you see in the movies, but it's not as simple as point and shoot. In modern armies the shot/kill ratio is much higher than in history. Ever since gunpowder and firearms have been around it has been shown over and over that humans just cant kill other humans. In the wars fought during the early 1800's showed this. Using muzzle loaders they would practice shooting at sheets with targets on them, the soldiers were able to hit an amazing 90% of their shots on the target range, when troops squared off and fired at each other it simply was not this way.
When fired at a rank of 1000 men, there should have been upwards of 500 killed in each volley, but the actual deaths per volley was 3. Not 300….but 3. It took many years to understand the psychological reasoning for this.
Modern numbers are quite impressive, in the 70-80% range now, however, P.T.S.D. or shellshock has increased in bounds. The boys who are trained to actually shoot to kill are damaging themselves in ways the psychology physicians simply cant keep up to. It's a trained/selfimposed damage that the soldier is doing to his own mind, and repairing that damage may not be possible. We are forcing our young soldiers to do things their moral compass does not agree with.
So,,,,,do you think you could kill a human? Most firing squads or executions are either done with a blindfold or by a shot to the back of the head. The blindfold is not for the condemned, it's for the firing squad, just like the shot to the back of the head, the eyes are the window to the soul and make it much more difficult to shoot someone if you can look them in the eyes.
Could you kill a human?