You guys should consider joining AIM. We’re a growing organization that has recently made waves by crashing a book release event and having two of our members dressed as clowns interrupting a tranny book reading to children. It only takes a minute to fill out the application. From then on, Mr. Casey will conduct a video interview with you and if you’re a normal enough person and not a wignat, he’ll invite you to our Discord server. We need more people putting our fliers around the country (we lack a strong presence in a few states such as Montana, Wyoming, Alabama, West Virginia and Denver). Guys like Richard Spencer who lie about our organization are just bad news and bad optics. I’ve spoken to Patrick several times in private and he’s just a smart and intelligent guy. Remember that he’s still very young and we’ve been making inroads with local GOP candidates in different states. The future is bright and America will not die. We will preserve our western identity and rid ourselves of the rootless elite who seek to undermine our very existence.
The American Identity Movement
Other urls found in this thread:
Have fun sucking spick and jew cock with the other republicans, keep lurking and come back when you're ready to quit being pussies and NS the fuck up.
"I'm bored.
I know… let's rehash the optics debate."
The post.
Wignats lost the debate and they’ve been effectively canceled.
We also have Signal.
Wow dude edgy
Honeypot. Feds.
It’s a secure and private server. Members only.
Multiple Identity Evropa faggots had their lives ruined when discord logs leaked, and now they rebrand they're right back on discord. No sympathy for these retards, they deserve whatever happens to them.
Your name was already taken.
Not the existance of our people? Or a future for it's children?
So basically Proud Goys 2.0
Fuck outta here with that gay shit
AIM. American Indian Movement? Don't tell me you're pitching for Leonard Peltier to get out of prison before he dies from Hep C!
pathetic larp, you guys are fucking embarrassing to ANY cause
Do you accept \pole\ goldpass? Also, how many niggers can I bring with me?
Sorry, but I'm too wary of glowniggers to join any official group also
Telegram is better and should always we the preferential alternative to discord. still not perfect though but at least it has e2e>>13202646
The Americans have a unique culture that developed over the course of 200 years.
This culture was founded by the teachings of the corrupted bible. The bible taught literacy. It was a meditation guide for maturing, rational, people. It was a rule book for irrational, underdeveloped, idiots.
It was assumed that every university scholar had already read the bible. That is why the universities did not have to teach it to the students.
The "Socialists" decided that the bible was inconvenient. They use arguments that a child could come up with to falsely equivocate the bible to toilet paper.
Their foolishness and bigoted intolerance will be the death of us all.
kosher faggotry.
all you taught the enemy is that you will show up and whine and then allow them to kick you out. they are laughing at you, like i am. passive aggressive bullshit is a fail boys, and casey knows that.
lol the wignats scared the shit out of the enemy, you on the other hand not only make them look tough in comparison (very hard to do btw) but you also signal to the state that there is no actual resistance to White genocide. you are a coward, fuck off.
Too bad AIM isn’t real.
That sound like a cover for him to hide his human trafficking activities.
seems legit
dddamage controlll
AIM let's niggers and kikes into their group. Ignore them their a joke
heh, more like the American IDIOT Movements, ammirite?
And unless you've got an alpha leader like Russel Means you'll forever be known as the "shitty" AIM.
Lmao have fun being monitored by feds
concern troll spotted
oy vey just do nothing goyim!
pic related is you.
Even if you put a new flag and name on it, everyone knows it's just a newer version of the Identity Europa honeypot. Only idiots would get scammed twice by the same schemes.
Yet here you are begging for clicks
Knock knock
There's nothing wrong with securing the bag or killing mudshits and kikes.
That’s just for professionalism. We don’t have any minorities in our ranks as of yet.
LMAO he thinks the guy is a Jew because he has a hawk nose. I wish that retard would die already.
Are we trolling the American Idiot movement now?
Sounds neat and fun unlike the majority of cringey LARPing meme movements spawned here. I'll keep you guys on my radar
Your organization is fake and gay.
I've never heard that term until just now. Cry more optics cuck.
