Fake brown "Nazi" assaulted in Jew York
Obvious actor is obvious. They couldn't even find a white cuck to do this…
Assault happens at minute 6:40
Fake brown "Nazi" assaulted in Jew York
Obvious actor is obvious. They couldn't even find a white cuck to do this…
Assault happens at minute 6:40
Even if it was real or not, there is absolutely nothing wrong in bashing nazi heads with shovels and bats.I infact enjoy it.
Modern right / left conflict in the US feels like teenagers quarreling rather than serious conflicts you have between whites and blacks / muslims / pakis.
Cool story moshe…
oven dodger
No his based, at least his a useful shitskin unlike you basement dwelling faggots
There's no hope without violence, so start gathering and start attacking government officials, and try to occupy your country's government's, don't sit around
Get a load of this clown. DOTR soon you obese degenerate queer.
wow, a nazi that completely misrepresents and doesnt understand any "nazi" talking points. there were several obvious ones he could have brought up and failed to each time.
hmmm, i wonder why….
Why don't you do it instead of telling others nigger?
that fake brown "Nazi" larping faggot is from HWNDU
ignore him
He's probably Brittany Venti's brother
Some of these shitskins are legit though, we do have a common enemy after all.
Vid related. Should some of them be regarded as potential allies? If nothing else, they could be used to help wrap up the racial segregation after the ZOG falls.
I meant 'legit' as in not an actor, nothing more. And its not a white country until they are all removed from it.
if its not a white country, why kick them out?
Looks like a Jew to me
To secure the existence of white people? The 14 words?
Get out of my face nigger.
why do spics think theyre white
That's a Jew.
you just said its not a white country, did you already forget? why preserve white people in a non-white country?
As long as he sterilises himself and goes back to Bongo Bongo land, I really do not see why he cannot be a National Socialist.
Jovani Valle is the spic (((Laura Loomer))), even had plastic surgery hence why he looks weird. He used to be a member of the Proud Boys until he got in trouble with them for alleging that a woman at a bar hit him over the head with a bottle for wearing a MAGA hat when it turned out he was the one who started the confrontation. He also owes members a lot of money as well, from what I’ve heard.
Brown and Jewish are not mutually exclusive. Sephardics and Mizrahi are brown. Ashkenazi are mongrels. Don't tell me you think Jews are white…
Here’s the article of the bar incident he instigated:
To secure their existence. Why do you have such a hard time understanding this? Or do you think this country is European? It certainly doesn't have a government that works exclusively in the interests of Europeans.
This board is dead. Fuck you all.
His mom is a Dominican Republic immigrant who brought him over as a small child. Should he go back to the DR? Probably. Is it better if he goes back to the DR has a national socialist? Yes. It's still good that a non-white person is talking freely about several important talking points when most shitskins talk about dey repurashins n shit.
united states is a white country user.
non whites are interlopers.
why is that hard for you to understand? saying its not a white country is what kikes say. its how they justify genocide of my people. why are you spouting kike talking points?
what talking points? be specific please.
Another Jewish attempt to discredit National Socialism using niggers, who woulda thunk
Only when you have advantage in numbers and weapons. In one-on-one situation you sit quiet and nod.
too bad you never did it
As long us a government doesn't serve in the interests of Europeans alone, it's not a European government and consequently not a European/white country.
No one has a divine right to have a country, everyone has to fight for it. If this is a white country, why are there non-whites and why are there kikes in control?
no fuck you
Mistery meat mogrel.
I can ssee a jew, a spic and part nigger. Triracial.
Looks like some Cuban communistic shit.
Based mutts. I love being Russian, English, Scottish, German, Polish, Italian, Greek, Norwegian, Irish, French, Spanish, Latvian, and Swedish! I regularly practice my Germanic-British-Celtic-Gaelic-Iberian-Slavic-Mediterranean-Baltic culture and feel a deep connection to all my peoples, me and my neighbors hold these cultural events. Nothing fills me with more pride then looking in the mirror and seeing my strong Nordic-East Slavic-Apline-Mediterranean-West Slavic-Balkan-Breton-Baltic facial features. I only wish every European would mix with other Europeans from outside their ethnicity so we can have no more brother wars and then Europe will be a White ethnic state just like America!
i know what youre trying to say, but its not well thought out. youre basically saying what every nigger and every kike is saying about the US.
I'm from Europe, but nice try.
Yeah, it probably does sound bitter, but such is reality considering the people who are suppose to be representing us, support and enable genocide against us.
Black Nazi guy is still my fav though. He honestly gets National Socialism better than half these boomer newfags that have arrived. Guess I'm hanging at nein now.
Then go back to your small shithole I will call you if the next exodus happen so your site wont fall to irrelevancy.
Then why do you care about a term used to separate non-whites from whites? You should be a nationalist and care about your own culture and people not some globalist-lite worried about a broadly defined “white” people. White nationalism cannot exist outside of the colonies because they don’t have cultural hertiage and the vast majority are some mix of European ethnicities, that loses each ethnicity in the process. White nationalism in Europe means putting other countries ahead of or at the same standing as your own, and that’s not nationalism.
