The idea of perpetually and exponentially increasing the population is mentally ill in itself, there are a finite amount of resources, a finite amount of space, and humans are not ants in an ant farm, they need more space than a 2 metre cube that they stay in at all times, despite what leftist freaks say. "we can have 800 trillion people on the earth!!! vertical farming and everyone living in cubes!! all go vegan!!!!!!!!!!".
Yeah, apart from where are those people going to work, where are they going to go for a walk, do all those 800 trillion go on holiday a few times a year, do you have a million people on every little beach in the world, evenly spread like an ant-jam.
It's insane.
The reality of things are, Europe was absolutely fine with its population as it was, it could have afford to lose some, which is naturally happening anyway, as it had reached a point where it was no longer comfortable to live. Do you like queueing, do you like traffic jams, do you like constant noise and unceasing cars passing day and night, do you like struggling to find work, do you like trying to go to a restaurant, or book a doctor's appointment, or book a flight or a hotel to find out that either everything is fully booked for weeks or months, or it costs an absolute fortune. None of that is normal.
You might think it is, but that is because you have only lived in this time.
What few people can comprehend, is that the population of the Earth currently is absolutely unprecedented in any point of history, and it has all come about within more or less the last century.
In around 1,000AD, world population is estimated to have been 500 million. By 1850, 850 years later, the population had doubled, to 1,000 million.
By 1920, the world population was around 2,000 million, meaning within 70 years it had doubled again, in a tenth of the time.
By 1990, it had reached roughly 6,000 million.
By 2000, 7,000 million, and now it is approaching 8,000 million.
Look at that on a graph, and you'll see that the populational changes were not readily significant, nor did they directly impact life in the past. A dozen generations could pass and little would change. Now, even within a few decades, it is noticeable. Queues are twice as long, there is 2-3 times as many cars on the road, food is becoming a luxury instead of a normality. Why do you think they are pushing for cultish things like veganism and eating insects, or lab-grown mechanically stretched genetically modified tumours. Mmmm delicious!
If one man has a car, it will never affect the world as a whole. If you have 1,500 chinese with cars, the ecosystems are decimated.
Note that Europe has maintained a steady population since 1950.
Africa, on the other hand, has gone from
around 240 million in 1950, to 400 million in 1980, to 800 million in 2005, to 1,300 million now, to a predicted 2,400 million by 2050, just 30 years away.
That means africa will have increased to ten times its original population within only 100 years, 4 of our generations, though negros have shorter life cycles. That's practically bacteria-level.
tl;dr; lots of factors, intentional and otherwise, have combined to reduce birth rates in civilised countries, but this is not the main problem. The main problem is that bacteria has been injected into our civilisations, and that bacteria is spreading at an astronomical rate.
If you have an infection and it starts spreading, you treat the infection. You don't start trying to make your own cells replicate at the same speed of the bacteria, as that is called cancer.
Excise the infected tissue, treat it with anti-biotics, boost the immune system. Cure the ailment.