Trump's Re-Election

If Trump wins again how many leftie cucks will kill themselves?
How likely do you think he is to get a second term?

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No, but I would kill myself though.


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vote patrick little or ron paul if you're not over that yetyou could have prevented it then dehumanize yourself and face splash potions in minecraft

I hope so

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kill yourself


What about tulsi gabbard?

If you don't vote the cultural marxists will have no opposition.

>caring about rigged elections and (((democracy)))
Go kill your self.

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I'm not voting.

Wew what an underwhelming reaction compare to last election, he'll surely trigger the libs own the libs once more.

Hero Tulsi Gabbard calls Trump a Puppet of Netanyahu


Imagine being white and not voting for Andrew Yang and $1000 a Month
So is all the EBT given to niggers, section 8 housing, Medicare, Bailouts for Jewish Banks and Auto Companies
Secure The Bag
YANG 2020

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There is no political elections nor voting out of this solution cuck.

No political solution*


动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

At least put an easter egg in there for people who jewgle translate it cunt

Only reason I'd vote for the guy is to speed the process of decline towards collapse of modern america. And that's if he had a chance against whatever other candidate.

No political solution, European man needs to regress back to barbarism to become free once more.

Your delusional to continue falling for false promises.

Wait until we get closer to the conventions and the stump speech portion of the schedule. They'll ramp those RenTech/SCL servers up and get those bots juicing the post count.

only reason i'm voting for trump again is to watch the delusional left go into full melt down, no other candidate that actually has a chance will antagonize the leftist like trump will, if we want things to kick off we're going to have to provoke the left and make them believe that their worst fears appear to be true….they are literally anyone but trump at this point, so i vote for trump. lol.

I just hope Hillary show her face again.

Most forums have been successfully demoralized and no longer pose the threat they once did. The Internet will have far less, almost non-existent influence after this election. This will embolden political leaders to institute laws dismantling what they consider disruptive political media. While most of what they seek will be considered unconstitutional, it will go unchallanged.

And why is that bad? Let them make the normie suffer, let the normie see he needs to support the alternative for his own good.

pretty much this.

go toss a vote for whoever, it really doesn't matter, to keep up the facade of being a normal soycuck and then sub to pewds.



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You can have back your carrot on a stick, jackass.

Anti-chink copypasta isn't for your entertainment, /b/tard.

Troll the libtards epic style amirite fellow MIGApede???

theyll get the democrat candidate to say some retarded shit and theyll pull up planted dirt and trump will be chosen to win again while 4 more years of slow decay and boomer tier maga patriotardism. i expect trump to be selected but i wouldnt be surprised if they know how pacified we are and choose the democrat to make gay pedophilia legal sooner.

o im laffin

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i just said who i was voting for and why, you're free to do what you want for whatever reasons you think are just. just quit being a faggot. faggot.

Oh the irony.

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Oh man it just occured to me that I could use my deepfakes setup to swap out captain chad and prump

You're a MIGAtard and you're horrible at hiding it.

check em.
do it faggot.

Whatcha sliding moshe?

and forgot to sage

And I was stating a matter of fact, that your made to keep this political game of zionist A vs. zionist B going because you want your carrot.

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it's impossible for him to get reelected because he would need either Florida or Pennsylvania and both are impossible

doesn't matter anyway because his presidency was nothing but a disappointment, he hasn't done anything but suck off kikes, muhnorities, women, big corporations, and warmongers ever since he got elected

no u. what is this reddit tier shit talking?

serious question then, give me one candidate that is honestly not going to get cucked by the jews.
i'll listen, it's not like i'm some qdumbfuck or anything, i just tend to think there's no difference between any of the politicians and everything we are presented with is just optics, i've never seen any politician not keep with the status quo, Trump is no different than obama, obama is no different than bush and so on and so forth, they all do the same cucked shit just at different speeds based on the sentiment of the nation….people say it's a pendulum, fucking bullshit, it never actually swings back, it just slows down in it's moving forward towards complete cuckdom.'s a pendulum on a train.
but hey, like i said, i'm willing to listen, i admit i can be wrong, just need you to show me.

