Shit is getting absolutely insane.
L.A. terror plot thwarted: Army vet planned ‘mass casualties,’ FBI says
MEXICAN ISIS supporter attempts to bomb JEWS in retaliation for Christchurch
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck it, if it means more dead Jews, why would anyone be against this?
We really are living in clown world.
Discussed this with a friend, this guy had to have been mentally unstable. A Mexican with a Christian name wanting to redeem his muslim "brothers"? Makes no sense.
On another note, I'm a newfag here on eightchan and was wondering if any browser extensions exist for the site like how 4chan X exists.
Learn to catalog niggerfaggot.
Why, its completely correct.
Not sure let me ask my CIA friend.
lol, the current state of commiefornie. at this rate, the low IQ subhumans will do all the work for us
Shills begone.
I checked before making this thread as always. If it's in the catalog, I cannot see it.
Based and redpilled
Not based
He was Puerto Rican (0.1% muslim population), has a Christian name, and we're supposed to believe he became a muslim without changing his name?
Where is this thread you speak of?
Ah nevermind. Found it.
I wish you niggers would put as much effort into attacking faggots who can't post proper news-threads.
The level of disinformation is so deranged that they are being targeted by their own operatives. KEK
Why would this surprise anyone? Even the victims say Mossad was behind it.
How is that redpilled? It's the opposite of red pilled. The red pill is knowing that the Jewish elite that control the media, education system and taking action against their agenda and special victim status. Killing random poorfag Jews enhances that status.
Aww crap…I hope he wasn't that faggot who said that Puerto Ricans were 'aryan'…
Totally thought you were going to ask us about connections to bomb makers…as a joke…in meinkraft. In advance…no glownigger, none of us know any bombmakers.
How many honeypots are there on Zig Forums? I am fucking 100% certain now that the American Identity Movement is a fucking honeypot lol.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA…because Mossad 'cares' about White Christians. They fucking SPONSOR the invasion of our nations and our genocide…only an 84 IQ peabrain could ever think that Mossad had anything to do with Christchurch…I can't believe that they are this stupid. They will be easy to manipulate.
Sure schlomo.
Were these even actual attempts or just media false flagging to collect sympathy? Oh wait a second, did you say ISIS? The israeli terrorist organization ISIS? I think this attack being called isis in the media is a clear signal that it is a false flag, telling jews there's nothing to worry about.
I saw him post earlier!
Tarrant’s generation of butthurt will never end. Hopefully it will culminate in DOTR
You get rid of whatever jews you have access to. They all work against us, ordinary pizza delivery jewish guy will report on you, and he has an excuse to be on your property.
He visited Israel, was bluepilled on the JQ (even while claiming to be a regular here), travelled the world while having no job, supposedly got rich from a ponzi scheme, attacked 5 days before Purim, and essentially was a Baruch Goldstein copycat.
I don't see how anyone could think he wasn't Mossad.
It astounds me that there are people dumb enough to accept help in committing an attack. Where do they even find a dude to help that turns out to be an agent? Online? Shitskins are stupid
FBI-kun you're too obvious. Here give me 100,000 and give me tax immunity on those 100 bones and I'll show your agents how to blend in like a pro. No contract though, strict under the table shit ya dig?
Ok user…believe it or not, not everyone on Zig Forums knows or cares when Purim is…jesus christ you kikes are so FUCKING VAIN…
the jews do
Was it one of those rare White Mexicans?
I already posted it you stupid nigger.
Purim is the Jewish holiday which celebrates genocide, and it isn't relevant to the question how many posters here know what it is.
They're not that rare, there's more white Mexicans than white South Africans.But no this beaner was an indio mongrel.
Globohomo, it is if you are going to make a big deal about it. This is like you making a big deal about the obscure ritual of burning your sons alive as a ritual human sacrifice DURING THE HOLOHOAX…no one else gives a fuck about your weird human sacrifice rituals…and we certainly don't go out of our way to set our watches to them…fuck off kike you are 'outta the closet now'
You mean like a white sephardic jew in beaner clothing? LMAO
that tree doesn't say what you think it does
Facts are facts. He also travelled to a foreign country for his attack, so nationalism can't be cited as his motive, visited both Israel AND Pakistan, so hatred for Muslims as such can't be cited as his motive, and didn't claim religion as a motive either (see the manifesto).
That pic contradicts you.
You know I've been thinking for quite some time that if you combine fanatical islamic jihad with Aztec Mexican bloodlust you're going to wind up with hell on wheels.
If you read the article, it answers your question. The feds saw him allahposting on some forum they don’t name, so they contacted him and said “hey kid, wanna blow up a building?” and he took the bait like a retard.
yet, you have no explanation as to why. if you cant present an argument aginst it, then you have no counterpoint. low effort my man, low effort.
Wow, how clever…so if I have traveled to a foreign nation that means I can't be a nationalist as well?
You kikes have some breddy fucked up criteria for everything; which I am honestly not that surprised by…maybe when he travel to the WORLDS LARGEST GIBS ME DAT WELFARE STATE in the middle east he saw what ass eating clowns you were and it enraged him further with the thing you globohomo/insetuous pedophiles had done to our nations.
I would APPRECIATE IT if you would TRY to use a little logic (I know foreign concept to you) with your BULLSHIT NARRATIVE.
