It may soon be illegal for WHITE people to call the police on niggers

It may soon be a crime in Grand Rapids to call the police on people of color 'participating in life'

By Madeline Holcombe
Archive is broken again. Sorry.

Every day it becomes more and more clear that we are living in the Turner Diaries. They should just deputize all blacks and authorize them to do whatever the fuck they want.

The real question here is; what if a black calls the cops on another black? Will they arrest her if they can't find anything the boyfriend was doing wrong or just give her a pass because her skin is the right colour? We all know the answer to that question though. If the police applied such an insane law equally, Al Sharpton and his crew of extortionist gangsters and their jew friends would destroy the entire city and sack everyone involved.

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Good. Another step forward.

This will literally force everyone who hears about this into the right direction, which is obvious they will. Whites will be forced to realize the injustice and make the right choice mentally.

Jews are now handing out free redpills for us.

No, it won't. It will force whites to be raped to death by niggers because no one is going to do a damn thing about this.

Thanks Michigan. Message received.

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get this, rented a storage locker in St Louis. I don't live there but do business there. Had a busy several days, Was at storage unit (I work for a optic fiber provider) was in a rented car through Avis, as the sun set I had the car running, listening to music, fell asleep, woke up and there were about none cops surrounding me, all pointing guns, even had one come out of the bushes, that looked like a stone cold killer, Turns out two niggers were sleeping in their public storage unit (of which I had no idea) and simply wanted me gone, truly unfucking believable, and the cops were nice, but they were cunts also, the motherfucker that came out of the bushes, 110% psychopathic killer. Niggers call the cops on anyone for anything. Cops don't know any better, everything is a training mission, or real life……… this country needs to be fucking nuked to ride it of all forms of life, or cops should just start killing niggers on sight.


Gotta keep that jewish narrative running, huh? Thanks for admitting you were wrong.

Killing individual people is great and all, but what you really have to attack is the infrastructure holding the judenponzi together. Killdozer + major electrical substations + blizzard/heatwave = a lot of dead niggers and critical ZOG distribution points that can't be easily brought back online.

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.t yahud shekelstein


This. We're getting ever closer to the happening.

yes you're a jew, if not racially then spiritually


Why not just call and say a "man" or "youth" is doing the crime? If the operator presses you for a particular race either say you can't tell or its too dark.

Niggers know how to live without electricity. Whites don't but fuck them…they will learn; this is what they get for not uniting as a single people against our racial enemies.

Still sticking to the same old script, Tallest_Shill? Get your faggot ass back to Voat.

Yes but they riot and the rioting is an educational experience for fence sitting Whites.


This is in response to white people who call the police on blacks who aren't doing anything wrong. The main problem is that it's racial, but otherwise it's valid. You have lots of retirees who call the police and report people to the police over nothing, and it has nothing to do with race.

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Do you know where you are?

This doesn't happen. Never post here again.


Where the fuck do you think you are? Do you understand the odds that if I do call the cops on some random nigger, that he will be doing something wrong?


To drunk user that missed his flight
Be your own boss big guy

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This will put them in a difficult position down the road. If they were to consider repealing this then it would basically confirm..


it 100% has to do with race, because niggers are extremely tribal and are fully aware they commit more crime

Do you, niggerlover?

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t. spiritual jew

You're obviously new so just go read the actual fbi doc statistics on annual crime. Niggers literally being 14% and commiting well over 50% of the crime in the US, The incarceration rate also confirms this. Same shit in zog europe.

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That's the game that is being played now. Keep up, Shekelstein.

The funny thing is that BLM should kiss the assholes of every badgenigger they come across. Without the badgeniggers protecting the jewish system, white people would literally start massacring the blacks whose mere presence in their vicinity makes them feel - rightly - unsafe. It's hilarious that niggers are so stupid they don't realize that the ZOG pigs are the only thing standing between them and the bottom of a mass grave. Same goes for those #MuhResistance twerps and dolan drumpf - without Trump acting as a release valve for white fury, these people would be beaten to death in the gutters outside their homes. Trump and cops - working tirelessly to protect niggers from you.

