Dedicated to soldiers of an undeclared civil war, defenders of Europe. To all of you looking for a political solution and finding none. Radical reactions are normal. We are NOT extremists, we just want to survive.
*An Atmosphere of Fear and Change*
Dedicated to Brenton Harrison Tarrant
On July 22, 2011, the world was changed.
An impact for generations to come, a black swan event of unique proportions; the first raindrops of a thunderstorm to cleanse Europe. A perfect unity of word and action.
And we've been waiting; and some of us have tried to follow. "A spectacular action every 5 to 8 years", to let them drop their guard, to strike in their midst, to promote our right to SURVIVE.
To reject and respond to their globalist multicultural agenda that destroys Europe, by taking a stand, by taking ACTION. To resist an Islamic invasion and the politics of degenerate "deconstruction" of reality. To destroy cultural marxist oppression.
Yes; we've been waiting.
And on March 15, 2019, the world was changed again. A great leap forwards, an acceleration; polarization at its utmost, Internet used as a tool against globalization, to spread the message, to bring it home. A spectacular action by the definition.
Stop the destruction of ethnic, cultural, social, racial borders.
Preserve the nature: We are nothing without our environment.
Raise our birthrates to achieve replacement levels.
But above all this, eliminate the source of our decline, stem the bleeding, prevent our ethnic and cultural replacement, prevent the death of our people; REMOVE the invaders!
It IS possible. It is up to us - there is no one else to do this for us. And it is our DESTINY, our Holy War, the retaking of our birthright.
Let July 22 and March 15 be code words and inspiration. Let the heroic actions of the few lead the many.
We are at the end of the way; it's all or nothing. There is only one victory. We take a stand to defend our heritage. All we have, all we are; our families, our homes, our lands, our culture, our blood, our RACE.
Onwards! For Europe!
God bless you all, and give them hell.