You missed out quite a few important things. Firstly, that this is God; the Creator who made our reality. Secondly, His name is Truth. At this point all you have previously stated about obedience to the religion at the cost of divine punishment begins to look a lot better. No longer is it "You must sacrifice 8 oxen on the second moon of the fourth month or your crops will die"; now its telling us that the world around us was made by God, that we can understand God through nature, that we should be seeking to align ourselves with what is True, and to do otherwise is disobedience which is something that should be avoided (although there is repentance and mercy for those who seek to redeem themselves).
This perspective, markedly different from that of islam; allowed for Christian science to become a thing. Science as we know it actually began as Theology, that is it started off with religious men seeking to understand God better by examining His Creation; thus biology, physics, chemistry and all the rest. Your mischaracterisation here borders on the perverse honestly, though I shall give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you just bought into typical jewish BS.
Pure speculation. Whether it was or was not, it has become the most defining aspect of White culture, and every virtue and moral has infused itself with Christianity, finding justifications and explanations in the works of countless philosophers and theologians throughout the past two millenia.
Whether or not this was the case at the beginning (and there are countless good arguments to be made that it was never the case), Christianity has been the religion of the largest and most impressive conquerors the world has ever known. The European Christian Empires were beyond anything humanity had ever known from a military perspective. We have doctrines like Just War, we have the Crusades, and we also have a ton of Biblical evidence and arguments which I shall not bother going into because quite frankly it is idiotic to consider Christianity and Christians as a bunch of weak, meek and submissive people. Historically they were anything but, in the modern day they are characterised by jews, atheists, pagans and wiccans as cruel, violent, intolerant oppressors. Clearly your theory here is not true.
Completely untrue and actually quite disgusting to suggest. The period was only considered 'dark' because there was no unified Europe in what was the Roman Empire. It stopped being the 'Dark Ages' because Christianity 'united' the Continent.
Actually, considering we now have an extra hundred years on many of the people who wrote the text books you read as a child; it seems that technology and advancement did not align itself with ATHEISM, but with Protestantism. The Protestant work ethic and the unrestrained traveling and learning done by nations like Britain, the Netherlands, America and Germany saw a MASSIVE rise in innovation and technology. What we are now seeing is a rapid decline in innovation as well as overall intelligence as atheism, apathy and laziness embraces the West. As such I find it idiotic to believe that it was the irreligiosity of our recent ancestors that led to technological advancement; I find it far more likely that it was the work ethic of Protestantism combined with greater access to resources and sources of knowledge from around the world.
It's certainly happened, but its also a pretty nigger thing to say. Its pretty rare for it to happen, pagans have been venerated in Christianity, and a lot of pagan monuments live on either in their original forms or repurposed as Churches and Pigrimage sites around the Western world.
No it doesn't. Christian universities were places were HERESY was allowed and supposed to be actively explored and encouraged. If the academic world found something of value it would be brought into the 'mainstream'; it was far safer to have universities discuss heresies than allowing random peasants to indulge any and every idea they might have, as that leads to civil unrest and instability (which of course did happen several times). You might find that distasteful, be we live in a comparative land of plenty today; if your nation's survival relied on the peasants producing crops, then you would be very much opposed to them all embracing some suicide pact heresy and suddenly your whole nation starves to death over night.