Not sure what issues you have but in regards to "Brain Fog" there are a ton of potential factors, here are some some common ones.
-Magnesium deficiency. Magnesium intake is critically low in most modern western diets. DON'T DRINK SODA, sugar or none it fucks up your ability to absorb magnesium. Magnesium citrate is a good standard source, but will act like a strong laxative until you get used to it. Chelated magnesium won't have the laxative effect, though it can have a harmless but awful fishy smell as it ages due to the amines used to bond the magnesium breaking free. Avoid Mag Oxide, it has the worst absorption. Unfortunately most food sources available to us nowadays have fuckall for magnesium content.
-Low salt/sodium. Low levels of salt are BAD for you and increase heart rate. The only time salt is bad for people is when they have medical disorders, usually after poisoning themselves for decades with high levels of carbohydrates. Start using it. Put it on food, put it in your water/tea/whatever. If you have any history of elevated blood pressure levels (or just plain don't know) I do recommend getting an automated blood pressure monitor, and using it few times before and a few times after you've have a bunch of salt. For most people, cutting carbs and adding salt ends up eventually reducing/correcting blood pressure issues (like what happened with me), but like I said some people have one bizarre disease or another, or have fucks themselves with carbohydrate poisoning and can no longer regulate blood pressure properly, so an automated blood pressure cuff is a cheap way know if it's time to talk with a doctor.
-Potassium is sometimes needed, but generally once you fix sodium, then magnesium levels are easier to keep up, and when both those are good then potassium is also easy to keep up. Lite-salt and mushrooms are good sources
-Calcium is even more rarely needed than potassium, but the people who need it are greatly helped.
-Vitamin D. I used to think that vitamin D was over hyped, but I'm starting to think it may not be hyped enough.
-Inflammation. This is a huge fucking topic I honestly don't have time to go into right now. Fun fact, inflammation is also the root cause of nearly all cases of depression (yes, even due to "emotional events" like a family member dying.)
-Incorrect Omega-3 to Omega-6 consumption ratios. Omega-6's are inflammatory when you have too much of them. Grass-finished is mostly an expensive meme, however in this instance it's actually worthwhile. Buy butter and other dairy from grass-fed cows if you can.
-Not enough DHA. DHA is an omega-3 that is a CRITICALLY important building block of your brain.
-B vitamin complexes (NO FOLIC ACID, IT'S WORSE THAN USELESS IT BLOCKS FOLATE), Zinc (this is basically what nofap people are actually benefiting from) or Iron can sometimes help too.
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