"American" identity is a contradiction in terms. To be an "American" is to be nothing. "America" is founded on anti-nationalism, on a false separatism from our real Nation. We are the largest of the European Nations, the White Nation. We are the English-speaking Europeans all over the planet, from "America," "Canada," Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Scotland, Ireland, South Africa, etc. We are a single Nation.
And for our real Nation ever to be unified, that thing called "America" has to die.
If Whites really want to unite for a better planet, then they need to work on the Right to Self-Determination and forget about jewish "nationalism".
Dont get discouraged by the schitzos in pol. Keep up the great work.
What are your positions on jews? I see you are pro-white, but do you lot name the jew?
That’s a land mine we avoid stepping on. Our main mission is to awaken the western man.
Well, while I applaud the work and would encourage you to keep it up, you might want to just bite the bullet and go full fash
They are going to call you nazi's regardless, just accept it and wear it like a badge.
I'd have much more respect for you Patrick if you'd become George Lincoln Rockwell and stop caring about their feelings
Aren't we already technically?
That’s not how a successful movement is run.
Hitler lost. Accept it. We cannot apply 20th century “solutions” to 21st century problems.
You'll never win if you don't embrace naming let alone fighting the Jew
Not naming the Jew and letting (((them))) control your language is a losing strategy.
They abort babies at 9 months and literally parade it like a fucking virtue and ourside is too scared to actually name the (((people))) who are causing this.
The mission is two fold
Push overton window
anything else is for faggots
I do. You know what that means? We are in enemy territory and you want to make friends.
You have your strategy and you have values. What you are doing is changing your values. That has nothing to do with adapting tactics to present day.
Heil Saint Nehlen
Yup, you sir our spot on.
Aint no room for optic pussies in the fight against zog… thats how we got into this mess
Wow I wonder how deep the rabbit hole goes? Honeypot for sure.
Well you've got the "Let's start blowing shit up" fedposters are pissed off, so your credibility is already pretty high with me.
The AltKike, AIM, all of these little faggot federal agent backed organizations NEVER want to face the problems:
Removing the Jew
Destroying the Federal Reserve
Removing the invaders the Jew sends into our nation
The PEOPLE, me, these kids today, WE WANT THEM GONE. None of your fed OP groups ever try and tackle those REAL problems
It's your job as gatekeepers. Maybe you don't even know you're doing it. Maybe you do. But it's still fucking fake and gay.
Kill every last Jew. Force them to make it illegal to be white. Force them to grab the guns. Race War. Now. It's the only way.
Hi there FBI
I'll hail nehlen when he picks up that rifle and does something productive with it.
That shit won't work here. Kind of cringe that you feds didn't wait 24 hours after St. Earnest gassed Poway to start your fed recruiting here. I get it FBI, JIDF, wtf ever you're from: you're scared about lone wolf attacks. You should be. You should be terrified because there's going to be more. Not me. I'm not making threats. But it's going to happen. People know. The Goyim Know. They're sick of it. Trump's lies made it worse. The Jew is through in America before long. If you were Patriots you'd be on our side.
When you start a successful one let us know then lmao
Nope. I despise the baby dick sucking kikes. I wouldn't shed a tear if every last one were killed. Does that mean I'd do it? No. I wouldn't. But I fucking despise them.
Holy shit you’re unhinged
I have it on good authority that Michael E. Hayden of the SPLC frequents Zig Forums, so who’s to say this AIM thread isn’t him trying to get everyone in their group doxed? Not that I’m against it personally.
Typical tricks. Free speech means I can laugh all day long at dead kikes. Fuck you. I'm not encouraging anything. You feds are baiting for someone to, though. It's sad really.
Nobody here is going to go on a killing spree.
But everyone here has had enough of shlomo's shit.
Wouldn't be surprised.
The fact that this thread is still up is proof codemonkey is assisting the feds though. E-celeb cancer is brought down instantly.
Not this thread. They're protecting themselves after Poway.
I'm pretty sure he's a faggot. I refuse to believe any heterosexual could make this video.
If only someone let Earnest know sooner:
But you think not naming the jew, which has failed time after time, is going to work this time if you just act like even gayer AmRen?
