And the (((media))) says that white people are the biggest threat to this country? How are niggers not a human subspecies? Watch these monkeys block the streets in da streets
And the (((media))) says that white people are the biggest threat to this country? How are niggers not a human subspecies? Watch these monkeys block the streets in da streets
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bugoff kike, take the D&C to leftypol
Eduminacate instead of anger.
Don't hate the artillery shells. Hate the Howitzer that launched them.
So what blog are you a (((journalist))) for?
I hate these crack apes!
I can see you walking in on your mom sucking dick has scarred you crackers for life lololololololol
Don't get upset at black people because your entire family is cursed with a tiny penis! That's your culture
Hating niggers is a waste of time. See them for what they are, a semi-wild animal that can somewhat be tamed, but still prone to random bursts of violence. Do not blame the black for being in the West, he didn't sail himself.
Love for your people, not hate for others.
I sometimes wish I could keep one as a pet. Train it to do things I need doing in exchange for feeding it and giving it shelter.
One of those things that sounds good in theory, but fails spectacularly in practise. End cruelty to animals.
I'm not going to be cruel to it, in fact living with me it'd probably have a much better life experience than the slums it'd end up in
Mass shitskin immigrants are a (((bioweapon))) aimed at weakening the White Race
People should pay attention to what this user is saying, but not for the reasons they are saying it.
The belief that niggers are inherently subhuman, stupid half-ape monkey-men goes against hating them. That's the point of pushing the nigger IQ shit; it is signaling to liberals that niggers are helpless children, that need the white man to take care of them. They're already pets to that thing called "America."
White Nationalists shouldn't be interested in nigger brains. We should be interested in nigger minds. Thinking about nigger brains is what leads you down to feeling sorry for them. Thinking about nigger minds will lead you to hate them.
The nigger in the ZOG believes the world owes him something. They don't look at Africa and see themselves as lucky First-Worlders who got to escape sub-Saharan poverty. In fact, niggers don't even care about Africa. Niggers in the ZOG watched the movie Black Panther and didn't even see they are the Wakandans.
ZOG-niggers, even the supposedly Nationalist minded ones, were basically silent on the whole Rwandan affair. Today, only a handful of nigger Nationalist organizations will touch it with a tenfoot pole, even though the Tutsi Question is their Jewish Question. This is almost enough to make you hate all ZOG-niggers, but their own intellectual cowardice to face this issue headon is a reflection of their own cowardice to fight the ZOG they claim oppresses them.
Everyone in the entire planet, including White Nationalists (it's right in the Turner Diaries), have wished niggers would rise up against the ZOG. It has never happened, and the more intelligent ZOG-niggers who have pondered over the question themselves develop a burning hatred for other ZOG-niggers. Crime is ideologically, and even young ZOG-niggers generally prefer to target other niggers over whites. It's because they've come to the correct conclusion: "Why come you ain't dead, nigger?" This is a question we ourselves should ask any White Nationalist over the age of 30.
Plain and simple
Niggers are dog
Shit and when
I see one
My European mind
Says what the
Fuck is this
African monkey Shit
Doing here in
The same continent
As I and
Why the Fuck
Do I have
To share any
Space with these
Ridiculously worthless vermin…
Look at africa
Nigger look at
Your people and
Tell me you
Aren't the rats
Infesting society with
The nigger plague.
If you don't clean your niggers they will smell 10x worse than they already do.
kek. I like this idea. We take a nigger as a pet, train it to behave like a human, perform simple repetitive tasks in return for food and board. Its quality of like would improve ten-fold. It could develop civilized skills by watching and copying. It could then make a more constructive contribution to society where it had some sort of point..
What should we call this new form of behavior therapy?
Gay niggers trying to get laid, the thread
Fuck off faggot
Yes for there's only one race - the human race, bruder.
