Politics are useless seek bodhisattvas

First, one understands that he causes much of his own suffering needlessly.
Second, he looks for the reasons for this in his own life.
To look, is to have confidence in one’s own ability to end the suffering.
Finally, a wish arises to find a path to peace. For all beings desire happiness, all wish to find their purest self.

I rejoice in the awakening of the Buddhas and also in the spiritual levels of their sons. With folded hands, I beseech the Buddhas of All Directions to shine the lamp of Dharma for all bewildered in the gloom of misery.

With folded hands, I beseech all the Buddhas who wish to pass away to please remain, for countless aeons, not to leave the world in darkness.

My foes will become nothing, my friends will become nothing, I too will become nothing. Likewise, all will become nothing.

Just like a dream experienced, whatever things I enjoy will become a memory. Whatever has passed will never be seen again.

I will liberate those not liberated. I will release those, not released. I will relieve those, unrelieved. And set living beings in nirvana.

The Buddhas neither wash ill deeds away with water nor remove beings sufferings with their hands, nor transfer their realizations to others. Beings are released through the teachings of the Truth, the Final Reality.

Thus by the virtue that has collected through all that I have done, may the pain of every living creature be completed cleared away.

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Now, Śāntideva in the Bodhicaryāvatāra, maybe the most beautiful text composed in the Mahāyāna, draws explicitly the very profound connection between an understanding of the emptiness of the objects of experience and the cultivation of compassion. Śāntideva – and this is a long and complex story, one we don’t have time to tell tonight but we’ll tell more of tomorrow night – emphasises that we don’t need to ask the question: “Why should I be compassionate?” Rather the question that we need to ask is: “Why would I ever want to be egoistic?” We all know that suffering is bad, so you don’t need a reason to think that you want to eliminate suffering; but you would need a reason to think: “When I look all over the vast universe of sentient beings there’s actually only one of them who’s suffering is important enough to eliminate. Guess who it is? It’s not you. It’s me. I’m the only one who has suffering that’s worth eliminating.

Well, people tend to fight about who that unique individual is whose suffering is worth alleviating. Śāntideva’s point is that you actually need a reason to believe that you are so important, and in fact we all give ourselves a reason. The reason that we give ourselves is the reality of the distinction between self and others, our substantial existence and difference from everybody else: the fact(sic) that my happiness doesn’t depend upon your happiness, that I am completely independent, and this very reasonable view that I am permanent, independent, substantial and the rest of you are just a bunch of stuff.

Śāntideva points out that that’s the only reason you could be rationally egoistic, and so the way to dissolve egoism is not to sort of say: “Let’s everybody be nice now!” – it doesn’t work – but rather to cultivate the view of emptiness, to cultivate the understanding of the emptiness of all objects and phenomena because then egoism doesn’t have a ground to stand on, and then compassion naturally arises because what compassion is the commitment to alleviating suffering. That we already have: we know that suffering is bad. The only trouble is the construction of the barrier between ourselves’ and others’ suffering. That’s a conceptually constructed barrier. That’s a barrier that’s only possible if you don’t understand emptiness, and so that’s why there is this deep connection in the Mahāyāna between the understanding of the nature of all phenomena as empty, and the spontaneous development of compassion.

Jay Garfield, info-buddhism.com/Three_Turnings_of_The_Wheel_of_Dharma_Jay_Garfield.html

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Daily Words of the Buddha for April 26, 2019

Akkodhena jine kodhaṃ;
asādhuṃ sādhunā jine;
jine kadariyaṃ dānena;
Listen: host.pariyatti.org/dwob/dhammapada_17_223.mp3

Overcome the angry by non-anger;
overcome the wicked by goodness;
overcome the miser by generosity;
overcome the liar by truth.

Dhammapada 17.223
The Dhammapada: The Buddha's Path of Wisdom, translated from Pāli by Acharya Buddharakkhita

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Fear, separation, hate and anger come from the wrong view that you and the Earth are two separate entities, the Earth is only the environment. You are in the centre and you want to do something for the Earth in order for you to survive. That is a dualistic way of seeing. –

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In this world
Hate never yet dispelled hate.
Only love dispels hate.
This is the law,
Ancient and inexhaustible.


As a mother watches over her child, willing to risk her own life to protect her only child, so with a boundless heart should one cherish all living beings, suffusing the whole world with unobstructed loving kindness.

Metta Sutta

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: Only love can do that.”
It’s important to investigate the nature of anger because it is such a powerful energy and can be so destructive. When we can face our anger without being afraid of it, or angry about it, or defenseless in the face of it, then we can come close to it. When we are able to look closely at anger, we see the threads of different feelings – the sadness and the fear woven throughout it – and we can see its true nature. When we can uncover the helplessness and powerlessness that often feed anger, we transform them. In being mindful of these feelings, we actually use the sheer energy of anger – without getting lost in it or overcome by its tremendously deluding and fixating quality – to reveal the courage and compassion that have been concealed.