You are indeed stating some facts, but the conclusions you are attaching to those facts are conjecture and not even very good conjecture.
Jesus Christ. I'm in love. I want her to sing in funny mouse voices while I make love to her.
Based and redpilled
As long as you are down with those over the top dramatic fake facial expressions it sounds like you have a plan. Personally I think she is fuggly. All that white makeup she is like a marshmallow all dusted up, or maybe she is colombian and that ain't sugar.
Some glow niggers set a moron up with bait and thwarted the attack they played a role in planning. What else is new?
He was planning to bomb a white supremacist rally actually. Sage for disinfo.
Reminder all Mudshit converts are subhuman trash.
what word is he talking about? seems like the media wanted it censored?
Welcome to the war friendo! Taking out generals is a high priority, but taking out grunt foot soldiers is also commendable.
The only thing that would have been new is if he would have known that they were setting him up and blown them up when they came to collect. Now THAT would have been funny. Kind of like that nigger who called into 9-11 and then shot all the cops who showed up…but different. In this case they would have been guilty of entrapment anyway and he would have been taking out crooked 'law' enforcement.
Reminder they were subhuman trash before they were converts?
On a side note, we have rallies? I never get to do anything fun.
Really, seriously? take two; *converts!
I musta been fixated on the idea of the 'rally' full of Puerto Rican Aryans.
The absolute fucking state of some of you.
The only good Mudshit is one living in a filthy shithole far away from Whites.
>After federal authorities saw his extremist comments online, an informant made contact with him.
perhaps that mexican guy correctly thought that tarrant glows in the dark
Beaner needs white guys to build his terrorist bomb.
White men doing jobs beaners won't (can't) do.
he was unsuccessful in his attempt to graduate from picking strawberries once his “service” was over at his gov funded daycare center. subhumans are nothing without Whites.
Another fake terrorist plot foiled by the FBI
Sad tbh. Accelerationism doesn't work if shit's not allowed to go down.
Now there's a beaner terrorist plot; shitting on strawberries out in the fields and then using them in yogurt packs for American supermarkets.
What does it say?
I'm down
Plot Twist
This terrorist never existed he's AI face created by the feds to push a psyops
Where? How come we never know about these things when we're the goddamn NatSocs who want to gas kikes?
Point still stands
lol, they already literally do this. i grew up near camarillo, CA which is a big strawberry farming area north of los angeles. they shit in the fields regularly because they are too lazy to walk their dumb asses to the porta potty’s. always clean your produce
because any slight center right rally is white nationalist
Wow, the military doesn't really train their enlistees huh? Idk whether to be mad at the poor training or the amount of tax-payer money being wasted to train soldiers to be inept..
What's going on with Army vets lately? Is there a secret race war I wasn't told about? From last week:
Then we could have a wall like Isreal?
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
>mexican muslim tries to get revenge on the jews for Christchurch
He tried bombing an anti-illegal immigration "White Nationalist" rally on April 27, so it could be motivated out of that.
The subhuman beaner mudslime planned on attacking a anti-illegal invader, White Nationalist rally first. The muslim only got arrested because the subhuman changed to his back up plan the santa monica pier in hopes of a bigger count where a lot of hollywood jews live too and the Poway synagogue workplace violence put Socal on a terror alert for (((them))).
The federal government were fully well going to let the subhuman bomb White families until the the Poway Synagogue shooting happened so the (((local police))) suddenly started doing their jobs because a couple old jews were at risk. The Synagogue shooting however was a success in that seemed to change his subhuman muslim mind because he wanted more attention realizing bombing White families would only garner a small mention in the news.
Feels good.
jews are to be blamed for everything, so it not wrong
I think our timeline have changed to even more clownier world. Did anyone honking notice that? Honk honk.
Huh, maybe we SHOULD be pushing the "Tarrant is a Mossad agent" narrative, if it leads to this sort of reprisal. Don't be fooled muslims, whites aren't against you unless they're paid Jewish agents.
Since for some fucking reason no one's told you to fuck off yet.
This place has really gone to shit.
He's a Mexican and a Muslim, his IQ is lower than a nigger's.
This should end any argument about Islam being anything other than a proxy for non-white ascendency.
Muslims, despite mostly living half way across the world and being historic slavers, use the ku klux klan as justification for their anti west attacks
Wasn't there another Hispanic Muslim zogbot who got caught a year or so ago, planing a similar attack?
Yes.Then also the beaner in Oregon who went to shoot White toddlers and got stopped by a cops at the school who he tried to kill.
The only people who are vulnerable to islam conversion are Narcissist that are either retards, lonely losers, our the weird kid type. Every vet that converted to islam then planned or did a attack were known in their unit as creepy or loser if you look in to their past. They were never normal to begin with anywhere in their up brings either.
I read a lot of it…but not all of it. The manifesto really doesn't matter that much to me. I am much more interested in the repercussions of his actions and the ways that these will motivate our people to stand up for themselves and FIGHT BACK when the kikes/semites/turks and their subhuman hordes finally come to exterminate them. Manifestos are overrated…they cannot capture the essence of the deed and they are always filtered through the individuals own ideology about their own actions (so they are not really worthwhile for telling you anything about the person or their actions in many ways)…I do think it is funny that you think it is 'so important' when clearly it is not; far more important is what happens as a result and how people interpret his ideas and action.