Africa's no fun. Sadly though, the media paint a picture of it as some idyllic safari with trees, lush landscapes, happy tribesmen and delicious food. That's like 1% of Africa. The rest is sickness, disease, war, famine, inescapable tribalism. A hellhole.
more choir preaching spam
If they speak against white Christians, we can speak against other groups.
If it's okay to criticise whites, it's okay to criticise anyone.
The same rules apply to everyone or no-one.
Don't provoke whites!
You've never been to Africa, you dumb fuck you
"itS oKaY tO BE wHiTe!"
That's exactly how i trained your slut mom to stop being such a whore and your cuck father has been thanking me ever since.
This sort of low level response really gets on my tits. Zig Forums is a complex machine, evolving ovver time and according to external events. Currently, it has been getting a lot of free advertising, so now is a great time for cementing simple redpills to new inquiring minds and introducing the more unpalatable ones. There are over 300 threads, so go lead the revolution in one that is more esoteric and suits your oldfag needs. The coming conflict will need as many soldiers as possible and expecting newbies to suddenly become aware of all that has been corrupted is just ridiculous. It also pisses off the retardleft journos who desperately need something to write about or face the wrath of their overseers for not fanning the flames that will ultimately engulf them.
Oh, and while I'm here, fuck the jews, their pets, sandniggers and pavement apes. May they all be cleansed from this planet some day soon
Low level response to a thread title "hate n#####" I forgot this was the thread of intellectuals.
Yep, it was aimed at (you)
Keep laughing.Your days are numbered⏰
This is patently false. Nobody sane would want to be in contact with a nigger's skin for any length of time.
he did it again.. based mc ride..
This is the first and last time the world has attacked the Aryan race, those who are oppressing Aryans will be wiped out. You niggers breed like rats and you are no better.
If I had a penny for every nigger running around naked…
you would have a pile of coins? what you'd do with them, buy yourself a coffee? however. could you do a handstand .
m,aybe buy yourself a gym membership. real good for muscles you know
YOU have no idea what Africa is/has become
Stay mad white boy.
why do you keep pictures of cut nigger dicks on your computer?
My first thought was please not another turd pic
There's a striking similarity betwixt young Blernie and Juden Peterstein.
CIA/FBI/(Inteligence in general) I beg of you to see the situation at hand and murder/execute those responsible before they are able to flee. Put the justice back in justice.
Fuck this clownworld. Nix the ringleaders. Nobody can do it better than you can. Come on. What do you have to lose? Come on, feds! SERVE YOUR PEOPLE.
Why don't you go colonize some black pussy, you massive homosexuals
not to white night but what the fuck is wrong with these men? do they have no natural instinct to protect people, especially women? I'm going for that cunt's throat win or lose if I see this shit.
how cucked are we?
spoilers faggot
Watch again but with the volume high enough to hear the voice. This is the BART station in Berkeley. I've been there many times. It's Fag Ground Zero. People get murdered there every two months or so, and the local news doesn't even report it. Easily half of the males in the vicinity are either passive catamites under 40, or filthy rich boomers over 70 who don't give a shit as long as their goddamn Social Security check arrives.
Hating blacks for acting like animals is like hating a dog for barking.
The various negro races are simply less evolved humans and still carry a high degree of instinctual programming that prohibits them from behaving like civilized creatures.
Don't waste your time hating them for being the way they are. Spend your time finding humane ways to help reduce their population (DONATE TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD) and instead pity the negro for his sad lot in life.
Bump for amusement
I might be speaking out of my ass here but, I can't bring myself to hate the average nigger, simply because they are too dumb to understand what's going on.
If I see a nigger just going through his day I don't feel hate for him, I might feel a little pity or disgust but no real hatred.
It seems that most of the ones I come across just want to fit in a live a normal life and try to be as integrated as possible and adapt to the western way of life.
The problems are black communites because that's when they start encouraging eachother to act like niggers and there are no whites aroung to stop them or influence them.