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When you put the rubble, try to put them in a way to be in the house. It maximizes the explosion.
Get rid of some of the victims in time.
The aim is to create a destroyed economic and administrative policy. Not fight in the war. To get your work.
Not in the same place for too long.
Do not store your device in a house or place that is connected to you as much as possible.

You buy light that flash infrared baseball to destroy your security cameras add to your experience and legacy.

You should familiarize yourself with how the entertainment is all about disguise their work.
Plan your actions at least 100 times in your head.

Go after a long journey and consider an error, drop or unexpected corrections that you encounter or what may happen to the operation.

If you set (for example) to put a bomb truck before the wallpaper, make sure you know where you are sailing in New York, and not you.


You have at least two backup plans if you want to walk away.

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We are not the same as Prakrti. The Atma of every Jiva is an eternal spark part and parcel of the Divine. You talk of love, not hate, which I can understand, but you're then falling into a sort of apathy with monism. Monism is inherently morally subjective. We must hate everything that is not Divine. Everything is part of the Divine but some things are more Divine than others. This is Achintya Bheda Abheda. Hence, Hate nothing since God is everything. This world is pretty much nothing, hate it. One should focus on loving the Divine when acting, but ones philosophy should be a violent rejection and hatred for all that is not transcendentally good. This is why Hitler was so misunderstood, why at face value he looks "evil".

Besides that you are right.

Cultivating a view of emptiness concerning material reality will purify the mind. That is a key starting point in wanting change, is to balance what is necessary and what is not, for you specifically and in general.

Both love and hate cannot exist without the other.
Now explain kalki.

Hitler wasnt misunderstood he was lied about to becoming one of the most hated man on earth because kikes got so assblasted.

As a stormy wind
cannot move a mountain of rock
so one who contemplates
the reality of the body,
who develops faith and energy,
is unmoved by Mara.”

Excerpt From
A Dhammapada for Contemplation

So much spam, so little space in the report queue. Like it's planned.

You're not going to solve this by distracting us with hobbies and services that you deplatformed us from.

Go back to India poo

Good thread

Buddhism.. sit quietly and do nothing.

Yeah,, that's really going to help our situation.

Meditation will cure that delusion too.

Then what? sit around and be "enlightened".. fuck you mystic.

if you don't understand the argument you will be used as a jew pawn and are better off using drugs until you genocide yourself

But we'll still die alone without heirs.

We'll still die childless due to what the females have done.
There's no hope anymore. There's simply no hope.
If children are the future, and there are no children…

Then there is no future. We're all going to die alone, sad and afraid.

and doing some shitskin mystic mumbo-jumbo will save you…

get real.

FIght with reason and force.

Not magic.

There's a gap between your experience (perceptions and feelings) and your ego's interpretation of it. Explore that. It's not about mysticism, it's about discerning reality from delusion. Reality is now.

Suffering and pain are good things. Without them we would not feed our hunger or quench our thirst. Buddhism is a disgusting, life-denying philosophy.

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What you call "life" is just a meaningless hamster wheel of activities which are motivated by irrational hunger and thirst. Everything you think you want is simply the result of conditioning.
The only refuge possible is within the stillness of no-self, no-mind, total abandonment of the sense realm and this is only possible through meditation.
Sit or lie still, do nothing, think nothing, let go. It's natural. It's your true nature.

get that gay shit outta here nigger

word salad,

meaningless word salad.

fight or die.

fight with force?
learn how to be a human or your just going to help some fat jew bury your children while making a tidy profit

I am human.. I was born human.

and I am the best kind of human,, I am white.

Now it's time to fight.

This navel gazing your promoting will only pacify us.

Seems phishy.

Life is its own meaning and purpose; it requires no justification.

Try doing without food and water, and your pain and suffering will end in about three days. Do it faggot.

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Whether you fight or not, you'll die anyway. Fighting won't save you. At best, it will temporarily gratify your ego. Nothing you do can provide lasting satisfaction.
All phenomena are impermanent, unsatisfactory and lacking true essence.
There's no ground beneath your feet.

OP doesn't understand Buddhism. It's not for westerners really, and the sutras don't translate to english well at all. The real message is one of abandoning fear of death by invoking a death of the ego usually through meditation and sensory deprivation, with the intent of visualizing an afterlife. this is where the entire concept of "Asura" and "demons" comes from. it's just monks having a "bad trip"
Some retards take this message as "do nothing" rather than "abandon fear and live as you want"

It's more of a mind-over-matter thing, all suffering exists in your head. Pain is weakness leaving your body so you should not be disturbed by experiencing it, and should not fear the onset of it. Western philosophy has similar ideals that are explained much better and not tailored to a class of esoteric monks - Evola explains a lot of this in his books, specifically the hermetic tradition. People who try and study Buddhism often get hung up on small things like chanting and feeling good rather than the bigger picture(which often makes them schizo hippie faggots)

also GET


Objective fact says otherwise: There is ground beneath my feet. Thus I walk.