Looked at OP, calling Bullshit, AIM is not even on discord.
Wow someone is larping as AIM wtf?
I can tell you with almost certainty that the person here telling you to join AIM isn't in it. Not sure what the point of that is, but they're wrong on multiple fronts. Also AIM only allows those of European heritage to join.
made waves? did a boomer write this?
Yeah that was gay you just got kicked out, and didn't terrify them at all. WEAK AF
fuck off pat
getting a screenshot of your face then
other than "optics" anyone saying the word "wignat" should be flogged to death alongside ricky vaughn. seriously, i would rather kill you than a jew.
i dont know how many times this has been verified as a honeypot, but it will DEFINITELY be compromised now
lol help us build our brand and rake in the shekels goy, in return you'll only get doxed and fired from your job, or kicked out of college, but hey bro, we'll get to play professional activists!
wow smart AND intelligent??? fuck off casey you're terrible at this
truly a winning strategy, maybe next year they'll let you in to CPAC
nice troll faggot
nope. Wignats scared the fuck out of the enemy, AmNats suck enemy dick and broadcast to the planet that this is not a serious movement and you kosher goyim will never break any precious jewish laws.
Wignat goon squads FTW
i hate to have to point this out, but it looks like he pissed himself in that photo dude
Fuck off nigger
Thanks user, very cool!
It’s the jeans.
I actually contacted Hayden through Twitter to help get a hit piece written on Nick Fuentes. This is what we need to do to make sure faggot niggers like OP disappear. If we have any leads on alt-kikes, send them over securely of course don’t get doxed to journalists.
Fuck off glownigger
9/10 very believable
Please join!
What site hosts your blog?
Our leader Mr. Casey occasionally uses Red Ice for his own means, but our own website is in OP.
Just another day on Da Chans, with incels telling themselves they are Le Master Race.
If you're not doing it with close friends you've known for years then you're gonna get v&. If you haven't sat down with someone's family for dinner, never associate with them politically. Most of these organizations are either led by glow niggers or have been infiltrated by (((fellow members))).
pffffffffftttttthahahahahahahahaha what a bunch of incels
by the way just the other day antifa released a bunch of screenshots and doxes from the AIM discord
that group is infiltrated as fuck because they don't know how to vet properly
AIM logs have been leaked again yesterday by UR. They clearly haven't learned their lesson about Discord.
Use Riot.Im, Telegram, or Retroshare for once. Or else you guys will continue fucking up.
They're not pandering to those types, but they're repeating the same mistakes that screwed them over in the first place.
It's not antifa that infilttrated it, it's always a traitorous right-winger from within. It's either done with beef for other members or blackmail. Rather than serving others, they're willing to serve themselves for their own gain.
That's precisely why you should be a lone wolf that doesn't associate himself with WN organizations. They're rife with infighting and people unwilling to sacrifice. Given that they released logs relating to Patrick Casey, it could be them having a grudge with Casey over him throwing Nathan Damingo (former IE leader) under the bus for optics. The only "right-wing" organizations that you should attend is a gun club or a church.
Race based organizations like Black Panther never worked, because it's inevitably infiltrated by feds, jews, and traitors.
Don't listen to this retard, he's not a Jewish Police officer. The leaker would be a member who has a grudge against Patrick Casey.
I often hear members of these 'white nationalism' movements/organizations of the current year +X discussing the concept of 'identity', which I find disagreeable.
Identity IS a factor of what is of import, in actual terms, which is a matter of biology, not of mere internalized self-description, ie 'identity'; this distinction is important, as merely maintaining an identity into the future is not a means via which to maintain, to secure, our people into perpetuity - we are not a mere identity, we are a biological clade of beings, and this material reality is intrinsic to everything about us and our culture, the summation of which being that from whence our collective identity derives.
Thanks for letting us know, antifag.
Joining any group at this point is basically asking for a big red target on your back so they can ruin your life. Personally I'm staying on my own for now
The smartest and effective idea for everyone else to do is to suggest ideas that people will act upon on. That's why leftists have trouble with 8ch and why they treat groups like AIM as a joke.