Jewish elite DNA

Jewish elite DNA

Why does the jewish elite look nothing like a normal human being?

Race mixing can't explain this. Just looking at cuckerberg gives me the creeps…

Attached: cuckerberg.png (644x453, 320.34K)

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They're extremely inbred.

Nat Rothschild

Attached: serveimage.jpg (546x342, 163.4K)

inbreeding and race mixing doesn't explain the uncanny valley look

Zuck is propably best proof of Alien life on earth. He is not like us.

Attached: almoust_human.jpg (736x552, 90.51K)

Zuckerberg is your idea of a genetic elite?

This is a dumbass datamining thread, but I’ll bite.

That guy’s just stiff. He made a few errors, but if I’m God I’ll be as surprised as anyone. I don’t know enough his life to judge him. I heard he built a fortress of a mansion, but I don’t if it’s true. If it is true, it’s probably because he’s completely aware he built a platform that decayed the mental health of people who with freshly reduced mental health came thereafter to hate him.

He doesn’t look inhuman, not that you aren’t all ugly to me.

snerk i wish
the Zuck doesn’t trip my xenophilia

It is because they have too many races within their veins. No Jews look same.

Because they are inbred. That's the first insult you should throw at kikes, as casually as they would do to rednecks.

yes it does, inbreeding lowers your genetic quality making you look like a psychotic mongrel.