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You're bad at this.

Try again. Different argument this time, please.

Whites aren't going to play your game.

Nasim was so fucking HOT. I bet after two months of handcuffing her and fucking the absolute shit out of her, she'd have calmed down. She simply needed a strongk man to pound her hole. None to found globally any longer.

here's my argument. Either women are lying about rape or blacks do commit that much rape, it can't be neither.

How is that a point? No one was discussing that.

Do you want Rape Statistics?

2003 - 20,309 White women either lied about rape or were raped/ Sexually assaulted by black men.
SOURCE:U.S. Justice Department 2003 Rape Statistic URL [Scroll to Table 42.](

2004 - 11,611 White women either lied about rape or were raped/ Sexually assaulted by black men.
SOURCE:U.S. Justice Department 2003 Rape Statistic [Scroll to Table 42.](

2005 - 37,460 White women either lied about rape or were raped/ Sexually assaulted by black men.
SOURCE:SOURCE:U.S. Justice Department 2003 Rape Statistic [Scroll to Table 42.](

2006 - 32,443 White women either lied about rape or were raped/ Sexually assaulted by black men.
SOURCE:U.S. Justice Department 2003 Rape Scroll to [Table 42.](

2003 - 0 black women were sexually assaulted by white men.
SOURCE:U.S. Justice Department 2003 Rape Statistic [Scroll to Table 42.](

2004 - 0 black women were sexually assaulted by white men.
SOURCE:U.S. Justice Department 2003 Rape Statistic [Scroll to Table 42.](

2005 - 0 black women were sexually assaulted by white men.
SOURCE:U.S. Justice Department 2003 Rape Statistic [Scroll to Table 42.](

2006 - 0 black women were sexually assaulted by white men.
SOURCE:U.S. Justice Department 2003 Rape Statistic SScroll to [Table 42.](

Do you want Rape Statistics?

2003 - 24,000 White women either lied about rape or were raped/ Sexually assaulted by black men.
SOURCE:U.S. Justice Department 2003 Rape Statistic URL [Scroll to Table 42.](

2004 - 11,611 White women either lied about rape or were raped/ Sexually assaulted by black men.
SOURCE:U.S. Justice Department 2003 Rape Statistic [Scroll to Table 42.](

2005 - 36,000 White women either lied about rape or were raped/ Sexually assaulted by black men.
SOURCE:SOURCE:U.S. Justice Department 2003 Rape Statistic [Scroll to Table 42.](

2006 -17,000 White women either lied about rape or were raped/ Sexually assaulted by black men.
SOURCE:U.S. Justice Department 2003 Rape Scroll to [Table 42.](

2003 - 0 black women were sexually assaulted by white men.
SOURCE:U.S. Justice Department 2003 Rape Statistic [Scroll to Table 42.](

2004 - 0 black women were sexually assaulted by white men.
SOURCE:U.S. Justice Department 2003 Rape Statistic [Scroll to Table 42.](

2005 - 0 black women were sexually assaulted by white men.
SOURCE:U.S. Justice Department 2003 Rape Statistic [Scroll to Table 42.](

2006 - 0 black women were sexually assaulted by white men.
SOURCE:U.S. Justice Department 2003 Rape Statistic SScroll to [Table 42.](

Her parents should have never taken her out of Iran desu. If they'd stayed in their homeland she would have been a good waifu for some IRGC chad.

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That has nothing to do with it. False reports and false allegations are a big part of our society, and they need to stop. You should be complaining about the racial aspect of the law, not acting like there aren't faggots with nothing going on in their lives who call the police over stupid shit. I've already posted two examples. Here is another.

Great post, there's a lot of truth to this.

Just stfu dumbass

Her life was far more meaningful than that by coming here though…

I won't give them a choice. They either play, or they're Jews like you.

Welcome to Africa, fren.

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This is a paid shill.

Or it's cops saving them from land developers. If the Chinese had to only eradicate them to make their land value shoot up..

This thread is being shilled to hell.

Women lie about rape across the racial spectrum.

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Welcome to clown world!

