Poway Shooter has Jewish Ancestry!!!!

Archives b/c fuck you literal cocksucking motherfuckers




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Oy vey

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even if so. and? jews can not kill jews? jews cannot be antisemites? you so young? or so dumb?

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Neuberg is a town in Germany. New = Neu

The surname Newberg can mean "From Neuberg"

So it was all an inter-jewish conflict which gentiles have been brought into and to be setup to lose in? Reminds me of the Pharaoh Bakenranef, Nebuchadnezzar II, Antiochus IV, King Astyages or the many other gentile leaders in the Torah who lost for believing that "bad" jews were the problem and they needed only to trust in the "good" jews.

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I wish Christ had killed all of the Jews instead of getting nailed to a cross and doing literally fucking nothing to stop it

O-oy vey!
It's just a german name goy, I mean guys!


It's too bad Jim Varney died before he could complete do "Ernest goes to Auschwitz"

Literally go fucking Kill yourself. Fucking immediately

there is no conflict, just goys falling for a pincer maneuver.

Such a low effort. I keep wondering how they pay you for this

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I don't even have time to appraise your gibberish, but kikes killing kikes sounds like a win win to me.

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No wonder, why would antisemite go for a rabbi.

Male jew on the other hand has a clear reason to kill his molester, otherwise it means he liked the blowjob.

I could care less.

If true, what does it means? That he was a half-kike, half-white, that sided with the non-kike? I mean, it was fifty-fifty, wasn't it?

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It means nothing.


looking at the tree, the only possible conclusions I can come to is that either his great-grandpa was a jew larping as a swede, or his grandpa decided to larp as a jew to try and exploit the kike system(yes, there are people like that, though they usually don't get too far)

So I wouldn't say he is half kike, maybe 1/8-1/4 max depending if his great-grandma was larping too.

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So Jews doing false flag on Jews to gain sympathy and have a justification to imprison and censor their opposition?

Who could have thought

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im ok with this

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pic sums it up

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The rabbi botched his circumcision. Revenge killing.


And just like that, another antisemitism narrative gets snapped out of existence.

No goy it cuts right to the heart of every jew, when jews fake jew deaths and attempt to blame it on antisemitism.

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>earnest was a kike
I thought he was part black (pic related)

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He was a mulatto jew.


A mulatto jew Bernie supporter with ties to Antifa.

Not when the story is spun that an ebil natzi whyte supremacist made an attack on dindu nuffin chabad chriminals, when in fact this retard was a kike


negative. when you hear bluepilled faggots pushing that (((narrative))) after hearing it on npr, daily show, jewgle news, etc. you can show them the genealogy chart, which will further reduce their trust in (((media))) and mabey even open them up to further redpills

Looking for the pic of him with a shopped yamuka with Chanukah candles behind him. With a subtle hook nose and swarthy complexion.

I never cease to be amazed by this board's name autism. No matter how often it's explained.

Indeed (((they))) steer retards behind e-celebs at best and nobodies otherwise. 1 man with a decent plan, enough (minecraft) explosives, and a actual drive would do way more then 23 weeks of gay protest with co-opted muslim yellow vest protests do. Just don't name drop anything but the jew.

Just look at that bitch. The poodle hair and long midface?
Jewess detected. 100 percent.
In fact Earnest looks very similar to that kike that went undercover for Al Jazeera to expose the Israeli lobbby.


What if we spun it?


Christ did what he did as a warning. It was the gentiles who fucked up by not heeding it and exterminating the kikes after what they did to him. Here we are all this time later still making the same mistakes and trusting yids.

typical jidf maskarovka
newberg is anglicized neuberg
john is /ourguy/


Said blowjob never occurred faggot

Explain how what he did helps White people in anyway or better yet, harms Jewish people?
Cause from where I'm sitting, looks like Jews serve to benefit from his little stunt.

acceleration towards a breaking point is better than waiting for our total mongrelisation
calling out the jew spotlights his current status and activities. if even one person converts to "antisemitism" due to this than that is one reinforcement in the war on our enemy.




better switch IPs now you've already been whored kike

newberg is swedish for big mountain
unless jews somehow infiltrated the pre-viking era swedes and converted norse into a semitic nomenclature than you're a fucking retard


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One of the founders of the SS was an honorary aryan who was also one of Hitler’s best friends. Actions speak louder than words. Subscribe to PewDiePie.

Tarrant was much more palatable because he didn't just sperg all over his manifesto pages.
This kid gave the ADL all the ammunition in the world and made every faggot who thinks it was the act of a babbling insane person stand corrected.
He seemed to have learned nothing from Tarrant if he actually did act on his own accord.

Next mass shooter soon. Then the next, then the next, then the next, then the next…

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I give the Chans another week and we’ll be reading this page from the archives.
and if you mention Obergrüppenfuhrer Soros from that point on, you’ll be called an anti Semite.

