This is so fucking stupid and counterproductive. How does this help anything? Even if the Jewish conspiracy is real, does a random old lady worshiping in a San Diego Synagogue deserve to die? Is she part of it? Was she going home every night and phoning mossad headquarters to report on what the gentiles in her area are up to? Come the fuck on. The vast majority of Jews live quiet lives oblivious to the conspiracy and minding their own business.
Unlike Muslims who most of the western world accepts(even if they won't admit it) are dangerous and conquering, the vast majority of people think the jews are innocent. So how does shooting them, especially an old lady do anything to help your cause? It doesn't accelerate.. it decelerates. It has the opposite effect christchurch did…
Lets talk about the Jewish conspiracy itself.. I don't think I can convince you it's not true. But I hope I can instill enough doubt that you psychos at least hesitate to murder old ladies while they are praying.
USS Liberty:
1. If the US is a ZOG then why would Israel attack its ships? Either the US government is controlled by the jews and thus its military is an ally of israel… Or the US government isn't occupied at all.
2. The USS liberty doesn't look like what you would expect an American warship to look like. It looks like a cheap freighter. Which is what Egypt was using.
3. Israels own radio communications intercepted by the US show them completely confused. At times reporting the Liberty as a US ship and other times reporting it as an enemy ship shelling the Israeli coast.
1. Such an operation would require the participation of hundreds to thousands of government employees at multiple levels (US military, White house staff, ATC) All of whom are going to not only be perfectly fine with killing their fellow Americans but also not leak it? The US government leaks EVERYTHING
2. Highly trained Mossad agents on an ultra classified mission to launch a false flag on an ally begin dancing in the street in full view of public to celebrate the mission????
3. Iraq was the enemy of Israel's mortal enemy Iran.. Why would Israel have the US attack Iraq instead of Iran? If the US had attacked Iran that seriously would have been the greatest thing to ever happen to Israel. Yet Iran was untouched… Bush's former national security advisers like Douglas Feith have said that in 2003 Israel was pressuring the US to attack Iran instead of Iraq. And that Israel warned that US failure in Iraq could make it harder for the US public to stomach an invasion of Iran.
Media and Culture:
Voltaire said "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize"
No outrage from anyone? Can you imagine the outrage if Shakira canceled a concert in a Muslim country? How can anyone argue that the Jews control the media when celebrities CAN'T EVEN FUCKING visit because the country is so publicly hated.
Some real mainstream media headlines about Israel (google them)
BBC: "Palestinian killed after Jerusalem attack kills Two"
(The Palestinian was the perpetrator of the attack)
CNN: Police Shot, Killed two Palestinians
(who were attacking with knives)
New York Times (cartoon published yesterday):
Its clear that the mainstream media are lying scum. But lying scum controlled by the Jews.. publishing such blatantly anti-israel headlines???
Religious Jews:
The anti-semetic meme is of an orthodox jew with a traditional hat and Payot. But orthodox Jews voted overwhelmingly for Trump. They are extremely opposed to leftist degeneracy. In New York and New Jersey, they even organized to take over the local school districts that they don't even attend(their children go to private jewish schools) so they could massively cut taxes and staff and any non-essential programs (LGBT studies bullshit ect)
Think about that. The main source of western culture's decline, the brainwashing of our children in cancerous public schools, and the orthodox jews are doing more than we ever did to fight it. And how does the mainstream media respond?
By demonizing the orthodox jews for doing exactly what American conservatives want to do with public schools.
It is not us vs them, its not black and white. There are Israelis, wealthy coastal elitist atheist jews, And deeply religious orthodox jews. And they are just as divided as we are. So fucking stop.
Pic related (Avi Yemini Jewish Australian anti-refugee anti-islam activist)