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it's a valid point. I broke up with a girlfriend, and she was all teary eyed, we decided to meet at a public park, to walk and talk, I told her how things were going to be, she was a little love lorn and upset but we decided to go off somewhere private, it was at that point that I got two and then three fingers up her pussy under a pine tree. I'll tell you what, all of that opathetic bullshit she was spewing went right out the window as she rocked and came in my hand. Dude, you have to "garb 'em by the Pussy" Our President said it, and he knew what he was talking about…… So few men are willing to grab a girl by her pussy any longer, but it FUCKING WORKS. Bitch cums like a tramp.

Go read the actual CRIMINAL STATISTICS based on cases/sentencing, you're just being dishonest/lying yourselves.

It's irrelevant to everything being discussed.

Wee my argument is for the normie, they have to either say woman are liars or niggers rape that amount.

Either they call you a racist or soggy knees and neither both.

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One of the best examples is the problem of organized crime. You see this to a limited extent with black gangs who threaten jurors, but the more sophisticated operations (Italian, Russian, Mexican) simply buy out the whole system.

In a week WROL, any type of oppressive organized crime disappears because they don't have the legal system to lean on. The only exception is that if they get involved in the black market and play by a different set of rules, knowing that a few guys with guns will kill all of them and not give a fuck they are part of some criminal gang, because everyone will be networked to fight.

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what thread?

Now this dude fucks. Based muh dick poster, TRUMP FUCK YEAH

Reported for derailing thread

mods won't do anything.

Yeah, I get what you're saying. It's kind of shocking people can't keep two thoughts in their head.

Both are true if you follow the news.

Based Donald strikes again!

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They're NPCs, duhhhh

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This board is so jewed, havbe you ever noticed how the narrative of the board overall always goers the kike way? If you've been here for any length of time you will notice it, you'll be like "where the fuck did that thread just go" Mods deleted it, it did keep inline with the jew narrative. If you post a new thread you'll be like "WTF" yeah again mods deleted it. This place is a honeypot of all honeypots.

Check out this little drudge tidbit

FBI has access to our hard drives, we post here, our entire hard drive is catalog and scanned. VPN my ass, it's why I say the outrageous shit I do, it's shit posting at it's finest.


You're assuming that I don't know blacks commit more crime. What do you think this is, reddit?

Are you one of those guys who posts the BUGS mantra on Zig Forums like the people here were unaware that immigration was a problem?

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I'm kind of glad they didn't tho. Google is one of the pillars of the police state and they deserved to be shot up. If we had more Nasims, the jew wouldn't dare censor us.

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girls respect a guy that rocks them, what's your problem? Niggers? fuck 'em, cops treat them seriously becauise they get a pay check, and a damn good one nowadays. it's not like it was in the 1980's when cops made what school teachers still make today. Cops are banking some serious cash, but that doesn't mean they take those stupid fucks seriously. Nigger are garbage and everyone knows it.

Start a fucking thread for it then, you nigger, and stop derailing this one.

Thankyou, user. It was not working earlier.

For retards who simply can't be bothered reading statistic documents like

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go pick lettuce at your Kibbutz you fucking kike. Not my problem you lost your life saving investing in pepe memes during the last presidential election. Investing in rare memes was hyperbole, you were just to stupid to know it at the time.

Scroll down for chart, it's crazy. In New Jersey, the median police salary is $92,250.

Just an idea I had; if one had a few enemies in the Grand Rapids area (I guarantee you though, if this bill passes, it will become law in many more places) you could start making calls from your enemy's phones and introducing yourself as the guy you dislike, then reporting "some suspicious blacks who are just standing around looking suspicious."

500 dollar fine for Mr. Sidney Cohen.

If you hadn't already figured out already, that should be enough of a clue this post is bullshit. Object permanence is one of the key stages of development in higher thinking animals. Incredibly young children can all do this (although nog children don't pass the mirror test, hilariously enough).


The connection to Jewish power explained

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the post is actually 3 years old now, well older than the NPC meme

You shouldnt call.

Its a do it yourself project.