Beyond just that, you are NOT your mind. You are not even your body. Not even a spiritual vessel.

You are your genetic code.
Eternal genetic code.

Perhaps it's spiritual after all. Your eternal genetic code is a chain stretching back into eternity. Your existence started back within the ancient stars.

And this chain is stronger than you could ever imagine. You are weak for being brainwashed into such a dark cult of nihilism. There is hope found within truth: Even Scientific Atheism, a feared philosophy, can defeat yours, for this philosophy relies on one thing. Evolution: The chain of life that stretches forever backwards and forwards, just so long as you find true love.

And of course, upon the precise chain that all Aryans are on, we can find the link that says "Odin."

Ra, Zeus, Tyr, Thor, Freya, and all other Aryan gods. Our ancestors.
They were men like us, and that is the noble truth. They are our fathers and mothers, and they did glorious things, and we shall do glorious things as well. But only if we have the courage to defy your wicked words and your demoralization brainwashing.

The truth is noble. The truth is profound. And the truth shall set us free.

All is meaningless but that which we ascribe meaning to. You come here as a "Bodhisattva" but you have a philosophy of death.

You don't know anything.

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This guy gets it. Faggots cling onto buddhism to escape suffering and miss the entire point of the thing. That suffering is unavoidable anyway.

Chant your sutras all you want, the universe wont save you from your ultimate fate.

Tibetans mix their Bon voodoo magic with the original teachings of the Buddha. It's a Buddhism hybrid. Vajrayana takes it even further. That's fine if that's your thing, but it's adulterated Buddhism.
Nibbana literally means "blowing out" (like a candle). It's the dissolution of all phenomena. It can't be classed by concepts, language, being or not being, knowing or not knowing. But one thing you can say for sure is that it's not about "abandoning fear and living as you want." That is schizo hippie tier thinking.

It's not about avoiding fear and suffering. It's about being content with the way things are, as they are, knowing that all things, including fear and suffering are impermanent. To patiently endure is to annihilate all mental defilements.
Buddhism denies nothing, rejects nothing. The phenomena of the present moment is exactly what most people flee from, into thoughts about past and future.
Stop doing that and just accept what you're experiencing as it is, instead of labeling it and assigning like or dislike to everything. That is the Dhamma.

Moving contented towards your goals is an expression of will. That which you desire is your divine birthright.

Doing nothing will net you nothing. You cannot avoid desire. So don't, and move calmly toward your goals as naturally as any other animal would.



what this guy means is that it's like making a new guy in a video game

the guy can die, take damage and get killed

Buddha was a fat fuck who fucked his sister.
Buddha was a sister fucker.

Buddhism is the bugmen religion just like Christianity is. It's nihilism deified. Be a good goy and do nothing, follow the path of least (no) resistance, reject yourself in entirety. That's why they are among the groups easiest to herd.

But that won't release you from the cycles. Only reaching perfection will, which is the exact opposite of Buddhism. An empty mind has everything to strive for, a full one nothing.

Universal love is a retarded concept, one who loves all, loves nothing. Hatred empowers.

It's the opposite actually, Buddhism is a corruption of the ancient Aryan teachings, as understood by weak bugmen and cucks who could not handle reality.

From a practical perspective, it discourages people from fighting for what Zig Forums is usually about, meaning that's it's influence is negative.

The only thing this thread has taught me is the shitskin/gook religions are word salad bullshit.

Never come back op, until you hail Odin.

I used to be a Buddhist you know.

Buddhism, like Christianity and all the rest, is NOT wrong, but the Truth is much deeper than the brief explanations offered by these. Nonetheless, the Truth can be found by following a multitude of paths that all lead to the same destination.

Save the threads!!!

Buddhism doomed the Whites of Afghanistan. Zoroastrianism is almost just as bad dooming the Whites of Persia but Buddhism is worse, worse than even an implicitly White Protestant Christianity that effectively uses Old Testament verses to prevent miscegenation. Polytheism of the true Old Powers recollected in Scythia, Persia, Thracia, India, Gothia and Hyperboria is the only true Aryan faith.

It, Asatru/Avesta, is the faith of powers that both a Zoroastrian Persia or a Christian Italian go back to when they want direction, even though both proclaim they don't believe it, it is there, it lives in the blood. They obtain victory through the blood.

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