Hail pol
I am creating a list of race traitors/kikes/mudsharks/journalists to purge for thé Day of the Rope, I'm thinking US and Europe, please send me names and addresses/mail/Phone number
That includes random everyday Thots
C'mon get these names rollin' goyim
Hail pol
Do it yourself faggot, start with the synagogue.
Bogus. Live in peace.
Why do you need a list? Don't they all qualify for DOTR?
In this day and age? Fuck that
Checked. Our enemies are attacking us so why should we give them peace?
To warn them about incoming DOTR ?
Nice reverse psychology here, shlomo.
Zig Forums is a board of peace, officer.
No need to list them here, just type "filter:verified [insert left-wing term/organization of your choice]" in the twitter search field under a VPN logged out.
Zero effort fedthread.
Shit thread, but judas.watch is worth checking out if someone hadn't already heard of it.
List of individuals? Shit it’s probably easier to make a list of people who should NOT be hung
But I think having a database for companies that we should boycott is necessary and useful
You know that pic is basically btfoing Zig Forums, right?
Brie Larson
Who's that ?
Plato talks about people that know the truth beyond the trash, in that case it is not"btfoing" Zig Forums, jew.
No, what does that mean ?
Chill out y'all stupid goyim, I just want some names of people actively or passively (mudsharks) harming our race
Zig Forums doesn't understand any esoteric truth. That's why it projects mundane politics onto that quote.
I don't know whatn"btfoing" means user
Lol good goy that's a nice answer tho
Looking into it right now ;)
Know what kill yourself means?
Pretty accurate depiction of me 😄
Chill out goy english is ont my 1rst language
THIS. Brie Larson
And John Legend and his whole family.
Jotting down names right now 😘
Open to more…
That faggot from reddit Alexis Ohanian and his nigger chimp Serena Williams
Man I really hate these stupid normie fags, let's be prepare to punish them swiftly when the time comes
Nice i didn't know about this disguting legend mulatto
Is it a star? Is it a deep sea lure fish? Nah, it's just the glowing alphabet niggas.
Yeah whatever faggot, it's not like i'm tryng to do something useful unlike you
Gosh why is it impossible to get anything done in far-right circles, it's like y'all just wanna drown under continuing waves of 3rd worlders i guess
If you're going to kill someone start with yourself loser.
anyone who responds to this bait deserves to be on this guys list
You just confirmed being a shill.
Wrong post link.
good thing about tourist raid is that the shills are low IQ
Nigga what
Why so much (self?)hate 😗