Not what I promised but OC nonetheless

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I wouldn't know.

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That's the POINT.
Quit relying on others for solutions. Stop relying on representatives that are put there to fuck you over.

lol, this is fucking america, zog nation, you're fucking delusional if you think it's anything other than zog a vs zog b…. if it wasn't things wouldn't be half as fucked as they are now and there might actually be real hope in saving our people.
i'm sorry, i just don't think that is the case.
did you guys seriously think trump was going to be lord and savior or something?
only voted for him for the first time because he pissed the left off, it's not like i had any real expectations of anything different from any other president, again, zog nation…. it's beginning to seem like you guys are super pissed off because you actually believed he was going to be different….

This is a national socialist board
Go back to your small containment or cuckchan.

Which makes you extremely stupid and pathetic.

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Very likely he wins. He wasn't very eager to destroy Syria. That's probably one reason ZOG may not see him as ideal. Other than that Jared Koshner is married to daughter and he recognized Jerusalem as embassy. ZOG also likes creating division in host population, which he does.

Get the fuck out.

Trump = jew

A systemic election doesn’t matter when the system is a cesspool of corruption and Jewish interests. Which is why I say: nuke em all.

then what do? just not vote period? i agree, we need a revolution, like actual fucking war. but what am i going to do in the meantime? just play with my micro-cock? only thing that i personally think is going to have any sort of effect is pissing off the emotionally and mentally unstable progressives…. the trumptards have already made it clear they aren't going to be the ones who are going to take up arms and start shooting in the streets…the left however would have done exactly that if those fbi faggots didn't stop them before they got to the border.
i'm presenting my solution, but the fact of the matter there is no winnable solutions available to use at this point in time.
if i'm wrong then spell it out for me, i WILL change my mind and i WILL vote for someone else if there is a better path that will wrestle us away from the jews and make our homelands what they should be…i just don't see the path.

Improve your self and get a family at the mean time.

God forbid you just not fucking vote for a goddamn Zionist to piss them darn libtards off you stupid piece of shit.

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not great but saved.

so why did you vote for Trump?
or are you going to be a pussy and try to claim you didn't now it's been demonstrated that he's a zog puppet like anyone else? lol

Maybe I could make a BT edit for final form.. I'll wait till some inspiration hits me

You really think anybody but your dumbass voted for him?

lol, fuck back off to reddit newfag.

Jesus Fucking Christ.
Just be prepared for the collapse that will come soon. Train yourself, become healthy, learn stoicism, raise an family, learn to become self-sufficient by hunting and planting your own food on land away from the city.

That's the start at least.

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More irony from a retarded "PISS THEM LIBURULS OFF" MIGApede.

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Not many, few are still invested.
Extremely unlikely, as the consequence of Trump's own actions.

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He won't even say the phrase "white people".

i can't say i've seen many of his speeches. he really won't even acknowledge that "whites" even exist? what a swindle those cattle had gotten.

I don't know if you realize this, but if our current civilization falls, we as a species will never reach this same level of technology ever again. We've simply depleted all the easily-accessible resources on the planet already. Basically, we'll be stuck as a race of Mad Max barbarian monkeys for eternity until we kill ourselves off entirely.

We have to become a space-faring species and we have to start collecting resources from outer space if we are to avoid that terrible fate.

meh, i kinda get what you guys are saying but no voting out of protest is super ineffective at accomplishing anything, at least voting for trump again i can at least piss off a group of people i dislike….i can't see why you guys are this passionate and opinionated about me voting for trump and my reasoning if that is your stance in general and you agree it doesn't matter who you vote for.
maybe i'm just not half as serious about all of this shit as you guys are, like i said, it's all a joke to me for the most part,politics,voting,ect
the only thing i want in earnest is a civil war and that's not something you can really vote for. lol

i've been preparing for the collapse for 15 years now…i'm not going to be any more prepared than i already am, good advice but doesn't change anything about the situation.

i hope you're joking…'re half retarded so i can't tell sometimes.