Black people can unironically be based, just the way they are handled in the western world prevents them from this, they are just being fed lies and gibs just like us but they are not as aware of it as we are. They are just being used as a tool to demoralize and destroy white nations and they're not even aware of it. Ethnic tribes in Africa is being killed and forcefully converted by semites as their lands are being poluted and destoryed by industry and poaching. At the same time they are being fed the lie that "white peepul" are doing this.
I don't hate Africans, African tribalism is actually kinda cool but it does not represent niggers in the west and neither does it belong in the west
Is there no way we can redpill niggers into seeing who the true enemy is?
Fuck niggers.
That's cool. Just remember niggers hate your white fucking guts and would assrape you, your family, and your dog, then give you all a lovely death via spicy tire necklace if they could get away with it.
Niggers are usually stupid some are awake but those types tend to be rare they tend to be the exception not the rule.
Blacks are about 13.2% of the US population, and Whites are about 62.6% (US Quickfacts, 2013 estimate). According to the Census Bureau, there are 2.14 times as many Whites as Blacks living in poverty, below the federally defined poverty line. If poverty caused crime, then you’d expect that Whites would commit 2.14 times the crimes of blacks. but, instead, the ratio is about 79 White robbers for each 100 Black robbers. Similarly, there are about 47 White murderers for each 100 Black murderers in the United States. The “Theory of Racial Equality” would have predicted there would be somewhere between 214 to 474 White murderers for each 100 Black murderers in the United States, depending on the extent to which poverty influences crime. The greatest difference is found with males aged from 15 to 40, which comprise only 4% of the US population. That 4% commits almost two thirds of the murders in the United States during most years. On the average, each US-resident Black male, aged 15-40, kills as many people as do 19 times more than the non-Black US-residents. Each year, somewhere between 12,000 and 20,000 White women are raped by Black men in the same year 10 black woman are raped by White men. In some years, there are no known instances of White-on-Black rape.
Well I mean were not going to conquer the world yet, just segregate and have it be a century later and then deport them.
this happened to me today on my way to work. i dont know how to green text so im not going to worry about that or formatting.
i was riding my bike because i live close by and it's nice outside. wasnt many cars around so i planned to ride on the road before crossing to the side walk. no big deal. when i go onto the road an SUV swerves into the lane, tires screeching. the drive, who is a nigger, rolls his window down to tell me to ride on the road. he gets a good laugh and takes off. alright, i thought. i pay taxes too, but okay. i give him the finger, and he stops. almost immediately. i ride beside him, keeping up pace so i can say what i wanna say to him. at this point he's cursing about how i shouldnt have gave him the finger because he's a realmuffka, all that dumb nigger shit. i say, all niggers will hang during the day of the rope. his mouth drops before it erupts into a rage driven chimpout.i flipped him off again and continued my way.
Email: [email protected]
Hash: 972eb4e3b1aef96f9ff7247235f818207a441e3f
Email: [email protected]
Hash: 1e22cad61e53cbdf1f0b7e3afca88cb2
Decrypted Hash: happycore
Old shit:
Hate is a Jewish virtue.
"It's a Nazi dog-whistle. Reeeeee!"
You deserve the same fate as them.
when you stop thinking of nogs as people and start thinking of them as animals that behave like spoiled children, it really clicks nad makes alot of sense.
that was in france.
So when are you Hitler fags going to go up to Blacks and call them Niggers? Just like the faggot who went up to Jews.
why would any of us willingly put ourselves in danger of an unhinged wild animal?
So you're a fucking coward and a hypocrite.
how is that? i complain about nogs being irrational, violent, stupid subhumans that cant control their emotions. and you ask why i dont walk up to one and agitate it?
maybe because im not a nigger?
I do it all the time faggot. Its a good way to stoke racial tensions. Usually I prefer jigaboo or coon but I'll throw out a classic nigger occasionally.
Damn, that niggerella got dropped.
That white man is a hero.
I do. If you aren't a little bitch, and you square up like you'll swing or shoot at them, niggers don't do shit either. Nigs are like dogs, if you don't show fear or back off, they don't do anything but bark.