As you should know porn is used by them to convert people into degenerates, why not the other way around? The only obstacle would be the recommended and the totally real popular page being taken advantage of but if we mask it it might slip by, right?
Porn as a weapon
Other urls found in this thread:
We have been uploading porn with redpill edits for years. It is a proven tactic and if you search the archive (open each month/timesplt and ctrl+f) for porn then you should find previous attempts at your idea OP. Strong bump for potential.
Yeah but that is only on Zig Forums I'm talking we flood Pornhub and the other big ones with edits that LOOK like normal jewish porn but aren't
I'm telling you: we have done this before!
I'm compiling a list of relevant threads from the archive rn
The porn conspiracy and using porn sites for redpills: a Zig Forums compendium
Note: I included the full url so you can archive them a second time with if you want
Mindgeek jews:
Porn is jewish:
White sharia porn project:
Move redpills to Pornhub, Xtube:
The porn industry and the political movement behind it:
Mindgeek the porn conspiracy:
Porn conspiracy megathread:
Pornhub 2018 analytics:
“According to Freud and his followers, anti-Semitism was a universal pathology which had its roots in sexual repression. Its cure lay in “sexual liberation”. The theory, in its crudest and simplest form, amounted to this: instead of picking on the Jews, why not just chill out and have sex? The underlying assumption here is that sex is the great liberator and that all political and economic frustrations can be alleviated by sexual activity—particularly by obsessive and addictive sex. People who spend all their waking hours in search of sexual stimulation are obviously unfit to organize pogroms, mount bloody revolutions, or become a threat to the rich and powerful.”
Im aware that its not ideal but its best that could realistically happen. I bet most people reading this comment jacked off in the last 24 hours
Sometimes I wish hentai was more popular with the normalfags. Vanilla basically fetishizes romantic relationships and having children.
Masturbating leads to the brain producing prolactinn and prolactin leads to unproductivity and mobidity.
It reduces the dopamine production and turn a mind into dark pleasures away from sublime ones.
It desensibilizes you and ginephilia is the result of the desensibility going into what there is for aversion to then being atracted to
Hate is the final lesser degree of love, going from hating to loving, configurating permanently the sexual nature of the individual.
We've done this, newfriend, but feel free to add your own efforts. Post results later desu.
Can you post some examples the archive does not have any videos saved. Also is their a free editing software I could use?
"your sexual urges are unnatural! Accept this new fear mind parasite and let it eat you from the inside! Don't fight for the life you want, punish yourself for being a male who is attracted to females! Looking at pussies is bad! Retreat to your mind and fight your sexual urges so you go insane and shoot up schools! Yes! Be a good goy and kill yourself! "
How about we shift this discussion to the jewish obsession with raping children?
A /pol user needs to adquire the mantle of protection against the jew poison. I have seen and felt so much and then I said to myself: "All the evils that this world have done to me I removed"
But I learned that this is something all people should not affirm, just a high wise man in this cold walk for truth.
People breath through the mouth it their tongue down; no oral posture. Please remove an evil, and that evil is generalized bad posture and breathing pattern.
Put your whole tongue on the roof of the mouth, breath through the nose, have a good neck posture (affects face), and eat food chewing, until liquid and your elbows off the table it your neck posture correct.
And all will have made steps closer to the ubermensch group, a force that will produce antidotes to the jew poison of spirit and flesh. The antitheses of the individual of end times.
I didnt say that it isnt OK to jack off, I think quite the opposite is true but just like everything else it is bad when it effects your life to the extent that you use porn instead of getting a girlfriend or playing video games until 6:00am and you cant do your job and get fired
My guy sometimes you need to just have self control. You dont need to list all these things off when it suffels down to being responsible
When we win, every Aryan man will have a harem of female Jewish sex slaves. We'll film our exploits and broadcast them into occupied Israel for helpless male jews to jerk themselves to.
Most Jewish women are hideous so I hope not. I’ll stick with my preference for Aryan shiksas
Prove that this end of all who don't try to abstain of pmo. Watch ted bundy talking about porn. It's the behavior of animals and so you become close to beasts.
