Jews are vile and repulsive subhumans that corrupt and destroy every thing they touch. The only good jew is a dead one. Give me your most absolutely abhorrent examples of their God-accursed subrace so that we all remember how fucking much we hate them and why.
I'm quite convinced that Jews and gypsies are one and the same. Imagine how disgusting you need to be for you to be exiled as a subhuman from India out of all places. Gypsies also see everyone doing honest work as below them, only steal/beg/cheat, have weird black magic rituals, and they are heavily promoted by Jews. There must be something between them as their mentalities are identical.
What are some instances where Israel screwed over European and white-majority countries? I see the USS Liberty as a constant example, but Israel paid the U.S. millions in return.
Peace and love have worked in the past, this is why the jews haven't been strong until now.
Humor is so much more powerful for a movement in our position than hate. Make our enemies laugh and the piss will be taken out and they won't want to fight as hard.
If you want to be as full as the ocean, first be as empty as a valley. Then you can receive the rivers.
Gave the US millions (of our own money) back. FIFY Without the US Tax Donkeys to bleed, that sewer wouldn't even exist. And, in addition to all the gifts and 'aid' money the US bleeds every year, the soldiers who die for ((their)) wars, the 'free' military equipment the US gives away… in addition to all that, EVERY SINGLE "LOAN" made to Isn't-real has been 'forgiven' by act of Congress. (There is a reason 'congress' is a synonym for getting fucked.)
But anyways, here's Maimonides (Moshe ben Maimon, fl. 11th C.) on circumcision. Funny enough, in their own texts Jews are more truthful about this issue than gentile Anglosaxon doctors in the last century:
Anyone have the video of that one Jew explaining how Jews see all white people as the enemy?
Alexander Sullivan
Avoided my federal ban to give you props my nigger
Colton Myers
She has a point. Whatever the topic, you'll always find the jew debasing and spoiling whatever is good in the world, eating away at white accomplishments, so that they can make a few shekels and further deceive themselves that their victim status is entirely justified. Jews are the true niggers of the world being led by the nose by a small group of wealthy individuals who exploit their genetic gullibility..
Camden Roberts
haaaahahaha my fuck
Liam Cooper
What the FUCK is that pile of dead bodies at 0:28?
Henry Reed
torturing a chicken before they sacrifice it. Usual vampire shit they get into.
That is the biggest insult, thinking some money (that probably originally came from the US anyways) would make up for the lives shed. They think of us as cattle so of course they would think that is more than enough. Blood for blood.
Jackson Bailey
"i hAtE jEwS. i bLaME tHe zOg bEcAuSE mY fAtHeR lOvEs bLacK cOcK aNd iM a FagGoT" is what you should change this threads title to. "wHiTe pOwDeR"
Angel Morgan
You idiot's are just as evil aa the "jEwS" you say you hate so much. The ruling class is all religions and ethnicities you simple minded fucks.
Landon Nelson
"jEwS aRe viLe AnD rEpuLsIvE" what the fuck do you think you are?
Keep bumping Schlomeys. Every thread that isn't a Kike exposure thread is a slide thread.
Cameron Collins
I'm an atheist you low iq sister fucker. Why do you retards call everyone you don't agree with a jEw!
Lucas Rivera
Interesting. This one sounds like a kike, but from the language and manner of posting, it almost makes me believe a Somalian nigger is behind this post.
Regardless, back to the ovens (or fields) with you.
Parker King
97% European , you fucking hateful sister fucker.
Adam Perry
I'm the kind of white person that hates everything you stand for.
Wyatt Lopez
"bAcK tO tHe oVEnS" Says the faggot who fucks his own mother.
Dylan Butler
Jews are a species of parasite. Your answer was very jewish btw.