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Another one for brainlets, this fact is easily verifiable by census tables linked in the image

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Still derailing thread…how about you attempt to stay on topic for one fucking post.

why don't you fuck off as well? Jews like to larp as Christians, Athest, Jews, and Pagans. They get two or three shills to circle larp, and threads derail because of that.

Im gonna draw a map for niggers to the rich jew homes and give them the info that they are immune to being charged.

no you won't you fucking fed

Are you assuming their race, shitlord?
just don't say they're niggers, silly, you can't be 100% sure which race they are if you don't do genetic testing anyway, and maybe these POCrime identify as privyledg'd whytes

Ah but race is only a social construct when it is convenient for jews and liberals for it to be. When it benefits them, race is absolutely real.

How cute. You somehow STILL actually think that's what will happen. Just like everything else, the NPCs will go along with it out of fear of being labeled badthink violators, while the right and supposed "extremists" on places like Zig Forums will sit on their asses and do absolutely nothing but complain and meme.

Saint Tarrant is an edge case. You can cleanly see from the state of this board alone that Tarrant is a really rare case, and most of the niggers here are content to do absolutely fucking nothing more important or useful than doxing a single tranny to have another tranny set a basket of papers on the ground or thinking up bad memes that hold no power because "XD REDDIT SALT MINING XD".

Even in leafland I can still call the police on redskin chugs milling about my neighborhood and get them carted away by police just by phoning in and saying they are drunk/high. Of course I am never wrong that they are drunk/high, but blacks are never not planning some crime too, so no excuses.

Complaining about people complaining and doing nothing, and doing nothing, is still complaining and doing nothing

if whites aren't capable of creating their own safety, maybe they deserve to die. Natural Selection 101

it isn't natural selection if there's an outside force making whites behave unnaturally. if i chain up a horse to a tree and it dies of hunger, you can't just say "the horse was too stupid to find food, natural selection lol"

thats a garbage position he cant even see into those woods and the woodline is invisible to him on 2 sides plus hes laying out in the open without a camouflaged rifle or hide.

and this is so niggers are free to case your neighborhood and wont be arrested for driving around at 3 am looking for unlocked doors or open garages. of course they were enjoying the scenery and the racist nazi caller will be fined.

Top kek. You literally get paid to namefag on Voat, and you don't even have the decency to edit your copypasta when you bring your bullshit over here.

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why did the horse get caught? Why didn't it run away? Why wasn't it smart enough to bite the hunter and defend itself?

Why aren't the whites behaving naturally? Why are they letting the outside force make them behave unnaturally.

Nope, pretty sure its natural selection, since it will benefit a competing foreign race.

Also, horses don't tie eachother up to trees.

You're both right.

An organism that refuses to fight for itself does not have the right to exist.

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you're anti-white. either you're a shitskin, jew, or just an angry white person is lashing out at white people out of frustration.

the system is inherently anti-white, and to blame a white person for being born into that system is stupid.

Nobody claimed it wasn't anti-white. Of course its antiwhite. But natural selection doesn't stop just because a system becomes anti-white. Don't flatter yourself.

not at all
Nasim was a poor tragic figure
There is a very real reason the video of her shooting has never been posted
Either a ZOGbot simply killed her outright as she was bemoaning her displeasure, or she did in fact shoot her self in the heart as the media has alleged.
Either or, she was a quirky girl who bought into the eCleb mantra and after the kikes at Google, Jewtube fucked her over, she broke, it must have been her dream of independence, considering how her family turned on her and reported her to police. What do you do when your mother and father are the ones calling the police3 on you???? Seems parent do not understand that is a green light for the psychopaths in Law Enforcement to kill people. I don't think she killed herself, I think she was killed at that Google campus….. and we will never ever know about it…….. that is the game jews run, and have run for a long time.

You're absolutely right. It is natural selection. That's why the (((people))) perpetuating the kalgeri plan are going to be found and killed. Because nature, in her infinite wisdom, will select correctly.

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Pretty much. I am glad we all can come to the same conclusion about the laws of nature.

of course natural selection stops the second white peoples tribal nature is suppressed. you're stupid