More importantly how have the media reacted to this situation?
Did they post his manifesto?
Cause there was a reason they didn't post Tarrant's

Hail. A good start. There are going to be a full line of Saints at this rate. FireAnon got a shout out in the manifesto as well.

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u kikes srsly still pushing this?

the action spoke for itself. stalingrad was a lost cause long before platoon after platoon stormed the grain elevator. doesn't mean citizens in germany should disrespect the soldier and his warfighting. john seriously should have trained more but, joe sixpack now knows that a european jihad has begun and he's sweating.

You're brain damaged, yid.

Hey lovs! 100% jew from Israel here (Russian/Polish origins, small businessman, somewhat religious). Your forum is a very interesting read. Mind if I ask some questions? Say, how come you sound quite intelligent, but you approve actions which are completely insane and useless to say the least? I can understand our cousins ("Palestinians" arabs), they half zombies half slaves to the broken economy, but why would nice white boy from US sacrifice himself for 5 minutes of fame? I've read Earnest's manifesto and still couldn't figure this one up.

You will never win.

Help the people trying to put you in jail Goy!

No thanks

DNA results or fuck off.

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existential crisis due to mass immigration. his region is already under 40% european. jewish americans are elitist and largely influential in the replacement invasion. personal fame had nothing to do with it. it was an attack for the sake of warning us of the dangers we face.

study תניא, zhid

"יהודון" would work even better, zhid in Polish is almost zero offensive

So much for that high jewish IQ I've been hearing about

I believe so called replacement invasion is created by economical reasons? in any case killing some random people in order to affect big business and tycoons is pretty naive, these people are rarely go to unprotected places. so you kill basically same middle class people who suffer from the same oppression like you do.

welp, curiosity and openness to the new information are good complementary skills in this case!

and how attack may warn against something? when muslims in Shri Lanka blows themselves up, does it work as a warning of any kind for you?


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no. overall economic situation is $1.7T federal reserve and half of that is in control of the zionist clique who are importing non-europeans in order to replace their greatest potential enemy, a homogeneous european rebellion against ZOG.
if you're an israeli kike than just look at your nation's history and how it has benefited from zionist controlled goy governments.

i have nothing in common with sri lankan christians. yet another british colony that has gone to the zoo. i find it funny how alot of european and arab billionares were caught in the bombings. looks like "isis" in colombo got the right targets

You're right, NatSocs should be nice, then they won't make stories about NatSocs and white nationalists being evil, in fact they'll retract the whole Holocaust narrative that dehumanizes pro white people as evil killers and tell you it's not okay to punch a Nazi. Thanks for showing me the light Moishe.

To those of you with the courage to act.
The kikes will come here and latch on to any detail they can to smear you and malign you in our eyes, no matter how dubious. Don't let their semitic vitriol discourage you. History will vindicate you.

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I mean, this attack is quite similar. You go shoot or bomb some people you think responsible for the problems of your social group. Some innocent people are killed. Zero impact on real people lives (I mean people with families, jobs, children, tax payers etc) except for the real bad advertisement for your social group (compare muslims and "white europeans" image in a media).


Could be a redpilled Juden.

This. It's all so tiresome.
Not every hero is going to get the Brevik high score, and that's ok.

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Making excuses to believe a media story of yet another "American" mass shooter? Pathetic

I dunno man. I need to see his dick.

You submen are not better than what they want the optimal tv-watchers to be.

You cheer for controlled operations like its some sportsball match.

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Is this really what ancient people looked like?

Yes, and it's beautiful.

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We have shills who have English as a primary language already pushing this narrative. It doesn't work when they try it either.

Too bad 99% of Newbergs in America are Christians, dumbass.


If you see a guy succeed ahead of you then you get inspired by him. If you see a guy trip and break his face on the pavement, start crying and get carried away on a stretchy you wonder if it will happen to you too.

The kid killed an old lady and two rabbi fingers in exchange for increased security for the jews, free money for the jews and more sympathy for the jews. What sort of victory is that? If this was a bank robbery as your crew sat outside ready to break in some kid with a water pistol runs in and shouts "HANDS UP! DON;T ANY BODY MOVE!"

This. Not all bergs are kikes. In my country Sandberg is not even a kike name. The kike likes to steal both genes and the honour of names.

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There is literally nothing wrong with the further normalization of synagog shootings.
We are too early in the game to be worried about the leaderboards, we just need people to show up and play.

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gud lord i always disliked the memes with the face of that cunt (the one on the right side) for some reason, now i know why. thanks user

Papermoney means little. Kiketemples already have armed security in almost every area they exist, and sympathy for kikes..well I haven't heard anyone care or talk about this little cleansing outside of rightwing/redpilled people sharing the news of it around. If anything, this is just a delicious sign that no one gives a shit about the kike. Hell normies were all more interested in the vigilantism on new cuckland and the theology-wars in sri-gooka.

Sam Hyde is a perfidious cunt, but MDE is pure kino.

your mom is a controlled operation