Good. Good.
The mistake (((you))) made (as your post is divisive and subversive, attempting to fracture white people back into their warlike tribes) was that you grouped white people into ONE demographic.
They won't split off into internecine warfare again until the nation is 95% white.
If ever.
You don't fucked up good this time, Moishe. Article related:
Days of Broken Arrows On The Elites’ Miscalculation
In elitist circles, it’s not polite anymore to call people “stupid redneck,” “dumb wop,” or drunken mick.” So the rich folks have found a way to trash working class Americans by declaring whiteness an illness.
However, what this has done instead is brought all the rednecks, wops, micks, and others together against THEM. This is a fuse they should not have lit.
The pathologization of Whiteness is an EliteWhite workaround to continue to slur FreeWhites as the scope of socially acceptable slurs has narrowed, but the anti-Whiteness campaign has also been accelerated by the huge and growing surge of POCs for whom the urge to slur is more than a status signal to peers; it’s a bloodthirsty howl from their ids.
Elitist Whites, as DoBA wrote, have no idea the hunger and strength of the beast they uncaged. It was all fun and games when these haughty Whites could enjoy a slander or two while clinking their glasses of flavored water, but now that their imported pets have crashed the party it’s an all-nighter of forties, blunts, and gunfire.
Welcome to the jungle you fertilized, shitlibs. I hope you enjoy its…creature comforts.
Whatever faggot, I acknowledge and support every man and woman of Europe wherever they are in this world in securing their existence.
like i said earlier. if you concede that it's not a white country, then why are we fighting to live in it?
never concede the fact that the united states is white.
it does not belong to """native americans""" since they are not originally from US. whites have more of a claim to this land since """natives""" never homesteaded the united states; whites did. they were nomadic and their population was wiped by a massive plague.
there are no native american cities in the united states (unlike mexico and south america) north america was just hunting lands for savage nomads from asia. whites build an entire civilization here and even bought it from the people claiming it as their extended hunting grounds.
the first people to ever arrive were believed to be vikings so """natives""' cant even maintain that they "found it first"
on top of it even the cities in south america that """natives""" claim are not the original inhabitants, since they told christopher columbus that the cities were built long before they arrived. the depictions of people on those ancient walls were often depicted with blue eyes and golden hair; and even if that's false, its all the evidence we have; even though its not much, its more than what they have.
i understand what youre arguing, but you discourage white people from taking it back by saying its not white. because that implies that theyre not taking it "back" theyre just taking it… which mirrors imperialism.
i'll go any lengths to take back my ancestors land. most would. but to take land thats "not ours"? most would agree that the "moral" thing to do is find new land.
His calling him a national socialist
Since the ideology it's self can be used by any race I don't see anything wrong with that if natsoc is being used instead of nigger culture and muh reparations.
Why are you here?
I have respect for people who go out on a limb to confront the conformist mass public hive mind, even if they are just trolls or actors.
And where would that new land be? Some God promised land that just falls from the sky? I think that justifying your claim on land by 'we were here first' isn't really a strong argument.
How should a person react if they are hit in public, in America for their political or religious beliefs?
You shouldn't. People like this dirty brown piece of shit do this so that anyone with dissident views sees it and is afraid to say anything in public. It's a fake and gay tactic that becomes real. These useful retards are doing what they've been taught. They're collecting Natzee scalps. They expect to be rewarded too.
my point was that there is no suitable "new" land. hence why we shall not CONCEDE ownership of our land like you are saying.
we werent just here first, we built the place. its ours and they want to steal.
your argment is just justifying theft. if a nigger takes your car the car is still yours right? even if hes driving it…
your argument would be "yea its not my car. its his car, but i need it" which would just make you a thief, nomatter your justification. anyone would just say "get your own car"
but arguing that "its my car and that nigger stole it" most would agree that you are justified in taking it back.
If you have right leaning views and the person who hits you is a woman, a fag, or a tranny, you should just walk away. You won't win even if you're right.
If your a shitkin use their own weapon against them and call them racist if you are european.
Walk away.
This. A nigger can punch you in the face and call you a cracker, but if you counter and beat his ass, you're gonna be the one looked at as a racist. Same with fags. I had a tranny get in my face once at a bar for shit I was saying to my friend, didnt even engage with the queer. I tell this faggot to back off and said to get the fuck out of my face. Tranny starts screeching…bartender asks what happened, tranny says that I was spewing hate and that hate has no place here. Bartender tells me that I have to leave because they dont tolerate bigotry. Literally I was talking about immigration to my friend, not involving anyone. If tranny had attacked me and I engaged, i would have been super fucked.
I don't think we understand each other. I don't care what race was where at what age, all I care is to secure a territory exclusive for my people in order to realize the 14 words.
But if you think you need to justify that by some sort of morality, go ahead I guess.