I dislike cuckservatives more than libshits, as traitors are always worse than enemies.
Voting for Dems will let me piss off a group of people I don't like.
Voting for Trump again is just voting for Israel, aligning yourself with cuckservatives, and thats cancerously gay.

bullshit, go suck more of that environmentalist cock, besides when we wipe out a good portion of the population we will suddenly need less resources and can actually ensure they are being put to best use, part of the problem now is the diversity in culture and the fact that white countries are the best at reducing material use and are offset by all of the gooks and niggers just pissing everything away.
we'll be fine.

Yeah who cares if you're actively betraying your people and country. Who cares if you're a huge fucking tool. YOU PISSED OFF THEM LIBERALS, am I right?
That much is very clear. You should be thrown off a cliff and feasted on by vultures.

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Pretty much this.

1) We are not one species.
2) We have reached further technologic heights in the past.
3) The assumptive nature of your reasoning as to how technological advancement must transpire is alarmingly limited in vision.
4) I would rather hit the Great Filter than spread niggerdom and jewry to the stars.

You won't be apart of that, you're a magapede. You're even worse than the liberals in a lot of ways.

well at least that is a somewhat decent argument, on par with my shit tier level argument…. like i said, though, i want war, the right isn't violent when they get pissed off, the left is….at least from my view point the faggots on the right are reactionaries, they only respond to shit, we didn't see those queers the proud boys form until antifa had already became a problem, the right will take up arms and fight but they won't kick shit off due to them being conformist and having respect for the law, no matter how unjust those laws are or who they were made by….antifa and the faggots on the left don't give a fuck across the board.
like i said, just my take on it.

duurrrr ok you little faggot. lol

Never disappoints me.

This pretty much tbh

Neither of those groups ever has or ever will matter. And if you think they ever did you should just get off the internet for a very long time.

>(((environmentalist cock)))
we ecofash now.

prepare to follow in the footsteps of aryan ueberdragon and caretaker of all the natural world spyro the dragon and his cleansing dragon fire breath.


Whats frustrating is the perception that Trump and the opposition are truly different in any way that matters, which all indicators suggest is a falsehood.

If you're on Zig Forums, no matter who you vote for, should they win, you'll be pissing off someone you don't like.
The question is who you dislike more: The mudmen, faggots, women and race-traitors who vote democrat, or the boomers, evanglicals for israel and zionist jews.

Personally, I dislike both of them, but it serves my interests more to have an obvious enemy of White America in power than it does to have a covert enemy of White America in power.

Then you want to vote for a democrat.
Republicucks are a holding pattern disguised as change - Whites devote votes and energy to them, and when in power, the GOP shows itself to be full ZOG. Better to have an obvious foe standing before the people than someone who can ruse many of them into thinking he's a good guy.


Sure ya were kiddo.
IP hopping is bad form.

Poe's law.

Cogent response from a vastly superior intellectual.

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You cannot even comprehend most people here not voting. It's beyond you.

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Maybe Trump will grant free American citizenship to people from Haiti. Watch the lunatic liberals twist themselves into pretzels trying to oppose that! I can't wait for the Mark Dice video where he shows how hypocritical those Democrats are. They're the real racists.


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Because I doubt that's the case, frankly.

If you wanted to campaign for it, you could try, but I wager it would be a failure due to low-cognitive base and aggressive counter-propaganda.

I JUST told you that IP hopping was bad form.
Fucks sake dude.


Jews are clearly coupling pro-Israel policies with anti-PC policies in the Republican party so that MAGAtards and anti-PC types are baited into voting Republican and enriching Jews and making Israel great again

I doubt that you doubt that.


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you're actually retarded, those groups have a polarizing effect on the larger population, if you don't understand this we should probably cease communicating with each other.

i understand what you're trying to do here,but do you honestly think after obama the people on the right will ever actually START something…i tend to think they are all a bunch of pussies and will never actually fight for what the believe in….why do people on the right always wait to be attacked before doing anything?
like i said, i want war,maybe i am retarded, i just don't see how people think provoking the right is going to be more expedient than provoking the left?