It's the other way: Insanes are the fruit of the tree of lust. I suspect you are a shill. Cut your fingers.
I love sex, but I am capable of so many things that this silly presumption about my ability is a falsehood, perhaps it's best you are unaware of that? The sad irony of the inflated ego seems to entertain even the dullest of minds.
Sex is healthy, masturbating to porn is not. Natural desires are healthy, degeneracy is not. Just how nudity is not inherently degenerate (unlike what Semitic cults would lead you to think), neither is sex.
thanks user
Great subject. Pornography is certainly weaponized but not only in the way you think. ("Converting people into degenerates" is only a minor part of it.) The proliferation of smartphones across the non-White "developing" world has made the Internet more accessible than ever. With Internet access comes pornography, a significant amount of which features White women. The degredation and sexualization of White women has gone global. It's unprecedented, and I don't think enough people here appreciate what's happening.
As for your idea, it doesn't address the real damage being done here. Waste of time.
I may have it at home.
You really have to start with how the degeneracy starts. It's from unemployment starting right out of high school where you can't find a job cause half the country is run by foreigners.
Are you at work or something, Id really like to see some of that shit for reference
Hentai is one of the top 5 most browsed genres of porn in the entire world. YOU are the normalfag
forgot the image
Yeah but the animated type is usually not the lovey dovey shit you see in the printed type.
In my experience the printing kind have the most shocking content
Printed shit is usually downright depraved
I quit porn about 5 months ago. My libido went up ten-fold and I found myself being much less agreeable in general. Porn is the true opiate of the masses
Well I guess it depends on where you look. I find myself getting more sentimental and almost have a need for sweet things. Maybe I'm just lonely. My point is vanilla tends to have more wholesome values even if it is pornography. It almost seems like it provides a sort of emotional masturbation as well. pic is not lewd just sweet so you may see what I mean.
I'm not saying its all that distressful just pointing out I have seen far more sicking things on sadpanda than pornhub and I would never go out of my way to defend hentai
Pls spoiler actual porn
A topless picture isn't porn
That picture was obviously drawn with intent to arouse unlike tasteful nudity like pic related
I am a degenerate
It is to me, I only watch softcore shit
Nudity is not tasteful
t. Semite
The beauty of the fit body in unsexualized contexts is a staple of European culture
this thread is shit and you should be ashamed of yourself
Go back to cuckchan if you're going to post low quality trash like this
It doesn’t arouse me. It’s just a swastika pose. There’s nothing inherently erotic about it. Millennia of Semitic shame cults have poisoned our minds.
how do i break the cycle? ive been trying to do nofap for months, i keep failing, i need help man im totally addicted.
cold turkey, dont even look at chicks in bikinis and shit
whenever you feel like fapping to porn or some shit, go and look in the mirror to shame yourself and then do some exercise or read a book or anything else to take your mind off it
ad look up some tutorial videos with tips or something
Depends on where your at I just jerk off to pinups and stuff like that. I feel better but I know its not as good as nofap but its better than nothing
Do you have a life? Addictions are often a substitute for not having a life and people that you live to care about and serve.
You've jacked off to so much porn over the years you now only find little anime girls attractive. Be a little more introspective and work on getting your dignity back.
Your mind has been kiked by porn. Nudity is not inherently sexual.
Porn burns out your dopamine receptors. It is by design not suited for what you suggest.
This board could have been so much more
No wonder nobody takes it seriously now.
Yeah but people are gonna watch it anyway so why not use it
And don't forget people telling you you somehow look more lively and healthy. Now imagine if besides quitting porn, people started spending most of their day outdoors, eating from the land and spending time with other human beings with no intermediary technology.
Keep getting conflicting stuff on cold turkey or no porn.
no real life here, this shit runs so deep, i didnt think i was addicted until i tried to quit.
This board is whatever us anons are. If you expect us to organize plans out in the open then forget about it. If you expect an organization which you can join and meet a leader you would like to follow then stop dreaming and be the leader yourself user. The most you can expect is for us to share info and try to inspire each other. Stay calm and SIEG HEIL!
How fucking lost are you?
Ebony and Ivory - Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder
Damn why can't real woman look like that
I talked about this in