I enjoy watching AshkeNAZIs get their heads bashed in with shovels and bats. Got any vids you can share of you enjoying your festivities?
Communists do this every time, whoever happens to be the scape goat at the time. Right now its white people and "nazis." Pretty soon there will be a national socialist presence. We will not debate in the street with these people. We will mind our business, until they inevitably attack us, and we will then defend ourselves. That is when the state will come in, and defend the communists, and so the civil war will commence, launched by foreign and domestic communists in the government and on the street. They want this war. Just like they've always wanted these wars. They slaughtered the Slavs, the Serbs, the Germans, the polish, the Hungarians, the french, the Spanish… everywhere judeo-communism has spread, mass killings have occurred in an attempted genocide of the host population.
We have been warned plenty of times throughout history of this repeating process.
It was real in your mind?
Looks Indian. Hail Indra.
It was real in your mind.
But you've never done it.
justifications are required to keep motivation, motivation isnt just for yourself. whether i need it personally to justify my actions is irrelevent. your grand children will not be convinced to steal land they have no claim to, since you denied that claim of ownership.
thats whats wrong with whites as a people right now. they've internalized the "its not a white nation" "all white countries belong to everyone" "whites did all the bad things in the world" all that white guilt worked extremely effectively and turned a generation into nihilists that allowed our WHITE nation to be ransacked to the point where saying "its okay to be white" is seen as a "divisive statement"
look at how kikes defend their """homeland""" of israel. the kikes at the top know it was never theirs, but in order to motivate and mobilize as a people, they had to make people understand that it was "THEIR" rightful land. only difference is whites are telling the truth
There's also nothing wrong with bashing in a nigger's skull. I do it all the time.
shame that shit tier bait like this gets so many (you)s
really says something about the present quality of this board
go shoot up the stock exchange
And the root of this problem is losing our touch with the Nature's law. And now every European, especially those who don't live in Europe, feel the need to have to justify the fight for their existence by 'we were here first guys'.
I see this as kikes tricking the whole world into supporting them. What does a kike care if its rightfully his or not, kek.
I wonder what motivated Europeans to settle other lands throughout the history, what do you think their justification was?
Didn't mean to put meme arrow on the first sentence.
Who cares? Nazis are a fucking joke anyway
is where its at
How many of these loser (1) and dones are you going to make today?
How many are the mods going to leave up?
t. brainlet
Just kys my man, nobody cares.
Hates National Socialism, behaves like a plain fascist.
Can't explain that.
Is it me, or is National Socialism starting to become contagious?
kek would bang tbh
Seed his little boypussy with my superior natsoc cum
Its not gay if Im on top lol
Don't reply to your own posts kiddo. Its bad form. I know you've been told this before.
Judaism is trannyism.
The cure to Judaism is National Socialism and for the mixed race people Duginism without the fag sodomy.
fuck off degenerate
Why are you arguing with that creature as though its serious?
Report it and move on.
It never will be because it's a losing strategy, Jew.
You're superior, to what? You look like you haven't seen a weight heavier than a pen in a decade, you faggot
I just talked to you about this IP hopping shit, loser.
You're just saying that because you know I am riyou faggot LARP
This guy is some kind of mestizo, an ex proudboy who was further radicalized. He's the one who recently bround Jan Lamprecht (History Reviewed Channel) and Monika Schaefer to the USA to give a speech at his event called "Fash Bash", so that's that.
That's why you carry.
You need some help, schizo
apparently not since we have a sizable amount of traitors in our ranks that arguably outweigh the amount of people fighting for our right to exist.
you seem to misunderstand the problem. we exist. securing our existence makes little sense when we exist.
not the only argument…
even a child can understand ownership. "this was my dads, you took it from him, its rightfully mine" but just try explaining to a kid that "we need that thing to live… TAKE IT" "but we're already alive? stealing is wrong? wtf dad?"
youre ignoring the enemy strategy.
there are a bunch of jews who hate the idea of israel because they know its not theirs. they prefer to be a traveling parasite i suppose
they know the truth and turn on their own people. the same happened to us, except swap truth/conditioning.
the jews that hate israel are in the minority because theyre selected from the ones that sought the truth (few). but most jews vehemently defend israel because "its rightfully ours"
we have whites that want the white race to be genocided out of white guilt. and the truth is we have no reason to be guilty. youre suggesting we ignore that fact and just "take what we want/need"… and if we maintain that mentality and do that, the future generations will look back and see us as thieves living on stolen land. repeating the cycle.
i believe the prevalence of truth is paramount to overcoming our current struggle.
could you imagine how quickly things would change if schools taught us the truth? if the news was constantly talking about REAL issues?
even outsiders would support our cause.
Mods are asshole s, like the rest of you. You heard the President today
You need to stop constantly spamming the board while hopping IPs every two posts, loser.
Mods are /int/fags. The pres is a jewish cuck.
He doesn't want to to pay for being an asshole
Let him he is not fooling anyone but disruption