Killing myself in a few hours

im killing myself in a few hours. im going to stream it. ill post the link in this thread once the stream is up. ill talk about politics and i also have an important last message i want to share. this world must be hell.

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Are you a white European or not?

Don't do it, get help.

What a fag lol

You're a fucking faggot if you don't at least kill a bunch of nigger before an heroing.

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You won't do anything you nigger.

Dude don't. Please do not kill yourself. Let's talk.

if you are not also taking some kikes with you, then you are an even bigger failure and you represent the ultimate betrayal to your Volk and you are probably a mill stone around the neck of your race's progress so we are glad to be rid of you, faggot nigger.

No. Fuck you. If I don't get to kill myself, you don't get to kill yourself.
Unless you aren't white. In that case do a flip faggot.

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Thread will be deleted because it's 0 effort and you will not kill yourself but instead gorge on Cheetos. If you want an audience to meme you, better post a link now. Let the webcam run. As long as we have a link we can't lose you.